
Tales of the Reincarnated

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arthuronuranus · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 8: Returning Home

Sky Calendar 527th Year.

The late December sun brought solace to the quiet wintry lands.

To the south of the Kongwu Kingdom was a deep ravine running across the lands..

And the Qiubai family was situated near this giant ravine granting them the name of their territory, "Great Gorge Province".

The ravine was rich in mineral resources single handedly supporting a majority of their industries.

The Qiubai family could be traced back to the birth of the Kongwu kingdom and was rumored to have aided the first king in rebellion.

The truth of the matter was only known to the head of the family.

In fact, as a half millennium family, this wasn't their greatest secret.

Since long ago, the Mortal Realm was split into two continents by an ancient war.

These two poles of the Mortal Realm were Skyspire and Mythosia, separated by a treacherous sea.

Kongwu origin was in Skyspire but the Qiubai family was not.

As for their exact origins… This was something even the head of the family wanted to figure out.

The greatest secret was a secret you couldn't remember.

And right now, the Qiubai family's head was distressed.

A handsome middle aged man, with a beard and squinting eyes paced back and forth in a room.

When he was younger it was said that his jawline made him popular among the noble ladies.

But unfortunately, the motto of the Qiubai family passed down from the ancestors was "character determines fate".

The Qiubai family believed that the way a person's characters determined their future outcome.

For example, if their character was frivolous, eventually the person would one day die on the belly of a woman. (or between the thighs of a jacked goth muscle mommy...waiiit whhaatt? who wrote this??)

The current Qiubai family head, Qiubai Weiqi(whey chi), firmly believed in this principle

Against all odds, he married a talented magic caster from the lower class.

Currently, Qiubai Weiqi was pacing back and forth in the study room.

His usual well groomed appearance was now unkempt with wrinkled clothes and loose hair.

The usual demon of a grand caster was nowhere to be seen.

His wife, Felicia was now pregnant and was about to give birth to the next Qiubia family heir.

And with his keen battle honed intuition, he could detect that some rats were currently prepared to move.

If he were his own enemy , he would precisely choose now to play some tricks.

His wife, a senior magic caster, was weakened due to pregnancy and he was also incapacitated.

He had sacrificed some of his origin in a ceremony in order to preserve the talent of the soon to be born heir..

Qiubai Weiqi was currently in his weakest state…though it was worth it.

Who said his seed couldn't be as talented or suave as their father?

"Mr. Hayate."

With a call, a vague shadowy silhouette slowly materialized.

This was the Qiubia family's head butler, Hayate Ryo.

A suited lanky man with a stern look on his face.

"I'm Here"

"He should be arriving soon, go look after him for me"


With a swish, Qiubai Weiqi sent away Hayate Ryo.

Qiubai Weiqi rested a hand on the ledge of a window and surveyed the rows of buildings outside.

"I hope I'm thinking too much."

"But the timing…right during Felicia's pregnancy…"

"Well, whatever"

Qiubai Weiqi heaved a sigh and looked out the window.

( ˘ ^˘ )=3

The bustling city teeming with life.

This foundation was created through 500 years of hard work by a history of blood, sweat and tears.

This was his real backing.

Anyways, he was a grand caster. The third stage of a magic caster and third order lifeform. Even a debuffed superhuman was still a superhuman. Confidence in one's own strength was a necessity for his position.

What troubles could he possibly have?

No conspiracy was worth mentioning in front of absolute crushing strength.


The sunlight in winter shone through a carriage hood like rays of hope dispelling a gloomy white world.

Winter was almost over and spring was rapidly approaching.

In the distance, there was a carriage trekking along the snow dotted road.

Sleek black design adjourned with golden carvings.

Those golden carvings were magic matrixes inscribed by enchanters to apply magic effects on physical items.

Made of gold and mithril, a great conductor of magic spells and ether.

The carriage was pulled by a special magic beast resembling a horse.

A special variety of horses bred in ether rich conditions. (magic is all supernatural phenomenon mainly referred to spells casters use and ether is like the battery)

In the approaching distance, a silhouette of a city could be faintly spotted as the carriage moved forward.

A huge medieval city structure surrounded by a large natural moat through a river gushing from a nearby ravine.

This was the capital city ruled by the Qiubai Family…

And sitting within that carriage was naturally the firstborn of the Qiubai family…Qiubai Balin.

After using the teleportation device to get to the nearest transfer city, he decided to use the standard transportation on the way back.

Money saved. (˘ ˘ ˘)

Soon, the carriage came to a rolling stop and the sentries immediately noticed the crest on the carriage.

