
Tales of the Reincarnated: Dropped

This work has been sealed away, sorry! (cover: ins @elena_loves_to_draw)

arthuronuranus · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Chapter 10: Hope Orphanage ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

Qiubai Balin put down his teacup and urged the butler, "Take me to the orphanage, I want to check the situation for myself."

"You're not going to see Lady Felicia first?"

Balin shook his head.

"No, in a situation like this dad would be personally guarding her.

Most of the city defenses would probably also be concentrated on the castle perimeter in preparations for the newborn heir.

My father is still a third order grand caster.

An injured giant is still a giant."

The gap between different orders was like the difference between the sky and the ground.

A magic caster at the level of magic apprentice would have no chance against the second order official caster.

This wasn't some novel in which the protagonist could leapfrog and slay a higher level boss with a smaller level.

Every promotion in the order involved a fundamental leap at life level.

This was also the reason Qiubai Balin could take advantage of the three hooligans at school quite easily. If they were an official magic caster, Qibai Balin would probably eat shit.

A first order magic caster who just barely started on the road of magic was really too chicken ribs.

This was also precisely why magic apprentices from well off families would have a knight attendant to be a meat shield.

"Mother will be safe. We would only get in the way if there was a conflict.. If he couldn't take someone down I doubt we would be able to either."

"Instead we should approach the problem from another angle. This would help more than being extra targets and distracting them."

Butler Hayate gave a nod of approval…the young master was really shrewd now.

Besides, Qiubai Balin was more worried about the orphanage than the family really.

The Qiubai family with 500 years of accumulation wasn't exactly a weak chicken but the children at the orphanages didn't have any self protection power at all.

Before, just the reputation of the Qiubai family could coerce any trouble makers since the orphanage was located close to the castle.

Occasionally, multiple city patrols would wander around the area for added security measures.

But now with the chaos he was afraid…


Besides he had many more questions he would like to verify.

Why at such a moment?

Did someone predict that this would be the best time to make a move?

As far as he knew there wasn't any public announcement about the change of heirs. So did someone guess the possibility from the movement of guards. And did they know of his father's weakness after performing the ceremony?

But even if they did, news dissemination shouldnt occur so quickly given the productivity of this world unless a traitor was involved in the process.

The city was also well fortified so even if there were few guards it would have been difficult for an entire criminal organization to enter the city.

Qiubai Balin frowned in thought.

'How troublesome. The real problem is their motive. Why not target an easier territory? It probably isn't any of my cheap dad's enemies from the noble circle. Even if a marquis fall, the spoils would automatically be claimed the the king'

But the most important matter right now was the missing children. Not because he was afraid of tarnishing his reputation. But this was simply a duty he owed to his predecessor.

And he had to get to the children before they were bound through a magic contract.

The Kongwu kingdom had outlawed slavery but the widespread use of magic contracts binding the mind were still allowed.

These contracts could only be signed with consent from both parties giving the weaker more rights.

Though there was a workaround…coercion.

It also wasn't uncommon for unscrupulous capitalists to enact unfair terms like a lifetime of labor due to the lack of regulations.

The only factor preventing these contracts from spreading was the cost to make them.

Essentially it was slavery in a more polite manner.

Qiubai Balin gave Hayate a glace,

There were too many questions for now but he was too lazy. Let his cheap father handle it.

"We'll figure out the rest later. Even if it's just the two of us, it's enough. Find them and we'll dig out those traders by the roots. I don't believe they can make it out of the city without a trace. Even if they did, we're surrounded by the great gorge so they won't be able to make it far."

Butler Hayate stood up and gave a slight bow,

"As you wish Sir Balin."


The streets of the city were built narrowly with buildings crowded together.

This form of construction was used to prevent attacking armies and to mimic magic spells.

Qiubai Balin and his Butler Hayate were dressed in a low key manner covered in a brown cloak.

Moving along the cobblestone streets that seemed to have sprung from the earth itself winding through a tapestry of buildings.

Their boots left a trail of shallow footprints sunken into the snow.

Along the way, buildings containing weathered stone were a testimony to the age of the city and the care of the city redients.

Wood, stone and marble homes line the narrow streets, some decorated with flowers and their delicate blooms added a touch of vibrant life.

The intricate buildings near the city center were constructed with a calculated purpose characterized by a focus on proportion and symmetry in geomancy.

This city was built according to the principles of magic circle thaumatology making it a giant spell!

Although expensive, it ensured that the city's defenses against disaster were second to none.

This style of turning cities into magic circles was unique mostly to the Kongwu kingdom which gathered the world's talents in magic casting..

In the distance, taverns with wooden signs swaying in the breeze could be seen.

Usually, the streets in the middle of the day would be bustling, displaying the vibrant nature of the city.

But now in the decadent cold environment, there was nowhere to be seen the past glory.

Only a few bold people and the occasional patrols wandered the streets.

On the outskirts of the city center capital, Qiubai Balin soon stopped in front of a wooden building.

Seemingly isolated from the world in a remote corner…a three story wooden house.

Polished wooden walls and a small swing hanging from a distant tree.

There were green vines crawling up the wooden walls bringing a touch of life to the building.

The building was nestled within a serene clearing surrounded by a rare patch of city grass and mulberry trees.

Warm brown hues of the timber building blended in seamlessly with the thin winter sunlight filtering through the tree branches.

At the entrance, the butler took a specialized key and opened the bolted gates of the orphanage.

The metal gate made a squeak at the hinges and excess snow drizzled down like dust.

The fluttering of snow was like a gentle rain arousing emotions deep within Qiubai Balin.

His vision overlapped with a distant memory…

Cries of children full of apprehension and joy rang out and a blurry distant face could be seen smiling as a familiar figure led a group of children.

'This…our past?'

Qiubai Balin was stunned for a brief moment until the butler brought him back to his senses.

"Sir Balin, is something the matter?

"No, let's keep goings." Qiubai briefly waved and dismissed the butler.

Without a word, they entered the building each step bringing nostalgia .

Passing by the words "Hope orphanage" carved on the gate, Qiubai Balin gave a wry smile.

He found life ironic…many times what appeared to be a straight road was actually a circle.

Wandering around aimlessly back on a blue star constantly searching for a purpose and looking for hope…

In the end, his predecessor, himself in another world, ended up giving him that purpose.

Home was never a place, but a feeling and where the heart belonged.

Two lives, two perspectives, and two worlds. The disillusioned kid that liked to dream and an old soul given new life. It was now his job to do what the predecessor always wanted to do..

Hope orphanage…

This was the only place his predecessor could release his inner child and be happy without the troublesome etiquette or intrigue of the noble class.

Qiubai Balin glanced at the cloudy sky.

He had a feeling…that he would find what his meaning in this world soon….his new home

And a gruesome realization…that blue star was really…a distant dream now.



When was the last time yall visited an important memory or place?


i hope yall stay hydrated, sometimes just a small simple step can be the begining of a long road of hope. little by little my fellow warriors <3< p>

just a small sip..first a little stretch...then a small look outside...maybe walking for lil...and eventually a long run or the gym...

i hope if i get the opportunity to meet my past self he could say to me..wow, thanks for trying bro ໒・ﻌ・७