
Tales of a Modern Day Aura Guardian

Between the games and the anime, Pokémon has always seemed like an ideal world. After all, its target audience is technically children. However, what if such a world were real? What if the world full of dangerous creatures and evil criminal organisations were realistic. How would actual crime and life-threatening danger affect the story as we know it? What hidden plots could be going on behind the scenes in the idealistic world we're all familiar with? How would an outsider entering into this world affect the timelines that fate had already planned upon? Follow Kai, a reincarnator reborn into a family with a long-kept secret, as he embarks on a Journey to the Kalos Region on a mission assigned to him by his Mother. P.S For those who have watched the Anime, specifically the seasons for X&Y, you'll notice a lot of similarities to the plot. After all, this story focuses on Kai's involvement in the plot and how his actions change things. Hope you enjoy it!

Dav0_2138 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
18 Chs

Prelude To The Battle

Ash and Alexa headed out to the mock arena behind the Pokémon Center, followed by Serena, Bonnie, and Clemont. They'd asked if I wanted to watch with them to prepare for my Battle against Viola, but I said I'd wait for my Pokémon first.

While waiting, I decided to do a bit more research into which Pokémon Viola had (if she had any other than the two I'd already seen) and see if I could develop any strategies and countermeasures.

So far, the information online said Viola only had two Pokémon in her party, the two I had seen during Ash's Battle with her.

Surskit is a [Water/Bug] Type Pokémon. Its general weaknesses are [Flying], [Rock], and [Electric], while it's resistant to [Fighting], [Ground], [Steel], [Water], and [Ice] Moves. It has no immunities, and the rest of the Move Types deal normal amounts of damage to it.

Within my Party, the only Pokémon I have that has Moves that targetted Surskit's weaknesses is Raiu, my Jolteon, due to him being an [Electric] Type.

However, I couldn't just keep a one-track mind here.

Viola's second Pokémon is Vivillon. A [Bug/Flying] Type. Its general weaknesses are [Flying], [Rock], [Fire], [Electric], and [Ice], with [Rock] Type Moves being Super-Effective. It is resistant to [Fighting], [Bug], and [Grass] Type Moves while being immune to [Ground] Type Moves due to its ability to fly.

I'd seen the different Moves that Surskit and Vivillon had used against Ash, and I had a pretty good idea of what other Moves they might have up their sleeve.

Thus, when considering my Pokémon and the different Moves they had at their disposal, a plan began to formulate within my mind.

It was a plan that would set things up perfectly, and while it could even be considered playing a little dirty, it would be regarded as perfectly legal within the bounds of League regulations…

With that plan set, I began to formulate different scenarios in my head, coming up with contingencies should the first plan fall to shit.

By the end of it, I had three different strategies I could use, each leading to Victory but taking varying durations to complete.

I was going to continue, but the Pokémon Center chime rang through my ears.

Raising my head, I saw my entire Party of Pokémon walking out with Nurse Joy in the lead. I got up and walked over, asking,

"Hi Nurse Joy, so, how are they?"

"Hello Kai, your Pokémon are in great shape! Luca and Luci were a little tired, but nothing we couldn't remedy!"

"That's great. I'm glad you're all doing well."

My Pokémon let out their respective cries, walking over to my side.

"Alright, we're gonna head out. Thanks again for your help, Nurse Joy."

"It was my pleasure, Kai. Come back whenever you need to."

With that, my Pokémon returned to their Pokéballs, sans Luca and Luci, as I headed out to the mock arena behind the Pokémon Center.



Arriving outside, I watched as Ash stood on one end of the Arena and Alexa stood on the other. Pikachu and Fletchling were currently on the Battlefield facing Alexa's Noivern.

It was a rather large Pokémon appearing like a cross between a massive bat and a wyvern.

Noivern was currently releasing [Gust] towards Pikachu and Fletchling, who were trying to stand their ground and resist the torrents of wind.

