
1 Year Later

By the valley you could hear the roars of demon beast, and farther down this valley you would cross a mountain, there you would find a big city. The last known human city in this continent, Glory City, because of where this city is place, it is save from most demon beast, but it has been destroyed a few times in the past.

"Alright class we will be talking about the differents in demon spiritualist and demon fighters." said the teacher. Meanwhile in the back of the class, a slight soul fluctuation was happening. It was so small that almost no one noticed it, except for a few individuals. However, these few people wouldn't put this minor occurrent to heart, as they assumed it was someone performing the soul constellation technique, or as known as the Spiritual Constellation technique. As it was a forbidden technique, but there are some who still use this wretched technique.

In the back of the class, was a kid slepping and he had a shocked lok on his face. This kid was Nie Li, "What how am I back here!!! I was battling the Sage Emperor." mumbled Nie Li. As he said this another kid woke up and said "It's about time, I've been asleep for like a year". This kid was Nie Jin, and he was more than ready to wake up, but he couldn't until the time was right. Nie Li heard this and looked at the other boy, with a shocked expression, as did Nie Jin looked at Nie Li. They both thought "Shit did he hear me??! And what did he mean." What they didn't know was that their thoughts are interconnected, and this is why they felt like the other person heard them. Although they did in fact hear what the other person said, it wasn't for the reason they thought.

Nie Jin thought, "This must be my older brother, he looks like me, but just the total opposite...hmmmmm this could get interesting" NIe Li was a little confused as he couldn't remember this kid, but he knew that this feeling couldn't be faked. It was the feeling of kinship, like he wanted to protect this kid no matter what. "I guess this could be a side affect from going back in time, or maybe it's something else.....well I'll deal with it whenever, right now I need to......." Nie Li stopped midway in thought as he saw Ye Ziyun. "She's still alive!!!!" was all Nie Li could think about.

"Who's still alive?" asked Nie Jin, but then he realized he had said that out loud, and that his brother heard him. Nie Li once again shocked and a little scared, did he just read my mind......no I must have said it loud enough for him to hear. Nie Jin was shocked to as he knew that this thought had appeared in his mind, and it wasn't his thought!!!!! Did granpa accidentally mess up his thoughts and gave his another person's thoughts or if not what was happening?! Lu Piao saw that Nie Li was staring at Ye Ziyun, and had to asks "Do you have the hots for her.....hahahah" "Oh shut up" joked Nie Li as he hugged his lifelong bestfriend, and brother in comrade. "Hey get off me I'm not gay, I don't swing that way." laughed Lu Piao. Shen Xiu saw that those kids were laughing and not paying attention, and this made her mad, but she thought to herself every class has trash and the only reason why she was teaching in this class was because of Shen Yue. She was tasked to watch over him teach him as he was apart of her family the Sacred Family, or also known as the 3 Major family in Glory City.

"One of the major factors into becoming a demon spiritualist, is someone's soul realm color, with Red being the worst and Indigo being the best, most of you have either a red, orange or yellow soul realm, but there are a few who have a green soul realm......they are of course Shen Yue, and Xiao Ning'er. However we do have one person who has a cyan soul realm, Ye Ziyun." Shen Yue paused to let the class be amazed, and to show the difference in strength to show the commonors their place.

"If you have a red soul realm, then you are pretty much no better than regular people, and could never dream about being a demon spiritualist, let alone a demon fighter as the highest you could go is 5 stars bronze rank. Also each realm is has 5 ranks ranging from 1 star to 5 star, and each rank gets harder and harder than the last one. So all you commoners should just give up, and go pick crops or ran your family's business, so then at least you wouldn't be completly useless."

"What complete bullshit this is!!!" thought Nie Jin shouldn't a teacher be encouraging her students not belittling them. He wanted to stayed up and tell her otherwise, but then he remember what his grandpa said "You must follow your brother's lead to ensure your safety and his, as well as all the other people in Glory City." This rang in his mind like a bell clashing over and over again. Nie Li saw how mad this boy was and even he was mad, as although he was from a aristocrat family, the Nie family, he had a realm soul realm. And in his past life this was true, he was stuck at the 5 star rank level for many years, as he saw his comrades fall to the ground trying to save him, and he even saw his love of his life perish because he was too weak to do anything.....but in this life he will change that, and with his knowledge and experience he could over that obstacle, and even safe his friends and family from what is to come.

"You are complete bullshit.....As to say that a commoner can't achieve great things. Wasn't the current Legend rank demon spiritualist Lord Ye Mo, a commoner. So are you saying that even he was trash?!!" The whole class was shocked as the person who said this stood up. If what you say is true then aren't you contradicting yourself, since even he was a commoner. But even he achieved great things, so what you say couldn't be true." proclaimed Nie Li. Nie Jin was shocked, but was proud that his brother stood up to defend these people. "Oh look who we have here...Yes we all know the story about Lord Ye Mo, but even he had a higher rank to start with and he had a CYAN soul realm.....Let's look at yours to see were you attitude comes from."

"Hmmmmmm, Just what I thought, name Nie Li, from the Heavenly Marks Family, Soul realm- Red, and soul force 5.....You are even worst compare to the other commoners, you are a disgrace. Only trash will stick with trash." said Shen Yue

After she said this Nie Jin couldn't take it anymore. He wouldn't let his brother be disrespected like this. As he was about to stand up, Nie Li turned and looked at him with a smile, as if to say "It's alright I'll show them that they are wrong.", with this Nie Jin calm down a little to see what his brother would do. "How about you make a bet with me....." asked Nie Li