
Tales of the Chimera Master

In a world full of Magic and Wonders, Comes an age where every region of the world is ruled by the highest form of hybrid creature known as the 'Chimera'. To appease the Chimera Rulers. Both men and monsters began to offer sacrifices to appease their Chimera Rulers, for protection and prosperity. __________________________ To support the author: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/nPUQhX9C Join Dc Server: https://discord.com/channels/1218787271004651680/1219862931752091718 Follow me on Instagram: @kjv.zeanso Follow me on Twitter: @KjvZeanso https://www.patreon.com/KJVZeanso

KJVZeanso · Fantasie
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46 Chs

From The Thorned Mountains Part 2

[ In the Skies of Thunder Mist Mountains. ]

" Rah! " Kiba-Tora uses his attacks as he fangs upon Yakujin.

[ Skill Attack: Fangs of Abyssal Zephyr ]

[ Skill Attack: Thunderbolt Claw ]

* Clash *

" You seemed to have balls, coming into my domain! " Yakujin says it while growling.

" Do you know the cost of your trespass? " Yakujin asks Kiba-Tora.

" Who cares, I care not for the consequences...! "

" What I care is the challenges and their rewards! " Kiba-Tora responds as the two continues to clash in the skies.

They clash gradually using their Skills, releasing it in their hearts' content.

[ Skill Attack: Fangs of Abyssal Zephyr ]

[ Skill Attack: Claws of Abyssal Cyclone ]

[ Skill Attack: Roaring Onslaught ]

" Foolish attempts! " Yakujin draws [Thunderbolt Claw], destroying those attempts Kiba-Tora unleashed on her.

[ Skill Attack: Thundercloud Strike ]

Wasting no time, Yakujin strikes with Thunder as the thunder pierces Kiba-Tora's stomach, slamming him hard into the ground.

* Ground Cracking.*

" Master! " his subordinates calls him, but as they approached him, Yakujin already come down in front of them.

" Subordinates, how low... "

" To think a 'Chimera Master' would need so many 'subordinates' to accompany his fight. "

" How presumptous! " Yakujin summons [Thundercloud Strike] as much as she can as she storms Kiba-Tora's subordinates, killing them all for she didn't want the 'subordinates' to 'help' their leader.

* Thundercloud Strike storms. *

* Thunder crackles. *

The subordinates of Kiba-Tora screams and cries as the Thunder storms. Yakujin strikes at them gradually as she willingly wastes her power in order to make sure her fight is personal with her foe.

" [ Skill Attack: Claws of Abyssal Cyclone ] "

From Yakujin's blindspot, Kiba-Tora uses his 'Skill Attack' to strike over Yakujin, using the cyclone to swirl the storming thunder as he attacks.

[ Skill: Shroud of the Skies ]

Using the Skill, she blocks the enhanced attack with invisible force, using it to shield herself against it.

" You used my Thunder? " Yakujin asks as she sees Kiba-Tora continues to swirl on her like a cyclone he is.

" I see now, no wonder you could do that. "

" Your smell, you had the Roots of the 'Kazebo'? " Yakujin asks and uses [Thunderbolt Claw] straight to tip of the cyclone to make him out of her sight.

" Tch! " Kiba-Tora spits as he grunts.

" So this is why you're a Chimera Master, O Kitsune...? "

" You had the 'Skies' protecting you? " Kiba-Tora asks as he sniffs, realizing that Yakujin had the armoring defense of an invisible force.

" So much for a 'Divine Beast'... "

" It seems your power has gradually grown after your feast, didn't you? " Kiba-Tora asks.

" Tch, no wonder, guess this is the risk for me for fighting you in your 'empowered state'. " Kiba-Tora adds.

" What are you babbling? " Yakujin asks while glaring at him.

" You know what I meant, Fox! "

" You just eat a 'Special Blood', didn't you? " 

" 'Special Blood'? Eat? " Yakujin listens to this and replies.

