
Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story

I`m writing this for fun. I`m no professional writer. If someone doesn`t like it, move on. There are many other stories to read. This means that it will not follow the plot 100% and there will be changes done to it. If you want a story to stick to the plot, then I’m sorry, this is not for you. - Hiroki is a special ops agent that dies to save his teammates. He now has another chance in life in the Naruto world. Let`s now embark in the Tales of Hiroki.

Daoist693837 · Anime und Comics
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67 Chs

Important Meeting

It had been three days since Hiroki returned from Suna. He was now eating breakfast at home and then he would be going to help Minato train his team.

'The third war is close to breaking out. Hiruzen better move fast if he wants to save lives. Konoha will come out as the winner even without this treaty, but how many lives will be lost if this does not happen. I just hope that what I have said to him opens his eyes and he accepts.' Hiroki thought.

After he ate, he instantly teleported to the training ground.

"Aaaaaaaaah! Hiroki-yaro. You startled me." Obito screamed and said.

"Hehehehehe. You should have seen your face Obito." Hiroki said. He then went close to Obito and looked towards Rin and saw her giggling.

"What will Rin think if every time you scream like a little girl when someone appears in front of you?" Hiroki whispered while covering his face from Rin.

"Ah, I... I... I'll just man up and not scream ever again." Obito said.

"Alright Obito. Just do that." Hiroki said as he fist bumped Obito.

"Rin, Kakashi, how are you? Minato-ni hasn't been hard on you guys has he?" Hiroki asked.

"Hey. I wasn't hard on you. Why would you ask something like that to them?" Minato asked.

"Hehehe. I'm just joking ni-san. You have always been a great sensei ever since we've met." Hiroki said as he laughed.

"Look at the new Jounin who doesn't have any time for his ne-san." Kushina said grumpily.

"Sorry about that Kushina-ne. I've been busy these past days. Sandaime had me go to a few important missions. Right now I can't say much about it, but it's important for the future of Konoha." Hiroki said as he hugged Kushina and she hugged him back.

Hiroki then passed the whole day training together with Minato and his team. He helped teaching Rin and Obito how to use chakra to climb trees and the theory of walking on water after they practiced their chakra control. As Minato dismissed everyone, Hiroki walked alongside Obito.

"Obito, how are things in the Uchiha clan? Are they treating you well?" Hiroki asked.

"They don't really bother with me. All they care about is if one of us is able to activate their sharingan. I still haven't activated mine so I don't have any attention pulled towards me." Obito said.

"I understand. What would you do if you were to be able to use your sharingan?" Hiroki asked.

Obito took a few seconds to think, but answered.

"I would use it to protect those I love. The clan is alright, but I would not show them my sharingan just to have some benefits. I would train hard and become strong together with my friends as I have done until now."

"You have surprised me Obito. You have a good heart. I'm proud of being your friend." Hiroki complemented Obito, who only grinned from ear to ear.

"Is there someone waiting for you in the clan?" Hiroki asked.

"No. I live by myself ever since my grandma died." Obito said a little sad.

"Come with me then." Hiroki grabbed Obito and teleported to the forest of death.

As they arrived, Obito was a little startled to find himself in a totally different place.

"Where are we, Hiroki? Obito asked.

"We are at the forest of death." Hiroki said as he walked a bit while thinking.

"Obito, would you like me to help you activate your sharingan?" Hiroki asked as he looked at Obito.

"How are you going to help me? Is there even a way for that?" Obito asked, not believing Hiroki could help him.

"I can and I will. Look at my eyes and don't resist." Hiroki said as he closed his eyes. When he opened them, Obito saw red eyes with three black tomoes spinning. When he tried asking Hiroki about his eyes, he found himself in a battlefield.

