
Tales Of the Night

Original story by Numbness _Xx_ Hope Although humans created the stories myths and legends, these became celestial beings that will test this world, and stories both famous and not so famous will watch the human world to be their reincarnation in a new era.

Numbness_Xx_Hope · Fantasie
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4 Chs

-Chapter 3 - 'The Tears That Never Stopped‚'

-Chapter 3-


After the previous event, people started to split up, some went alone and others started to form groups, naturally they were people they already knew or people they had met in the previous test.

Min-Woo and Moon Jin headed towards a group of their previous group of "prey". They were going to the construction site, with group C. When they arrived they were greeted as they knew them, other people had joined in and we discovered that there was more than one safe zone where more people were sheltered so there were more prey.

The second scenario was about to start and we didn't know what it was going to be or how it was going to work, in the group that belonged there were scientists, a scientist called Han Woo Lee, apparently he was trying to decipher the pattern of events and what exactly are the celestials, and also 3 more people participated, one is unknown but another one is Miss Yeon-Mi, she is very kind and very good at her job but she hates to be interrupted, there is also the last member, his name is Jung-Seok, he is too serious and only focuses on science, he is bothered by any living thing that talks.

-Any theories on the subject," said a pregnant lady.

-Not really, we've only been on one mission so there's not much information to go on," said an old man warming himself by the campfire.

-The least we can do is to take turns standing guard and take care of ourselves until the mission shows up," said the military man who saved Min-Woo earlier.

-Even so, we will soon run out of food, tomorrow morning we have to go for more," said Min-Woo.

-I think we should all sleep, we don't know what the next test is and we have to have all the energy we need to complete it," said Moon Jin looking at the interesting system.

-I have to agree with the girl, the test may be similar to the previous one, we should rest for at least a few days," said another soldier.

-All right, but only two nights," said the one who saved Min-Woo.

Everything was decided now, and as soon as the clock struck 10:00 pm, everyone went to sleep to get some energy.

The voice was heartbreaking, it sounded like she was suffering and crying, that woke up the military man who agreed with Moon Jin and decided to get up and go to investigate without waking anyone, he grabbed a torch and started to wander in the lonely street of the city. She was dressed in a beautiful white dress, torn and dirty, she also wore a beautiful white veil on her head, her skin was pale and her arms were thin, she looked like a beautiful woman.

-Are you all right, Miss?" asked the man who was slowly approaching the woman, as he was close enough she started to smell very bad but she decided to ignore him.

-Miss, do you hear me?" he grabbed her shoulder and immediately the woman turned around, she had red wine lips that could be seen through the veil but not her face.

-I can't find my children," said the woman in another language with a sad tone.

-Excuse me? what did you say?

-I don't see," she began to speak in Korean.

-You must have caught an infection from what happened, let me check," the military man approached and removed the veil revealing a woman's face but it was rotting and bleeding, "AHHH!

The Woman in White rushed at him and then sucked out his soul leaving him as thin as a skeleton, skin pale and cold, lifeless -I just want to get back to my children- with a sad tone she said.


The next day began, the first ones to wake up woke up the others, and they realized that one futon was empty, it was the military man's.

-I don't think he's gone that far," said the remaining soldier.

-We should look for him," said a lady while a child hugged him.

-He's a soldier! He'll be fine," said a bitter man.

-It's true, he's a military man but we don't know what we're up against," said Min-Woo.

-I say we should go look for him," said Moon Jin petting a cute white rabbit.

-I agree," answered the military man and Min-Woo in unison, other people also said yes, since they were military men, they were allowed to carry weapons and keep them informed of the situation.

-We have to form a rescue group," said the military man. "I will be the leader, is there anyone who offers to go?

-I'll go," said Moon Jin, still playing with the bunny and then got up from the ground and approached the soldier.

-I'll go too," said Min-Woo.

-I'll go too," said another man.

-I'll go too," said a lady.

-All right, let's go," said the soldier so that they all left the abandoned building in search of the other soldier.

They searched for a few minutes near the area but found nothing until the lady screamed out of fright, everyone immediately ran to their location and found the dead soldier on the ground, they immediately carried him and brought him to the shelter.

The people were frightened, he was skeletal, the scientists decided to investigate what happened to him but found nothing useful, the reason was unknown.

-What do we do now?" spoke Min-Woo.