It seemed as though I had arrived during the period where they began to get the hang of things as Pikachu suddenly used [Iron Tail], digging it directly into the ground behind it to act as a stabiliser, while Fletchling began to adjust its tail feathers to surf across the surging winds with minimal effort!

"That's the way! Keep at it!" Ash suddenly exclaimed.

Finally getting their rhythm, Pikachu and Fletchling looked as sturdy as a rock and streamlined like a jet!

Finally, Noivern let off on its [Gust], allowing the two struggling Pokémon to relax.

"Alright! It seems like Pikachu and Fletchling are good to go!" Alexa called out.

"Mhm, we've practised quite a bit, but I think we should go over it a few more times tomorrow before I rechallenge Viola," Ash said, sounding quite mature.

"That's a smart idea. Glad you're not just rushing into things," I said from the side.

"Ah! Kai! How are your Pokémon doing?" Ash exclaimed, finally noticing I was here.

"They're great; I can tell most of them are really pumped up about our Battle tomorrow. On the other hand, though, I feel a little bad. They're all so excited, yet Viola's Gym only allows for two Pokémon per Trainer…."

"Oh… So, who're you gonna pick?" Ash asked.

"Hehe, that's a secret. You'll just have to wait and see!" I said with a smirk.

I noticed Alexa looking at me with a complicated expression from the side out of the corner of my eye, so I turned to look at her, raising my eyebrow in confusion.

"Is everything alright, Alexa?"

She sighed before walking over. Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena saw her approach and made their way over as well.

When she arrived at our side, Alexa finally opened her mouth, saying,

"I'm just a little worried, is all."

"Worried?" I asked.

"Mhm, when you brought out your entire team, I could tell that they were all really strong. Also, the way they looked at you made it seem as though they could practically read your mind. That's how close the bond seemed between you and them." She elaborated.

"Huh? But isn't that a good thing? Why would that make you worried?" Clemont asked.

Understanding what she was getting at, I decided to keep quiet.

"Because it's her sister who is gonna have to go up against that strong of a Team," Ash replied.

Hearing his words, silence followed. They seemed to echo around the surroundings.

After a few seconds of building tension, Alexa finally broke it, saying,

"Haaa… Whatever the case may be, you're a Challenger, and my Sister is the Gym Leader. Fighting strong opponents comes with the territory." Alexa finally said, disturbing the silence that had surrounded us.

"I wish you luck in your Battle tomorrow, Kai. I'll be there to watch it, so put on a good show!" She said with a smile before continuing,

"See you then."

Alexa then returned Noivern to its Pokéball before leaving.

An awkward silence ensued after she left.

"Did… Did I do something wrong?" I said, once again breaking the silence.

"No, I don't think so. As she said, she's just worried for Viola." Ash replied, patting me on the back and smiling.

"Okay… I think I'll just head to bed then. I'll see you guys in the morning." I said, turning around and walking back to the Pokémon Center.

My group watched me leave with complicated eyes; Serena herself looked hesitant, probably struggling to decide whether to follow after me or stay with Ash.

But in the end, she decided to stay, watching as I disappeared into the Pokémon Center.



The next day had arrived, and I was up bright and early. My Gym Battle against Viola was scheduled for 11 am.

With it currently being 6:30 am, the sun had barely begun rising. I was standing in the mock arena with all my Pokémon, going over the different strategies I'd come up with. We practised in pairs, assigning different timings and other complicated terminology to our plans, hoping to gain as much of an advantage as possible.

By the time 8:00 am rolled around, we'd gotten everything down. Just in time as, the first of my group seemed to finally be awake.

"Morning, Kai." A voice called out from behind me.

Turning around, I saw Serena standing in her usual outfit.

"Morning, Serena, how'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Pretty well, how about you? You seem to have been at this for a while." She asked as she looked around at all my Pokémon.

"Mhm, we've been at this since 6:30, isn't that right, guys!"