A ram with two horns.

This was the magic beast called the Ruru Goat.

And a special inhabitant of the ravines in the Great Gorge.

Like the common goat or sheep except every muscle fiber of the ruru goat was saturated with magical energies making them extremely buff.

Quick, agile, and intelligent…the ruru goats which were native inhabitants of the great gorge soon became the symbol of the ancestors of the Qiubai Family.

The carriage with the rurugoat emblem flag easily bypassed the long line of people and headed into the city after inspection.

"You're here Sir Balin."

When the carriage came to a jolt, Qiubai Balin realized he had arrived.

Stepping out of the carriage, an elderly gentleman in leather boots greeted him.

He wore a simple silk tunic, trousers, and adjourned with a short gray cloak.

Stern face, lanky, and a fashionable mustache that apparently was well groomed.

A keen observer would spot that he wore a pair of black gloves with an intricate gold pattern carved on it.

A magic conductor device! Or in layman terms…a staff built as a pair of gloves. Magic casting equipment.

Skilled opponents would immediately recognize him as a short distance mage from his wand type.

Qiubai Balin lewdly smiled upon seeing the lanky old man.

"Mr. Hayate, you're still as vigorous as ever."

"Have you found a wife yet?"

Qiubai Balin put his thumb and pointer finger together to make a circle.

(≖ ͜ʖ≖)👉👌

"Ahem. Sir Balin. You are quite humorous. There are business matters to attend to."

Hayate Ryo forced a smile and gestured for Qiubai Balin to follow.

As usual, the experienced butler didn't budge an inch.

Qiubai Balin could still recall the first time he performed such a profane action two years ago and broke the butlers defenses on spot. But now, the butler didn't budge an inch.

And as time went on, in this lonely world, teasing the butler had become his only pastime.

Slowly watching that iron face crumble as the butler desperately tried to maintain a straight face was one of the few joys that replaced his mobile phone.

Qiubai Balin could guarantee the expression that the butler made at that time was worthy of an opera king.

Eventually, even his father Qiubai Weiqi picked up this hobby as well… except for different reasons.

He genuinely wanted the butler to spread branches and leaves.

As the magic caster breaks away from the shackles of humanity, natural biology comes into play as well.

The general rule discovered was that the mightier a being, the harder it was to naturally conceive a child.

But if they did, the chance of the offspring inheriting the talents of the parents was also greater..

The essence of a stronger magic caster subtlety changes cells and genes.

It was said at the level of the gods, even gender and race could be easily switched.

Of course, now the butler was long used to such jokes.

"I have to come up with new ones," Qiubai Balin thought as he followed the butler into the castle garden.

Passing through vibrant shades of blue, pink, and purple eventually they arrived at a table with a large parasol blocking out the sun.

"Please sit."

The butler Hayate gestured at the table seats.

Only after Qiubai Balin sat down, the butler also sat down.

The butler picked up a porcelain teapot(said to be transported from Mythosia) and gently poured Qiubai Balin a cup of black tea and pushed it towards him.

Of course, Qiubia Balin accepted his invitation. He gently blew on the tea before taking a light sip and savoring the disgusting aftertaste.

'Good tea.'

While the two lightly sipped tea with one feigning enjoyment, in the far distance snow lightly sprinkled the ground.

The warm golden caresses from the sun couldn't dispel the chill in the air. The occasional snowfall would also make life harder for the lower class.

But a large magic circle matrix sheltered the entire capital city radiating from the Qiubai family castle.

Although it couldnt covered the entire territory of the Qiubai family, it was enough to ensure the harsh effects of the seasons couldn't deeply penetrate the main city. The effects were especially evident at the castle.

The tea was still steaming through the combined effects of temperature regulation and the heat preservation effects of the container.

While Qiubai Balin was leisurely sipping tea and easing back into home, the butler was also secretly observing him.

He hadn't seen his young master in a year since he took a vacation at the royal academy.

And it seems like the young master was still the same as two years ago. ( ๑˘ω˘ )



i really should facking stawp with schedules i cant keep..sorrry cuties :(. im fxcking  ppooooped ahhh. took me three hours to edit this load of **** deleting and redoing whole sections cuz ima perfectionist. its well past midnight for me T-T. well at least its out. ill make it my goal to post one chap a day during november.  in the meantime toodaloo maderfeckers gonna sleeeeeeep(no offense). don't give up, strive for a dream! theres still so much anime out there we havent watched yet! i believes in yall!

will fix chapters list later...yeah numbers r messed up frfr

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