People fell left and right of him. He saw that many had the head protector from Konoha and those that were killing had the head protector of Iwagakure. After he ran for five minutes, he saw Kakashi and Rin fighting five enemies about 300 hundred meters from him. He tried running as fast as he could, but no matter how hard he tried, each step he took made him get further and further from them. He then saw Hiroki arrive and fight off against those enemies while Rin and Kakashi ran away. He then saw the enemies behead Hiroki and go after Kakashi and Rin once again. Just as Obito arrived in front of his friends, the shinobi from Iwa slashed at Kakashi and Rin. Everything went blank after that.

On the outside, Obito had his eyes closed and tears started falling from them. Hiroki then dispelled the genjutsu and Obito saw his friend perfectly fine. He hugged Hiroki tightly.

"Hiroki, you're okay. What was that place? And your eyes... the sharingan. How?" Obito said as he stumbled over every word.

"Calm down Obito. I'm fine. That was a genjutsu I put you in to help you awaken your sharingan. Here, look." Hiroki said as he took a kunai and put it in front of Obito. The Kunai mirrored Obito's eyes. His eyes were red and had two black tomoes on each eyeball.

"I have the sharingan. Two tomoes even. This is great. Now I can become stronger and protect those I love." Obito said happily while wiping away his tears.

"Yes, Obito. Now you need to work even harder alright. Don't slack off and don't let the Uchiha pride cloud your thoughts." Hiroki said as he deactivated his sharingan.

"Hiroki, your eyes. Are you an Uchiha as well? Why don't you live in the clan compound?" Obito asked.

"I believe that one of my parents was an Uchiha. I don't know which one because there are no records of them. I don't even know their names. My mother died when I was born and my father died in war. I don't live in the Uchiha clan's compound because only Minato-ni, Kushina-ne and Kakashi now about it. You are the only one that knows of this other than them. I just ask you to keep this a secret." Hiroki explained.

"I won't tell anyone Hiroki. You can believe me." Obito said.

"I believe you Obito, otherwise I wouldn't be telling this to you. Now then. Since you now have the sharingan, I want you to study these scrolls. If anyone from your clan ask you about it, tell them that you found them in the trash when they were replaced by new ones. The scrolls will teach you the uses of our doujutsu in full detail." Hiroki said as he handed two scrolls to Obito.

"Thank you Hiroki." Obito said.

"No problem. Let's head back now. It's already getting late." Hiroki then grabbed Obito and teleported near the Uchiha compound. They bid farewell and went each to their home.


Early next morning, Hiroki woke up with an anbu agent knocking on his door.

"Hiroki-san, Hokage-sama is asking for you in the council meeting room. He asks for you to show up as soon as you can."

"Alright. I'll be heading over in a few minutes. Did he say what the meeting was about?"

"Sorry, but Hokage-sama only told me to come and tell you about the meeting."

"Fine. Give me five minutes."

Five minutes later, Hiroki walked out of his apartment.

"Please follow me Hiroki-san."

"Wait. I have a faster way to arrive." Hiroki said as he grabbed the shoulder of the anbu and teleported right next to Hiruzen.

"Hiroki-kun, good to see you've arrived in such short notice. The clan leaders are to arrive for our meeting regarding the treaty with Suna. As you were the one that have gone to Suna with Jiraiya, I want you to take part in this meeting and share with them your point of view." Hiruzen said.

"I guess what I said got through to you. Don't worry, I'll do my best to convince them that this is the right way to go." Hiroki said.

Thirty minutes later, the clan leaders arrived in the meeting room. Jiraiya and Orochimaru as part of the sannin were also present. This was the first time Hiroki saw the snake sannin ever since he came to this world. He looked the same as in the anime, but he didn't show any signs of being corrupted by the human experiments his future self would do.

"I've called all of you here to announce that we have a proposal for a treaty of alliance with Suna. Two weeks ago, our network of spies found traces of battle near the borders of the fire and wind country..." Hiruzen started saying, but then was interrupted by the leader to the Uchiha clan.

"Hiruzen, what is this brat doing here? When you called us, clan leaders here, I didn't think that an orphan, son of nobody would be..." The clan leader stopped talking in the middle of his sentence as he choked feeling an enormous amount of killing intent along with enormous amounts of wild chakra flaring all over the meeting room.

