
Tales of a Modern Day Aura Guardian

Between the games and the anime, Pokémon has always seemed like an ideal world. After all, its target audience is technically children. However, what if such a world were real? What if the world full of dangerous creatures and evil criminal organisations were realistic. How would actual crime and life-threatening danger affect the story as we know it? What hidden plots could be going on behind the scenes in the idealistic world we're all familiar with? How would an outsider entering into this world affect the timelines that fate had already planned upon? Follow Kai, a reincarnator reborn into a family with a long-kept secret, as he embarks on a Journey to the Kalos Region on a mission assigned to him by his Mother. P.S For those who have watched the Anime, specifically the seasons for X&Y, you'll notice a lot of similarities to the plot. After all, this story focuses on Kai's involvement in the plot and how his actions change things. Hope you enjoy it!

Dav0_2138 · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Massacre (Part 1)

After sending Ryu in to get my friends, I sent a signal to Kaida, who was a couple of thousand feet in the air above the warehouse.


She quickly charged up her [Hyper Beam], releasing it into the trees 30 or so metres behind me.

The subsequent explosions rocked the surroundings, sending the Team Rocket operatives into a frenzy, wondering what was happening.

As they were looking around for the source of the explosion, I started my role in the plan.

Taking a deep breath, I placed a small device, the size of a hockey puck, on my chest. It was in the shape of a shield and had lines of neon-blue light coursing through it.

It suddenly started to expand from where it was placed, spreading over my body like black sand, forming different shapes as it covered me entirely.

Closing my eyes, I allowed my emotions to be sealed away, bringing forth my emotionless, machine-like side.

I then stepped out of the surrounding foliage and walked toward the warehouse with steady steps.

The first of the operatives saw my approach rather quickly, calling out to their compatriots to gather. However, instead of seeing a 16-year-old boy, they saw a figure covered in what looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

I was around six years old when I was first introduced to the equipment that my Family agents used. One such piece of equipment that caught my interest like a child on Christmas morning was the Nanomachine Covert Mobile Suit (NCMS).

It came in a small package but could be programmed to form a covert suit with the latest camouflage technology and provided adequate safety against small-arms fire.

Of course, the protection aspect of it was kind of redundant due to my siblings and I, along with a select few from branch families, being able to use our ADA's. However, for the majority of agents in our Organisation, it was a godsend.

For those that could use ADA's, the NCMSs were used primarily for their camouflage technology and also one other feature. In addition to camouflage, the NCMSs all came with properties that could enhance the Aura abilities of Aura Guardians, making Aura usage more efficient and with less strain.

For example, suppose it usually took 15 of an Aura Guardians' reserves to form their ADA. However, if that Aura Guardian were to wear an NCMS, their energy efficiency could be doubled or, in some cases, tripled, needing only 110 of their total reserves. Furthermore, the NCMS even stimulated the recovery of Aura Energy, meaning an Aura Guardian could remain in active combat and continue missions for more significant periods of time.

There was a standard design to the NCMSs, but because they were formed from nanomachines, I had reprogrammed mine to form a suit in a design that was more to my liking, borrowing inspiration from an Anime I'd watched in the past.

The suit I was currently wearing looked nearly identical to an acronym named suit worn by a certain irregular who attended a high school of mystical arts.

Stepping into the middle of the courtyard directly in front of the warehouse, the Team Rocket operatives moved to surround me. Those with weapons pointed them at me while all their Pokémon prepared their Moves.

There were tense seconds as both sides waited for the other to move. Finally, however, a voice called out from behind the operatives.

"What's with all this racket?!"

Who appeared was Jessie, pushing her way through the crowd and appearing before me, looking somewhat startled at my appearance.

"Who are you supposed to be?! This is Team Rocket's business! You'd better get lost if you know what's good for you~!"

I remained quiet, staring at her with the glowing eyes of my helmet.

She seemed somewhat unnerved by my stare, shivering slightly, before shaking her head, looking around at her subordinates, gaining some confidence, and speaking out in an attempt to hide her current nervousness.

"Not gonna answer, huh? Fine~! Deal with him!" She ordered.

Suddenly, all the operatives and their Pokémon opened fire on me. Showers of bullets rained down on me, each of them calibres above the protection grade of my NCMS, accompanied by different Types of Moves from the various Pokémon.

They stopped firing after a minute or two, the occasional last few shots ringing out as they all lowered their weapons and reloaded. A couple of the grunts were even laughing at my 'demise'.

However, when the dust cleared, there I stood, completely unharmed, still looking at Jessie with my glowing blue eyes.

"W-What? H-how?!" Jessie stuttered.

The Grunts themselves were also shellshocked, not quite believing what they were seeing in front of them.

This time, I started to walk forward slowly.

"N-no! St-stay back!" Jessie said as she took a step back before looking at the operatives.

"What are you waiting for?! Do something!" She screamed in panic.

Snapping out of their stupor, they began firing at me once more, with the occasional Move coming my way.

However, I just stopped moving and waited for it to end.

They must've really wanted me dead this time as they kept going for roughly 5 minutes.

However, the dust cleared, and the scene repeated itself, with me standing there, completely unharmed.

"I-impossible!" One of the grunts cried out.

In his panic, he grabbed onto a grenade that was strapped to his belt, pulling the pin and throwing it at me.

But this time, I wasn't going to just take it.

My ADA burst forth once more, coupled with my Aura Enhancement.

Before their very eyes, I seemingly disappeared like a phantom before the grenade exploded, tossing up more dust.

However, their Pokémon, with their inhuman senses, could tell that I was just moving exceptionally quickly.

