
Tales Of The Phantom

Magic! A power many wish to possess; a power cloaked in secrecy, a power of unknown origins defined as a Miracle that cannot be explained. Upon its discovery, it shifted the world into a new era like never before, an era of steam and gears, an era of war and plagues, an era of hope and darkness, and most importantly an era of nightmares and mysteries. This was exactly the world that Sherlock Prelati found himself in, a world so unforgiving the life expectancy for a normal human being ranges from 30-40 years of age, Sherlock himself is a gifted warlock capable of interacting with the spirits of the dead, but one day he found himself in a situation where his life forever changed when he met a certain individual that sacrifices their life to save him at a cost, now task with the impossible Sherlock must uncover the secrets of the world and unravel the mysteries of magic, the power lies in the secrets, the goal is naught but the dream and the desire can be seen if he walk the path of the lore. Watch as Sherlock enrolls in Merlins academy for the gifted, a place full of mystery, a place full of murder, a place full of secret societies such as cults and secret organizations that fight against the tyranny of nightmares, what can one boy do against all odds, being gifted is a privilege, but being too gifted is a sin or a restraint, jealously, wrath, and pride, these are all's struggles Sherlock most crush under his boots if he wants to reach the top. "So say to me young warlocks, and witches, are thou prepared to traverse into the unknown, are thou prepared for the danger ahead, are thou prepared for the mystery, is thy shall firm-set enough to immerse yourself into the spiral of madness, the sore of insanity, kaka... if so I welcome thou to the orb of the occult. "

Kira_Kazuto_4040 · Fantasie
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25 Chs

The Sonata of Death

The sky was filled with a majestic tapestry of stars, covered by the intangible darkness. The night sparkled in a way that was truly extraordinary, and the beauty of it was something that could never be forgotten.

Just one glance was enough for someone to become immersed in its sparkling beauty, yet now the star was nothing when faced with the darkness, and it was nothing more than a shadow filled void that was hidden by its own veil, something that was known to no one but itself.

I must admit, the sky was not the only attractive thing tonight, the entire setting was full of beauty.

The blood moon twinkling at one level of brightness casts a mischievous look over the world below its glimmer, observing all its spectators, as if patiently awaiting a show to bask in its luminosity.

It didn't take much time before its desire was granted.

It was an alluring tune but yet also ruinous in its presentation. If anything, it sounds like a sad lullaby trying to tell a tale with a tragic story, and its minor tones truly hit differently.

It was as if it was telling a story of an unfortunate fairy tale forgotten in the passage of time; even now I can picture its meaning.

Yes, this story was one of denial.

One of anger.

One of bargaining.

One of depression.

And the saddest of all, one of acceptance.

Even a vague listener could tell by the feeling alone, even from a way, that those lovely but depressive minor notes were the past of an unfortunate person crying out for help. This was what this piece was conveying to me and its listener.

"Beautiful, morbid but beautiful, music like this sure brings back memories though, hahaha... I remember a time when I used to play the piano for my little sister, so innocent, and so cute, not a night goes by without her asking me to play the first movement of the moonlight sonata, honestly, it's been so long that I don't think I can perform the way I used to, even now I hardly remember the notes of the treble clef and bass clef."

I said to myself as I could recall a distant and precious memory of mine, however; I don't remember what my sister's face looks like, nor her voice. I could only recall small things like her behavior and the simplest of things like her name, which was Vanis.

"Hahaha... Vanis I hope you are doing ok, I wonder if are you married now, do you have kids, maybe you might even be a grandma, well whatever it is, I just want you to know that I'm ok, and I have a new family now that is loving, crazy, but loving."

"Wherever you are I just want you to know that I love you, and you have my blessing in whatever path you decide to take, life is short, it's mysterious, but it is never without purpose, hopefully, you and Maria found happiness, then Lionel haha... well much is said when I say my love is strong, I am grateful and lucky man indeed, although my life was short, I was happy I got to meet and share my life with you guys, either way, take care."

I don't know why, but I suddenly feel emotional, extremely emotional, but regardless of that, I tried to calm myself down, but as the music play louder and louder, it was as if memories that I have forgotten began to flash before my eyes.

I could remember everything slowly, but surely.

The taste of my mother's milk in my mouth.

The touch of my pet cat's whiskers brushed past my face.

The sensation of pain for the first time I fell off my bike.

It was all coming back to me slowly but surely, and as if taken by the spirit of the music.

My ears followed the location of the melody, as I began to walk toward it with the hopes of finding the source of such a mystical, depressing piece.

It was sad; it was mystical; it was hypnotic; it was as if I was being pulled to it.

Currently speaking, I was standing in the courtyard full of plants groomed to resemble swans and doves here and there, but the overall design and the way they shaved it was more akin to a giant hedge maze of trim trees, and flowers beautifully glowing.

"Dead end."

I said to myself as I traverse the hedge maze, only to be met with a large wall, again and again, without success, as memories of my past began to flash in my head.

But that wasn't important. My body wanted to find the source and the source it shall be fine. It was as if I was being washed with memories so past that it was impossible to even recall.