The other clan leaders found it very difficult to even breath. The space around the table that they were sitting around started warping as cracks appeared on the walls and table as well. Hiruzen was the only one that was better than the rest, but still felt that great amount of pressure. He then looked towards the source of said pressure and saw Hiroki. He got up from his chair with difficulty and grabbed Hiroki's shoulder.

"Hiroki-kun. Calmed down, please." Hiruzen said, breaking Hiroki out from his trance. The killing intent and the pressure disappeared and everyone in the room gasped for air.

"I'll say this only once. Never talk shit about my parents, ever." Hiroki said angrily. Hiroki didn't know his "parents" in this world, but every time someone would say something about them, he remembered his real ones. The love he felt for them was so great that it was a trigger for him every time someone said something bad about them .

"Ahem. As I was saying before I was interrupted. Hiroki here was sent to investigate the battle site and found evidence that the third Kazekage fought against a rogue shinobi from Suna and disappeared after. I then sent Jiraiya and Hiroki to Suna to show those evidences, thus proving Konoha's innocence. Hiroki was able to strike with the now fourth Kazekage, Rasa, an alliance treaty. I've received word back from Suna yesterday and decided to call this meeting between clan leaders. Before anyone say anything, Hiroki will explain what this treaty of alliance means." Hiruzen said.

"The treaty of alliance is nothing more than a mutual military support in case a war breaks out. If any village declares war agains Konoha, Suna will support us with military power and Konoha will do the same. For now this might seem non beneficial, but as it stands, Konoha needs a strong village to ally itself with and it also means one enemy that we won't need to face in the future. Also meaning more lives being saved from each and every clan." Hiroki said.

"As you have heard the explanation, I now want to start voting. We'll start with the Aburame clan and then go around from the right." Hiruzen said.

"I as leader of the Aburame clan vote in favor of the alliance."

"I as leader of the Inuzuka clan vote in favor."

"I as leader of the Yamanaka clan vote in favor."

"I as leader of the Kurama's clan vote in favor."

"I as leader of the Hatake clan vote in favor."

"I as leader of the Hyuga clan vote in favor."

"I as leader of the Sarutobi clan vote in favor."

"I as leader of the Akimichi clan vote in favor."

"I as leader of the Nara clan vote in favor."

"I... ahem.. as leader of the Uchiha clan also vote in favor."

"Since every clan leader votes in favor, we will move on. Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Hiroki will be leaving to Suna tomorrow along with me to sign it. Meeting adjourned." Hiruzen said as he dismissed everyone.

As the clan leaders were leaving, Danzo along with Homura and Koharu stormed inside the room.

"Hiruzen, how could you have a meeting regarding the future of Konoha without us? We are the village council and we should take part in every important decision for this village." Danzo said.

"Danzo..." Hiruzen started talking before he was interrupted by Hiroki.

"Listen you three. You are nothing more than counselors to the Hokage. You have no power whatsoever and the power you think you have comes from the Sandaime. He doesn't need approval from any of you. He only needs the approval of the clan heads and nothing more. They are the ones that give this village their family members to sacrifice their lives in hope for a better future. Their lives are not shogi pieces for you to play with." Hiroki said as he left the room. Jiraiya and Orochimaru left just behind him.

"Gaki, wait up. What was that earlier?" Jiraiya asked.

"Jiraiya-san, sorry about that. I got pissed when that bastard bad mouthed my parents." Hiroki said.

"Remember me never to get on your bad side. Even the old man had difficulties with that killing intent you showed along with that insane amount of chakra. That amount of killing intent shouldn't be something someone young like you should have. A person would need to take many lives to achieve that level of killing intent." Jiraiya said.

"Jiraiya, leave Hiroki-kun be. We have other matters more important to worry about." Orochimaru said.

"I'll leave now to prepare. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Hiroki said as he teleported directly home.