Once again, my Pokémon all replied in affirmation.

"Hehe, it seems you're all raring to go!"

"Uh-huh, is everyone still asleep?" I asked.


"I see. How about we head into town and pick up some breakfast for everyone?"

"Huh? O-Oh… Ummm… Just the two of us?" She asked, stuttering slightly.

"Is… Is that a problem?" I asked, wondering why she seemed so wary of being alone with me.

'Did I offend her in some way?' I thought to myself.

"Oh! No, No, it's no problem! I'd be happy to go with you!" She suddenly exclaimed.

Sighing in relief, I said,

"Okay, let me just have a shower and get changed out of this stuff. I'm all sweaty, and I'm sure I smell disgusting, haha."

"O-Okay." She said. I couldn't tell if it was the morning sun or something else, but she seemed to be blushing slightly.

Deciding to ignore it, I smiled, turning to my Pokémon and saying,


In a flash of light, they all returned to their Pokéballs which I had left in my bag by the side of the arena.

I picked up my bag and walked past Serena heading towards the Pokémon Center. However, before I could pass entirely, a bright light escaped my bag, landing in front of her.

Who appeared was Aurora.

I turned around to look at her in confusion, asking,

"Aurora, what's up? Is something wrong?"

Aurora shook her head before pointing at Serena.

"Huh? You wanna hang out with Serena? Okay, sure. I'll be back in a couple of minutes, then."

I then turned around and made my way back to the Pokémon Center.

Aurora watched as I left before turning to face Serena.

"Uhh, hi, Aurora," Serena timidly greeted.

Aurora continued to stare at Serena for a few seconds before,

"Hello, Serena," Aurora said, her voice echoing within Serena's mind.

Hearing the voice inside her head, Serena's eyes widened in shock.

"Huh? What? Where did that come from?" She said, looking around frantically.

"From Aurora, silly!" Aurora said, waving at Serena.

"You can talk?!?" Serena exclaimed.

"Mhm, Aurora has spent enough time around Master Kai and other humans that Aurora learned to speak your language through [Telepathy]," Aurora replied.

"That's… That's amazing!" Serena said.

"Does Kai know?" Serena asked, fully expecting a positive response. However, the response she got was different.

Aurora shook her head, saying,

"No, Master Kai does not."

"Huh? Why not?"

Aurora seemed to hesitate before saying,

"Because Aurora is afraid," Aurora confessed.

"What? You're afraid of Kai?" Serena asked, looking quite shocked.

"No! Of course not! Master Kai is the kindest!" Aurora replied, furiously shaking her head from side to side.

"Then what's the problem?"

"Umm… Aurora likes to be affectionate with Master Kai… He seems to let Aurora have her way because Aurora is his Pokémon and friend. But…" Aurora said, struggling to find her words.

Hearing Aurora's explanation, it seemed to click for Serena.

"You're afraid that if Kai found out you could speak, you'd be closer to another human rather than just his Pokémon and that Kai would start setting boundaries between you two." She completed.

"Yes… Master Kai seems to become flustered and embarrassed when Aurora is affectionate. Aurora is afraid that being able to speak will make him push Aurora away."

"I see… I don't think Kai would push you away, Aurora. You two seem so close, and I doubt something like this would ruin the partnership you two have. After all, it's not like you're in love with him, right?"

"In love with him?" Aurora asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"But Aurora does love Master Kai," Aurora said.

"Huh?!?" Serena exclaimed with wide eyes.

"You're in love with Kai?!?"

"Yes? All of Master Kai's Pokémon love him." Aurora said matter of factly.

"Huh? Oh! You mean… I see." Serena said before sighing in relief.

"That isn't what I meant, Aurora. But, hmm, how do I put this so that you'd understand…." Serena said, placing her hand on her chin and furrowing her brows.

All the while, Aurora continued to look at Serena with her head tilted to the side.

