
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasy
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334 Chs

Continuation VI Balance Backlash IV

Surprising everyone including him causing Selphie to then adorably smile and Vulpes to then look to everyone in confusion.

Vulpes now wore a fusion of black, white, red, and golden extravagant armored attire.

Belonging that of a Prince of Vulpes and Celestial Prince covered in gorgeous dark age inscriptions belonging to that of The Empire of Vulpes and it's many insignias and royal patterns.

Which in truth looked to belong to that of a female albeit, in some aspects complimenting his long snow-like white hair, eyes with a unique iris, skin, fluffy inari ears, tail, and delicate feminine features giving him the charm of a Princess of Vulpes?

Or perhaps his mother's much smaller and cuter counterpart?

Resulting in him now having a special body similar to that as the young prince.. in truth it was both his mother, sisters, and Lady Inari's wishes so he simply accepted it.

Since after all he'd no doubt be quite unique and different from that of his twin despite him being quite uncomfortable with that idea?

Not to mention his voice sounded more like his mother's serene yet utterly gentle voice coupled with that of his sisters which were indeed quite bizarre for him to say the least.

Causing Selphie to then adorably whisper into his ear causing him to then hesitantly nod before then gently nodding.

"Utmost greetings, I'm Vulpes Regina Inari Vulpes Vale, twin brother of Celestial Prince Yunari Vulpes Vale, Son of Queen Regina, and Celestial King Altera Vale, Former Puppet Commander of The Celestial Dragons Mage Legion"

"Celestial Prince, The Prince of Vulpes, and companion to that of Celestial Prince Aurelius, forgive me for my.. appearance?"

"Lady Inari believed.. or to put it simply, preferred to follow my mother's wishes and I simply couldn't refuse, it's a strange experience to say nonetheless. As for my knowledge of this era.."

Vulpes helplessly explained having hated the fact that he made the explanation so long however he wasn't going to throw it away since he was still very much committed causing him to then immediately continue where he left off.

"Lady Inari had updated me the best she could, however, I'd imagine I still know very little?"

"But if you have a need for questions about that of my mother, father, brother, sisters, The Celestial Empire, or The Empire of Vulpes I'll try my very best to assist in those regards. However please don't take offense but if I may ask what happened to Aurel since last we met?"

Vulpes gently explained surprising everyone once more while as for his question, it is truly quite difficult to explain.

Albeit it really wasn't resulting in Selphie quickly updating him on such things! Surprising Vulpes by the cruelty alone.

"To think that someone was to ruin that of the balance in such a way?"

"Brother Aurel having suffered such things for something as 'petty' as fate to force him to endure even more is truly unforgivable, the idiocy alone only truly showcases that him enduring such suffering to earn his place meant very little in the eyes of the balance?"

"In truth, the entire concept seems no doubt silly and I'm not even a god? Just a failed Spirit construct given another chance and yet even I can see such ridiculousness in it all?"

Vulpes helplessly sighed.

"However, I see no real reason for doing so unless fate was forced to or perhaps coerced and even blackmailed to at least if fate was a materialized being?

"My apologies I spoke too much, I know nothing of these matters and yet I still spoke, this isn't what mother taught me so I'll take full responsibility if such words somehow offended anyone?"

Vulpes frustratingly complained with a gently annoyed expression, in truth he felt silly especially since there were talks of fate and the balance of things he truly understood nothing about.

Meaning speaking such things when there was perhaps a greater reason would no doubt make him seem childish and perhaps even foolish.

Causing everyone to then gently nod and Silas to then playfully nod especially after noticing some fascinating things about Vulpes? Not for his unique body of course rather his thoughts causing him to then playfully shake his head.

"There's no need to apologize! Such talks are always complicated however what you said did make sense to an extent so you shouldn't feel foolish for it! Lady Fate and The Balance are far more complicated and mysterious than I care to admit. However, I believe I can explain the reasoning why the balance is needed to do so?"

"To put it simply, if you entered that of a place without time where aging and time was irrelevant and made immense progress in so little time then that balance after reentering a place where time exists would no doubt seek to ensure the strict balance remained!"

"Meaning you'll no doubt have to endure the punishments such as abusing time and so forth since the majority of the living beings are unable to and many don't have immortal life spans?"

Silas playfully reassured having chosen to explain the best he could without insulting either fate or balance.

Despite him not being in the friendliest standings with either, causing Vulpes having immediately understood his words to then gently nod and Silas to then happily continue.

"Meaning also the balance itself is forced to act to ensure it offsets said progress with obstacles for all fairness even if you had suffered inside of the place without time?"

"That's simply how life ensures that cheating through such methods to obtain power will always stay within the balance?"

"Of course us gods can avoid such a thing since we're at most anomalies who both greatly assist and force the balance to make detours through our own methods?"

Silas playfully added causing Vulpes to then adorably sigh.

"I believe I understand, thank you, Lord Silvanus. Thinking of which.. I hope Lady Inari didn't secretly give me a blessing of youth?! I previously stopped aging at nineteen and I'm having trouble accommodating this.. body?"

"No offense intended but I'm not used to being so.. delicate perhaps? At least not as delicate in appearance as my mother or sisters.. If given the chance my sisters may quite literally snatch me away and play with me like a doll if discovered?"

"I wonder how brother Aurel deals with such things?"

Vulpes gently confessed.

Before then looking to Noel as if expecting an answer causing her to then adorably pout having felt offended that he'd suspect she'd ever do anything like that to her Aurel causing Aldra to then gently smile and Bradley to then helplessly nod.