Till eventually, I found the source of the beautiful music. There she was, standing in the maze center, she was standing on the fountain top. with a statue of me, specifically my head. The statue was me in a Greek god outfit similar to Zeus, pouring water out of a vase.

Kthilla didn't notice my presence, if anything she was so immersed in playing her musical piece that I would dare say she was at her most vulnerable, but then again, this world is a dream so there is no danger here, this dream space is her final resting place, and my final gift to her after all, a heaven of sorts, one I crafted for her in the abyss, the very place that traps her soul from reincarnating.

Yes Kthilla was facing the blood moon playing from what appear to be a large Japanese bamboo flute, so beautiful, and with such passion that I completely forgot that she is a cosmic horror of an older world, just by looking at her like this, she seem so human, yes maybe this her human side showing.

'That Flute though, if a remember correctly that thing is called a Shakuhachi.'

But as the night goes on, I stay there for an entire hour just watching her play that flute; it was as if it was stimulating my memories, although, why does it make me feel sad, yes that has to be it, that music has some kind of effect on the mind, it only makes me feel so regretful, so much so, I don't want to register some of the truth as is.

But as I was thinking this, the music suddenly stop as she said while stretching her arms and tentacles.

"MHHM... that was a good play marry, although myself should hie and take a swim next. "

But as she said that, I had the urge to tease her, so I commented from behind and said.

"Oh. swimming, ha, maybe I should join you?"

Upon hearing this, her entire body lit up with a familiar blue, and a shiver went up her back as she slowly turn around with a surprised and embarrassed look on her face as she said with a shaky voice and tone.

"H... How... How long hast thou been there?"

"For about an hour, and I must say you play beautifully, although I am amazed you can use your tentacles in such ways to play."

"Is that so, well there is nought I doth about it now, I guess, although next time, please inform or speak to me, I normally do not play this 'i front of people for a reason, you know."

Kthilla said with a relieved expression, to which I ask.

"Why so?"

But when I ask this, she smiles menacingly as she answered.

"Because would I had played all five movements 'i ten minutes, thou would hast died no question bid."

Upon hearing this, my eyes open up in horror as I ask,.

"Say what now?"

I ask in fear for my life, but Kthilla was nice enough to explain to me, as she brought up an interesting topic.

"You would hast died."

She confirms her statement once more, to which I ask again, this time trying to attempt a pleading face.

"Why though?"

And the answer I got scared me.

"Thou see this instrument of mine, is mine divine weapon, every witch or warlock after passing level five and entering the realm of level four or three hath the right to craft a true divine weapon, this flute of mine is one of many, each unique in their own right, this be mine, I bid her 'The Banshee Throat', I cause arrant effects 'i broil would I mere a song, such effect can be Death, Insanity, our even casting curses beyond thou wildest imagination."

"Although I't forbear playing this once I start or the price of me doing that had been mine own perpetual wink, it is mine strongest weapon, although the cost is too severe, honestly, I hast only forsooth used this five times 'i mine entire life when I hail as the witch of secrets, 'I some grand battles of the past that scar the orb for centuries to come, other from that I usually use this as a normal flute from time to time."

Her reply to my question was straightforward. However, my opinion on the instrument and the mere power it possesses by all accounts scared me, so much so, I said.

"That is a very scary ass flute you possess, although it is also a unique weapon if you ask me, am... Just to be sure though, why did a feel regret, and acceptance of many memories of my past? It's like for a moment I remember everything the closer I got to you when you play that melancholic melody?"

"Oh, I wanted to remember mine mother's brow since its being years since I last saw her after her passing, so I played an incomplete version of mine sonata of Death and cast it on myself as well, so instead of being killed after hearing it, anyone that listened to it shall only feel their life flashing ere their eyes that's why thou most like remember many things from thy childhood up til now."

"Men, you witch truly have some weird but interesting powers, although if I'm guessing correctly that flute isn't your weapon right, this is a dream, so where is the original one?"

"You hast a good eye, aye since mine father seals me he took mine divine weapon and toss it 'i the Kingu ocean forever lost to the orb, yet since this power originally is mines to begin with, I recreate the effects hither e'en with a false, and since thy consciousness and soul is weaker than mine thou still be affectioned, as 'The Banshee Throat' is a god slayer weapon, thou't 'scape its effects, hell e'en mine father had been wary of it."

Upon hearing this I was surprised, truly surprised. This is taking music to a whole new level, but I began to think that maybe one day I might need a divine weapon. To be honest, my favorite weapons are my two hands.

But despite that, I'm still a long way from even getting one, so I just forgot about the idea. It wasn't long after I look at her and just said.

"Well, I won't lie. That's a cool power, and a scary one since you can't run from it once the song is finished and you are within its range, but apart from that, I came here for some advice."

And upon saying this, Kthilla jumps down from the fountain and walks down the steps as she said to me.

"Advice ha, 'Tis no trial at all, say to me how may I be of assistance?"

"Well, I discovered yet another power of mine, although I'm at a loss on how to use them properly, I have made scenarios in my head for their uses, but then and again, I want more advice from a senior who once bore the title of secrecy."