"Umm…. Okay. I think I have a way of explaining it so a Pokémon would understand." Serena said with a nod of her head and a slight blush.

"Aurora, do you think of Kai as your mate?"

"As Aurora's mate?" Aurora asked, tilting her head in the other direction. However, it seemed to finally process in her head, evident from how her white cheeks suddenly burned a crimson red and her eyes shot wide open!

"M-M-M-Master Kai as Aurora's mate?!?" Aurora screamed out, looking extremely flustered.

"No! No, No, No! Aurora couldn't possibly see Master Kai that way! Master Kai is Master Kai, and Aurora is Master Kai's Pokémon!" She shouted, waving her arms around frantically; however, she continued,

"Aurora is not Serena, who views Master Kai and Ash as potential mates!!"

Hearing what Aurora had to say, it was Serena's turn to blush furiously!

"W-W-What?!? Me?? See Kai and Ash as potential mates?!?!? W-W-Where did you get that idea?!?!"

"Serena was the one who told Master Kai that she came on this Journey to see Ash! Also, Serena once said that she wanted to 'Marry' Master Kai! Aurora didn't know what marriage meant, but Aurora did find out later! So when Master Kai met Serena again, Aurora remembered Serena once said that to Master Kai!"

Serena was still flustered by what Aurora had previously said, but after hearing her explanation, Serena paused before asking,

"Huh….? Aurora, you remember me?"

"Yes? Aurora remembers Serena from many years ago." Aurora said as she nodded her head.

"Haaaa… So his Pokémon remembers me, but he doesn't?" Serena muttered out loud.

"Sorry, Serena, Master Kai can sometimes be forgetful," Aurora said, hearing what Serena had mumbled, scratching her head awkwardly.

"Haaa… it's alright; at least Ash remembered me."

"Does that mean Serena will choose Ash as her mate instead of Master Kai?" Aurora suddenly asked.

"Huh?!? I…" Serena started but paused, letting out a deep sigh, saying,

"Haaa… I don't know…."

"Well, Aurora doesn't know what to do, but Aurora will support you! After all, Serena is Aurora's friend!"

Hearing the Pokémon's words, Serena looked up and smiled, saying,

"Thank you, Aurora. I'm so glad that at least you remember me."

Serena then stepped forward and hugged Aurora, though, making sure to avoid the spike that protruded from her chest.

Aurora wrapped her arms around Serena and hugged her back, seeing the familiar gesture.

"Well, well, it seems you two became awfully close in the short time I was gone." But, then, a voice with a teasing undertone called out, startling Serena.

Pulling away from each other, Serena looked over to where the voice came from, seeing Kai standing there, looking at her and Aurora with a smirk.

Coming back from my shower, I caught sight of something that raised my eyebrows.

Serena and Aurora were hugging each other like long-lost best friends.

It was such a precious sight that I couldn't help but reach into my bag, pull out my Pokédex, and snap a few photos for a rainy day.

Having taken enough, I put my Pokédex away before calling out,

"Well, well, it seems you two became awfully close in the short time I was gone," I said with a smirk.

Serena nearly jumped like a startled rabbit while Aurora looked over at me with a smile.

Making my way over, I enjoyed the sight of Serena blushing while Aurora waved at me.

"I'm glad you became such good friends with Serena, Aurora," I said, looking at my Pokémon as I arrived at their side.

With Aurora nodding her head, I turned to look at Serena, teasing,

"You aren't trying to steal my precious Aurora away from me, now are you, Serena?"

"O-O-Of course, not! I was just… We were just…." She began before pausing to look at my wide smile and letting out a large sigh,

"Mouuuu~! You're teasing me again!"

"Hahaha! Sorry, sorry!" I replied, repeating the same gesture when I had teased her the first time.

"So? Shall we grab some breakfast to bring back for the others? There should still be time."

"Okay," She said with a smile and a slight blush.



Sorry for the late update

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