"When I had misbehaved during my teenage years, that only ever allowed mother and Annie to use that as an excuse to ask Lady Celestia to revert me to that of a child or perhaps a toddler?"

"In any real case, my mother and Annie took turns carrying me to events, treaty signings, and anything else really? Both of which were truly embarrassing and quite humbling. I only ever feared Aldra or anyone else seeing me in such a state.."

Bradley helplessly confessed causing both Marjorie and Aldra to then gently giggle having specifically remembered such instances because both Bradley and Bromley had made the same mistake and even involved Colin!

Resulting in all three suffering the same fate! Avery took Bradley, Annie took Bromley, while Talia snatched Colin resulting in all three being carried around to several banquets for two whole weeks!

Resulting in Annie knowing Annie allowing Marjorie, Vivian, and The Feless Ambassador to play with him which was both embarrassing and a dream come true!

While as Avery after realizing Aldra had attended several to then allow Aldra and several other wood Elf Princesses to play with him! Which was indeed even worse because one of whom was Princess Alyvia Fay Audree's mommy!

Lady Fate was truly cruel! While as for Colin.. he was studying magic and convincing everyone who attempted to cuddle and pamper him to teach him new magic in a manly manner or albeit a baby manner as all men should!

Which indeed worked! Be it Talia, the visiting Gora who had abused The Draconian Talons the equivalent to The Celestial Hand to immediately rush over at such an opportunity while as several others after she left?

And even Lian played with him roughly, be it from dropping him everywhere to holding him upside down by his little bitty legs and many more careless things!

Before then finally handing him off to a random princess who might not even be a princess for all she knew and immediately bullied little Amber! Such was life..

Causing Amber having sneaked away from bed to check on the others to then immediately remember all of this after hearing the ending of it through the door causing her to then immediately march over before then elbowing Bradley in the gut.

"Every-Everytime that happened Lian bullied me so I couldn't play with you and Bromley! Bullies!"

Amber adorably pouted having lost so many opportunities to do so because of it! Causing everyone to then adorably smile and Vulpes to then sigh with relief.

"Thank the gods' Lady Inari only made me younger by four years.. I simply couldn't bear it! I can now officially say that my status as a former playpower has been successfully extinguished.. Lady Fate owes me a drink!"

"Wa-Wait am I even allowed to drink anymore?! I'm maybe several millenniums old so I could right? Lady Inari and Celestia had already reinstated my titles even if they don't have much worth now?"

Vulpes helplessly joked causing both Bradley and Silas to then tearily shake their heads since this fellow man had simply lost so much!

Causing Vulpes to then curiously open his mage pad and after telling everyone on Magebook he had finally returned and left his Gildergram account name he had soon helplessly sighed once more.

Soon enough however Bradley, him, and Silas had soon begun chatting resulting in Vulpes being quite curious.

"I see? Fortunately, your playboy days are behind you, your majesty. Oh right, forgive me, brother Bradley!"

"Thinking of playboys.. do you know of any women who are neither married or who's age is still in the double digits who let's say.. may not mind my current predicament? I'm asking as your favorite ancestor! I'm still waiting to see if anyone from Magebook is still around, you see?"

Vulpes helplessly whispered surprising both Bradley and Silas and causing both to then seriously think! This was for brother Vulpes!

Despite appearances, they got along very well! Of course, Vulpes didn't have such a unique romantic past as Bradley albeit it was none existent as a puppet but from Yunari's memories, he had several!

And even then he had many acquiescences who were only waiting until he got a body to pounce! Unfortunately, he wasn't sure if any would even bother now let alone if they were in the Ancestral worlds or not.

Causing Bradley having thought of a few and Silas as well to then hesitantly nod while Silas signaled Bradley to start first since he wanted to go last if all else fails! Causing Bradley to then helplessly nod.

Soon enough he had mentioned two Wood Elf Princesses while explaining their third older sister was the mother of one of his children while surprising Vulpes before then allowing him to continue.

Be it from Bos, Fluffest, Tart, Feless, Serpent, or Dragon Bradley knew quite a bit!

Resulting in Vulpes curiously remembering who his favorite races were.

The Blessing of Youth was quite common among the Bos along with the fact that they were permanently adorable and he heard them despite being underrated to many men they were simply amazing wives!

Girlfriends, and generally wonderful beings? It was comparable to that of a honey trap! They were the natural cures for depression and several forms of PTSDS!

Many of whom were Healers, Therapists, Teachers, Negotiators, Merchants, and even more!

The Bos were truly precious! They'd love you no matter what be it your decent appearance, awkward nature, or anything else for that matter. They were simply too good for this world!

All the while this was happening the young prince became restless, neither being able to sleep nor stay awake!

As if no matter how much he tries he simply wasn't comfortable enough and everything felt as if it was burning causing Holly after noticing this to then gently feel his head.

"Restlessness and an awful fever? Even if the worse had passed it had still left quite an aftermath, his body is simply doing the best it could since even his bloodlines were overworked and exhausted from such trauma?"

Holly adorably sighed resulting in Aldra moving to his side to allow him to find such comfort which despite reason assisted greatly much as it had before.

Albeit only now he was now quite weaker and using all his strength to cuddle his mommy.

Causing Aldra to then warmly hum while opening the window to allow a gentle breeze to enter the room before then directing it towards her precious baby prince while Marjorie joined in sync with the humming as she had many times before.