But just because they could follow me slightly better than their Human partners could, it didn't mean they could keep up and hit me. After all, I was weaving in and out between their comrades; they weren't going to fire with the risk of hurting their friends.

Now, while I have a deep love for Pokémon, I didn't particularly care about their Trainers.

Some Trainers were just horrible and didn't deserve Pokémon. Like these lowlifes here.

So, although what I was about to do was bound to cause the Pokémon a lot of grief, they would find different Trainers, Trainers they deserved.

Also, I wouldn't forgive anyone who targetted people I considered important to me. Thus, I had to do this.

With my speed being so fast that none of the Humans could even perceive me, I stopped behind my first target, the Grunt who'd thrown the grenade. He was a lanky man that was covered in scars. He was around 2 meters tall and looked quite sickly.

By focusing on people's auras, I could tell by the colour whether that person was good or not. Those who had evil intentions or were just straight up deranged had black and murky auras. Those who were good had lighter coloured auras, a mix of sunny yellows, light blues, etc.

Before me, the lanky man had one of the darkest and most pitch-black auras I had ever seen.

I had no idea what he'd done in the past, but I'd seen serial killers with brighter auras than him.

So, without hesitation, I struck forward with my right hand. I wasn't moving my hand as fast as I did when I struck Meyer, but it was still fast enough to replicate the outcome without the need for me to reinforce his body.

Thus, my hand pierced through his back, grabbing onto his heart along the way before it exited the front of his chest, much like a certain alien offspring.

"Cough… W-what…" The lanky man coughed out a mouthful of blood as he slowly looked down at the still-beating heart in my hand that was coming out of his chest.

Slowly, his eyes lost the 'light' of life as they grew dull, his head slumped forward, and his knees gave out. However, I held his body up in front of me.

There was silence as everyone stared at what I did.

They were speechless as they couldn't even tell what had happened.

Jessie just stared at this scene with a pale face. All the colour had escaped her.

After all, I had lowered the body just enough so that my glowing eyes could be seen staring at her from just over the shoulder of the corpse.




As soon as the first explosion went off, Meyer waited until it seemed like the warehouse was clear of operatives.

He made his move when he believed it was, Blaziken by his side, entering one of the windows on the side of the building on the second floor.

When they entered, Meyer and Blaziken crouched and snuck to a position where they could get a good vantage point.

From where they were hidden, Meyer could see Ryu with my friends and his kids, watching as he led them through the hole in the wall he'd made and out to safety.

With a sigh of relief, Meyer now felt that he could more easily focus on his part of the plan.

Signalling to Blaziken with his hands, they moved spots once more, allowing Meyer to catch sight of Professor Sycamore finally.

He was tied to a chair and looked pretty beaten up.

Behind him, in what appeared to be transparent containers of durable material, were Pikachu and the rest of the Pokémon taken from my friends.

In front of him were James and Meowth, with James working on a laptop that seemed to have lots of data being downloaded onto it.

"Whacha thinks goin on out der?" Meowth asked.

"Not sure… Maybe the authorities are here. I've got to get this data downloaded and have it sent to the boss ASAP." James replied.

"Hehe, yeah, den we can take doze twerps Pokémon to da Boss and make double da dough!"

"Well said, Meowth!"

"Well, shit…" Meyer muttered under his breath.

Understanding that they were most likely downloading the data on Mega-Evolution, Meyer quickly made his move.

Leaping over the guard railings with Blaziken, he reached his right hand to his left, touching a beautiful gem implanted into his glove's back.

Suddenly, a bright light enshrouded the bipedal Pokémon, lasting a split second, before bursting apart to reveal Blaziken's Mega Evolution!

Meyer was closing in to land on top of James, aiming his feet to land on the Team Rocket operative's back, while Mega-Blaziken went straight for Meowth.

James didn't even know what had hit him before he slammed into the ground, bashing his head, rendering him unconscious.

At the same time, Meowth received a [Blaze Kick] to the back of the head, sending him careening towards the nearby walls, blasting through, before landing and rolling on the ground, only to stop roughly 30 metres away, completely unconscious.

Meyer ran towards the laptop, noticing the data card slotted into it. Thus, he pulled it out, halting the download process.

"Phew, alright. Blaziken, destroy this laptop, then free the Pokémon." Meyer said.

With a nod, Blaziken appeared to take a deep breath before a torrent of flames escaped its mouth with its activation of [Flamethrower], melting down the laptop and the metal table it was on.

"Good," Meyer nodded at the result before walking over to Professor Sycamore as Mega-Blaziken approached the containers.

Kneeling down, Meyer shook Sycamore's shoulder, saying,

"Professor. Professor!"

Sycamore opened his eyes with the shaking, looking around frantically, but stopped on Meyer.

"You… You're the Blaziken Mask!"

"That's right." Meyer nodded.

"No, not me! Please, save the children and Pokémon first!" Sycamore pleaded.

Meyer's impression of the Professor jumped up several notches when he heard his request, but he shook his head, saying,

"Calm down, Professor. They've already been evacuated. I'm here to get you and the Pokémon out."

As he finished his sentence, a loud crashing sound sounded from behind Sycamore, which caused him to turn his head to look.

There, the Professor saw Mega-Blaziken smashing the containers and releasing all the captive Pokémon.

"Fascinating…" He muttered.

Meyer chose to ignore his words as he got to work releasing Sycamore from his restraints.

By the time he was done, Mega-Blaziken had freed all the captive Pokémon and devolved back into Blaziken.

"Alright, let's move."

