
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · Fantasie
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46 Chs

The Heartbroken

I was right...

I was right to use 'Red String of Fate' after all...

For as I used it, it immediately connected me to my 'Fated One'.

The One intended to be sacrificed for my master, Yakujin.

A boy named Shiro.

A half-breed boy descendant from Westerios and Easterion grandparents.

A boy with a 'Special Blood', a Blood that were told to able give it's holder great power in their peak.

Not only the owner, but those who consumed could reach the next stage of Evolution, even Returning Back to live, for a Spirit.

" I must show Master Yakujin now... "

" Wait... " Akafushi stops as she hears this from afar.

[ Thunder Mist Mountains, Thunder Sakura Garden ]*

" Master Yakujin, do you really want to marry me? " Akafushi hears it and pauses.

" What...? " she asks herself as she hears this from Shiro while she comes for them at that place in the 'Thunder Sakura Garden'*.

" Shiro... " Akafushi stutters, her mood swings down.

" What do you mean by... " Akafushi almost get pissed, for the reason why she holds the 'Red String of Fate' is to show Yakujin the reason why she pities Shiro from the moment he came to the Lair, not to mention, she wanted to reveal Shiro to Yakujin as her 'Fated One', the one she will be with as she wants to resign as Yakujin's servant at the time.

" Shiro, why do you want..., ah... " Akafushi gasps but she then hears Shiro telling that it is all Yakujin's fault for just kissing him, telling Yakujin that kissing is for Husband and Wife only, thus, she had to take responsibility as his Master.

" Master..., grhh... " Akafushi was pissed while holding the 'Red String'.

" I knew it, I should've shown her the String's Fate when she decided to take him. "

" Grmmh... " Akafushi regrets not doing this in the earliest of times, as she then decides to storm out during Yakujin and Shiro's conversation.

" Oh my, no no no... "

" No, Shiro, I don't! " Yakujin says to Shiro.

" You're to young for me, I- "

" Perhaps we could make this settled! " Akafushi suddenly returns, appearing herself as she brings something with her.

" Akafushi, is that? " Yakujin asks as she seems to know the thing Akafushi just brought.

" This the item that will make this confusion clear, My Master. "

" With this, I believe it is time to check if you should be responsible for taking care of Shiro more responsibly than before. "

" Not as a sacrifice, but perhaps, more of a... "

" Husband. " Akafushi says to Shiro as she can't wait to show it and as it happened, as Shiro suddenly touched it, she sees the result, seeing herself and her master, Yakujin are both connected to Shiro's thread, meaning...

"( Wait! )" Akafushi thinks as she sees the thing in the very instant.

"( Shiro is not only destined to be mine, but also... )" she looks at Yakujin.

"( Master...? )" Akafushi gasps, realizing that now her 'Fated One' had to be shared by her very Master she once wished to resign serving, to live with Shiro as she hoped before.

But now...

* Akafushi's dream and heart breaks. *

" No... " Akafushi cries in her heart, for this means she can't stop be with Yakujin again since her 'Fated One' is also her Master's too.

She cries deeply in her heart as the event unfolds, and now, in after all things happened.

In the present time.

Her 'Fated One' is hurt badly, possessed by a dead Creature that should've stayed dead.


( Present time, after all Flashbacks ended. )

[ Sakurazaka Village, Shaman's Temple Ruins. ]

" I..., I won't forgive you... " Akafushi says while releasing her power towards Azi Dahaka, in her very tears.

[ Special Attack: Blood Swallow Sacrifice ]

Akafushi's muster all of her Blood, every Blood around the whole village to create a gigantic creature made of blood, attacking Azi Dahaka with it's big mouth and teeth, biting him whole.

" Is this the best you can do? " Azi Dahaka asks while releasing some of his Spirit's Energy.

"( Hmph, it's been too long for me in this brat's body. )"

"( Shall we end this? )" Azi Dahaka thinks within his very cruel mind.


Before Akafushi and Yakujin were transported by the Gates. 

Before Akafushi serve the Kitsune Chimera's Clan.

She was a Hybrid that live peacefully under a peacefull family of monsters.

A family, which, instead of being barbaric like the other ones, they embrace a peaceful life.


Their peaceful live, didn't repaid well.

( Around 300 or 400 years ago. )

[ Another Realm ]

[ So-called "Land of Thunder" ]

" Where's the 'Blood User'? " said an Oni demon Hybrid, with his pack, attacking Akafushi's parents residence.