-We have to hold a meeting of the chiefs of the shelter," said the military man seriously, and immediately all the chiefs went into an office in the building.

The chiefs are not elected by the citizens, when the groups were created, the system gave them the titles and assigned them to the chiefs.

-We have to go out at night to investigate, whatever it was, it was at night because it couldn't have been in the morning," said the military man angrily, "Chief of protection, as the name says, he is in charge of the protection of the group.

-Calm down Jeong-Hyuk, but even we don't know what's going on, it's something that even science can't explain," Han Woo spoke analyzing the situation, chief of analysis, he must investigate the unknown.

-Now our priority is people, there are children, elderly and pregnant women here, we have to find a doctor and more resources, the investigation can wait," spoke Min-Woo, head of care, it is to ensure the mental and physical health of the people in the group.

-That's right, the investigation can wait, it's probably a monster like the ones in a video game, we are in a building, it won't get there so easily unless it knows how to open doors," spoke a man in a smart suit while his arms were crossed, head of administration, he keeps track of food, water and necessary expenses in life.

-Although I somewhat agree with officer Jeong-Hyun, if we don't investigate we won't know how to kill that thing, we should investigate," said Han Woo Lee.

Immediately everyone started to discuss what to do, they were shouting at each other because of the desperation of the situation, it had already been 3 weeks since it all started, everyone was upset and worried.

-I say we do both," said Moon Jin turning on a chair with wheels, Head of the organisation, thanks to her unprofessional mind she is the one who is in the best conditions to see what is best for the group, "She said, there are enough adults to make two groups and look for the two things we need," She stopped her chair and leaned on the table, "Why so much conflict for a decision so easy to make? all were silent because she was right, she just smiled because of the silence.

-Fixed! Jeong-Hyuk, Min-Woo, make your team, 5 people maximum, you can leave whenever you want but bring weapons, you may not be good for what we are facing but you are good for humans," she said with a proud smile.

The two teams were formed, they both went to investigate in the daytime, the resource team found medicine and food, but the research team found nothing, Mr. Han Woo said that he probably only goes out at night.

The group went out at night. They went out with torches and walked through the empty streets of the city.

-I don't see anything officer Jeong," said one man arriving and the rest of the group without finding anything.

-If only we had a clue," said Jeong annoyed until he came up with an idea, "Let's go to the place where we found the dead body," they all nodded and went to the place, they started to inspect the place and found nothing.

-Nothing?" asked the military man and they all denied.

-I found this," spoke a young man of 19 years of age, he had a piece of cloth with a light blue embroidery, at least he had a clue, and they would have Professor Han Woo investigate it, but when they arrived they saw everyone awake and a lady crying non-stop, just like her husband.

-What happened?" asked a concerned gentleman.

-When everyone was asleep, Mrs. Lee's son disappeared, didn't you see him," said Min-Woo, bringing some paper.

-No, we just found this piece of cloth lying around, the boy found it," referring to the 19 year old boy.

-I'll use this, I don't think it was a monster if this is a cloth, they don't wear clothes," said Han Woo grabbing the cloth but Moon Jin grabbed it quickly, "Give that back," shouted Han Woo.

-It's not playtime Jin, we must investigate the cloth," said the military man angrily.

-How beautiful, I haven't seen a cloth like this for a long time," he said looking at it against the happy light, "I know what kind of cloth it is, well not what kind but where it comes from," they all saw it immediately, "It's a cloth from 1550, when the cloth was still made by hand, it's very old and unique," he spoke very amused by the situation and then gave it to Han Woo, "I don't think it has DNA, probably what we are facing is not even alive," sitting down on a table.

-What do you mean," spoke the head of administration.

-What or who took my son?" I shouted worriedly and questioned Moon Jin.

-Un, Fan-Tas-Ma," she said excitedly and some laughed at the subject, "Han woo, please see what's on the cloth," Han woo took it away and a few minutes later came back with a pale face.

-The cloth has traces of Ectoplasm on it, it's just what ghosts throw away... we're up against one." They were all surprised because how could they survive that, then a notification from the system popped up.

[Mission #2]

[Ghost hunt]

[You must find the ghost, and make it leave your world, take care of your children for it loves to kidnap and devour them]

[Reward: 150 coins]

[Punishment: the death of all the infants of this world]

[Time limit: - ]

[Hint: She always screams with a heartbreaking voice, as she walks she cries, Dressed always in white, and he lost them near the sea]