She wondered how Chimera Master Kiba-Tora could utter those words, a words that reminded her of someone.

" 'Special Blood'? " Yakujin asks Kiba-Tora, she tries to test him first.

" You mean a 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood' human? Here? " Yakujin asks despite her knowing.

" Tch! Don't lie, Kitsune Chimera! " said Kiba-Tora to her.

" I know you had one as your sacrifice, my subordinate sniff it as the scent blows by the wind. "

" You were training it, don't you? "

" Training him so the 'Special Blood's power get to it's peak before you devour it for your own? " Kiba-Tora says while slurping, he drolls as he talk about it.

" I like to have a bite too, after all... " Kiba-Tora tells Yakujin his reasons as he stands up.

" So what? " Yakujin crudely responds.

" If I really had the 'Special Blood' in my hands...? Do you think I will gladly 'share' it with you? " Yakujin asks with such a crude tone while flicking her hair with the tail.

" You're simply a random 'outsider' who dares entering my Domain, an Outsider whom I should eliminate in order to return to my peace, hmph! "

" Now, where were we? " Yakujin asks as she summons [Thundercloud Strike] to Kiba-Tora again to strike at him.

" Yakujin, you... " Kiba-Tora receives the damage, as Yakujin draws a more potent [Thundercloud Strike] this time.

" Grhh, darn it..! " Kiba-Tora grunts as he receives the pain.

" Guess, I was wrong to try make a deal with you, you arrogant Beast! "

" Curse your Divine Beast (Kitsune) Roots! " Kiba-Tora says as he roars, he roars hard as the roar create huge shockwaves that repels the very might Thunder itself.

" What? " Yakujin gets hit by the shockwave, it gradually pushes her but she managed to stay in her ground.

" This roar..., I see... " Yakujin realized, realizing that this is Kiba-Tora's special attack.

[ Special Attack: Repelling Roar Ravager ]

"( It repels my Thunder? )" Yakujin asks as he sees the very roar Kiba-Tora did.

"( Hmm..., this is... )" Yakujin thinks to herself, she realizes that Kiba-Tora's Wind-based attacks are able to blow her Thunder away with it's force, something rare to happen since most of Wind Monsters, Beasts, Hybrids, or even Chimeras rarely able to release such force.

"( Wind is usually weak to Thunder, based on what I've learned in the 'Law of Elements', back in my realm I've came from. )"

"( The 'Law of Elements' in my world and this world is mostly the same as I've experienced it, but there sometimes had some anomalies. )"

"( Such as, the User itself... )" Yakujin think at this as she sniffs Kiba-Tora's scent, realizing what's going on.

"( Ki..., I knew it... )"

"( This Kiba-Tora Chimera Master is using 'Ki' to strengthen the force his very roar wave. )"

"( Speaking of Ki, why do I smell... *sniff* )"

"( Bastard, so that's what it is... )" Yakujin sniffs and smells a scent, a scent familiar to the ones she know.

"( A 'Sacrifice Lamb Blood' scent!? )" Yakujin smells and realized what it is, realizing why Kiba-Tora had the power to rival her in the first place.

" Kukuku, so you smell it? " Kiba-Tora asks.

" Then you know why you will regret not accepting my offer on the 'share'. " Kiba-Tora mocks Yakujin as he smirks as he reveals it.

" After all, now it's time to patch things up, shall we? " Kiba-Tora smirks as his body slowly transforms, making Yakujin more surprised as he sees what he turns into.

" I see now... "


( Meanwhile. )

[ Inside a Mysterious Barrier within the Sakura Trees ]

" Hmph, hmph... " Shiro tries to talk as his mouth is gaged with a random person's hand.

" Don't bother with the battle, you're safe here. " said the person who capture him, he reveals he did this with good intention.

" Hmph? "

" My child, you may not know me, but let me tell you this...ah "

" Leave this mess to your Master Yakujin and Akafushi... " said the person to Shiro, telling him as if he knew the two were before.

Yakujin VS Kiba-Tora.

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