" What's your business!? " said Akafushi's father, as he turned into his Centipede Monster form.

" O you big Centipede. " said the Oni.

" We all knew you had the 'Blood User' in here! "

" Give her to us! We need her power for our kind! " said the masses.

" I will not make my girl into a weapon! " said the Father as he refuses to give Akafushi, he immediately fights those who come, stalling time while Akafushi and her mother prepare the ritual in a safer place, in the deep of the forest their residence resides.

" Mother...? " Akafushi asks as her body are filled with Tattoos, Red Tattoos made from blood.

" My dear... " the Mother paint it all with tears.

" This is the only way... "

" For you are born with the Gift and Curse... "

" The only way to set you free... " her mother sobs.

" Is to make you a 'Spirit', a 'Youkai'. " the Mother tells.

" But, aren't we... " Akafushi was going to ask but the Mother already started it.

" Yes, we were from 'it', but we became too attached to the physical world, hence why we lost our way. "

" But you, it is not too late... "

" Rather than you being used as a weapon, it is better for you to return to what our family were supposed to be. " Akafushi's mother did the Ritual, the Ritual's Blood Tattoo Light enveloped her and engulfed her, making Akafushi felt like she's torn out, torn out hard.

" There she is... " said the masses as they see the light of the ritual, charging in, immediately killing Akafushi mother while the ritual is almost done.

As they kill the Mother who did it, the light immediately blows, the whole place was filled with Red Radiance for days as it happened.

( Days Afterwards. )

" Mother... " Akafushi sees her mother's corpse, while she sees her, she sees a pack of Jackal Monsters coming, she was scarred but then.

* The Jackals charges. *

The jackals run through her and ignored her as if she was not seen in their eyes, immediately going for the corpse and feast upon it in front of Akafushi's eyes.

" Agh! " Akafushi cries as she realized the ritual is successful, she has no connection to the Physical Plane now, but do not know where to go.

" No..., Mother, Father... " 

" No... " Akafushi cries, while unknown to her, the Corpse blood that splatters everywhere begin to rise during Akafushi's grief.

" Cursed Power..., why do I have you? "

" Why should I have this? " Akafushi bends the Blood during rage, the Monsters sees it in fear as they see gigantic bubbles of blood up in the skies.

" If I didn't had this, my parents will still live! "

" If I didn't had this, I will still be in the Physical Realm and had a good life, perhaps marrying a 'Samurai' one day! Like my mother once hoped! "

" Just why!? " Akafushi gets mad, the blood reacted and shoots daggers of blood towards the monsters who feasted on the Mother's corpse, she kills them in rage, as she live now as a Spirit.

"( Someone please help me! )"

"( Someone please, I wanted to stop! )"

"( I wanted to live as a girl, as a woman that beloved by others... )"


The scene changes to the present, as Akafushi's rage reminds her of that very past, she also perform the same thing over Azi Dahaka in her heartbroken stage, seeing her 'Fated One' is used against her.

" It seems this the extend of your power? " Azi Dahaka says as he pinned down Akafushi, defeating her after getting so much damage from her.

Azi Dahaka who already gets damaged, reactively regenerates Shiro's wounded body, immediately almost returning it into normal.

" Oops! " Azi Dahaka stops the regeneration.

" I overdid it, I shouldn't have. "

" Seems, I've already grown comfort in this body, this is a mistake. " Azi Dahaka realized his mistake.

" Well, aside from this body's talent. " Azi Dahaka says it while shifting Shiro's right arm into his arm, in front of Akafushi.

* Akafushi surprised as she sees the hand transformed. *

" I also don't want to give the boy this 'hand' but I had no choice... "

" I have to kill you then retract myself from this boy's body completely before the comfort gets me. " Azi Dahaka says, preparing to kill the weakened Akafushi.

" Shi...ro... " Akafushi cries as she's going to be killed by the body of her 'Fated One'.



*... find her (Yakujin's) match.

This is reference from Chapter 34: Red String of Fate (1).

* You know who the 'Young Sacrifice' here, he who possesed the 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood'. Yes, the last part is the dialogue in Chapter 4: "The Kitsune's Lair".

* This is what happened in Chapter 33-35 " Take Responsibility (2) & Red String of Fate 1-2. "

The reason why Akafushi is protective towards Shiro.

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