
Tales of: A God

Dio has always been quite competitive and determinated, that helped him become one of the greatest speedrunners on his past life. But now he has suddenly been taken away to another world with unfair balance and a system that clearly has got favorites. Will he be able to get on top of the competition when all odds are against him?

Molkter · Fantasie
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10 Chs


As I walked further away, I lost sight of White Zones. I had plenty of time to talk with Assistant.

She refused to give me much information until I had completed the quest, but she allowed me to know that there was something called {The Plan}, orquested by System, it was how everything was supposed to go once we got into this world, however they misjudged me, thus I derailed a part of said plan.

Devourer race, a special creation that is able to eat the flesh and soul of their victims and evolve from them. That's what I took away from Alex.

"[I will be by your side until System adjusts {The Plan} and give me further orders. Nothing personal, but if I'm told to leave I'll do so]"

That's what she told me... It's weird, she is basically confirming my suspicions about Alex and System, so she is not someone to trust... Yet the only thing I don't believe from her is that she would leave me.

I closed my eyes, everytime I do this I'm taken back to a space of perpetual darkness, this is supposed to be my soul... inside it there are little trees, they're the only visible thing there.

Those are the {Skill trees}, those who represent my capacities in the different areas of power I control.

Inside here, I can see her too: Tall, blonde long hair, a black dress and elegant posture... but above all... Those crimson red eyes that look at me with such intrigue... She would not leave me, because she finds what I'm doing entertaining.

I opened my eyes again as I entered a ravine.

-It's been a while and I still can not see any trace of those dragons you mentioned- I commented

[Patience. Although they are 3 dragons, there is only one awake at a time, they rule all over this part of the Dark Zones. Once we see him once, we will be able to track him down]

-I see-

I continued walking, at a distance I could discern a rather unusual figure, it looked... vaguely humanoid. A living creature?

If that were the case, that would be the first Dark Zones creature I'd face.

I approached him, I did not know how should I face it, should I dash at him with Lighting step and kill him before he reacts, or should I rather approach slowly and sneaky?

I did none, I just walked at him until I could take a good look.

It was... Kind of terrifying. Although his silloute resembled humanoid, his skin was of a vivid red, his veins were clearly visible, he had only half a head, no eyes, there was some weird yellow liquid pouring from the open half of his 'head'. Moreover, his left shoulder was inflamated to the point he had some kind of meatball bigger than his head there. That thing was filled of holes like a honeycomb and it also poured the yellow liquid.

-Is that thing even alive?- I said

I should have kept quiet.

The creature looked at me when I talked, he noticed me, he growled... or well... screamed? he sounded more in pain than aggressive.

However in a sudden leap he had already arrived at where I was, I barely could dodge it and made some distance with lighting step.

It's fast. Hella fast. His hands looked so fragile though... Could he really have injured me?

[Be careful with the yellow liquid, it's acid and will destroy your muscles to the point he'll be able to rip you apart]

Alright I think this place is a horror game.

He dashed at me again and I dodged again, if I pay attention I should be fairly faster than him. The risk is still insanely high with that acid.

I kept a good distance between us, I should use range as my advantage. I created lighting on my hand and hit him.

Not effective, he did not even react

[They're also magic resistant] Good timing, Assistant

He suddenly leaped faster than before, the liquid splattered my left shoulder and suddenly I lost my whole arm.

I got scared and ran away to hide behind some rock.

It was painful! Awfully painful!!

I looked at the injury, where it was supposed to be my left arm, there was nothing, blood was dripping from the empty space, it looked disgusting. I wanna throw up again.

How was that possible, there was no time for me to do anything. The moment the acid touched my shoulder my muscles desintegrated. I couldn't bare the pain.

I could faint. I was bleeding. This is a horrible, terrifying experience. Cold sweat started going down my face, I was feeling dizzy.

I could hear his steps approaching, he was near here. I can't faint here or I'll die.

He had no eyes, which means he was tracking me using sound.

I grabbed a rock. I can't use magic nor can I approach too much or I'll get melted to death.

It threw the rock and started running, I had no skills related to wind manipulation. However I remembered how I basically created a small gale back in the hole. I tried to bring back that feeling to me.

I tried to invoke that desesperation that made me push that much wind back then. It wasn't too hard given the situation I was in.

It worked, the wind started blowing in all directions, throwing small rocks all around, which confused the creature greatly. I was right, he guides through sound and he can't hear my footsteps with all this noise.

I climbed one of the ravine walls, because I saw something useful there. A rock. A rock about my size.

I tried to grab it, I wasn't strong enough, it was too big of a rock for me to pick with only one hand.

I looked back at the monster, he was inmovile, screaming while the noise confused him.

I swallowed hard, I better succeed on this.

I backed down a few steps and then dashed to hit the rock using Lighting step.

The rock was thrown to the air over the ravine, I continued with a big jump to place myself just above the rock and kick it pointing at the monster.

The sound was loud enough to call the monsters attention, however he wasn't fast enough to dodge it, the rock hit him, the liquid splashed all around as if it was blood.

I fell too, I was gasping.

I'm tired, can I faint now?

[Eat him.]

-You kidding right?-

[The acid already touched you, it is already corroding your flesh slowly, once it reaches your heart, you are dead.]

-What is wrong with this world?- I complained as I got back up

I walked at the now dead monster. My head ached, my arm was in unbearable pain, I was tired after spending that much energy against him and the world around me was spinning.

Yet I kind of felt bad for him.

-Didnt he look like he was... In pain?-

[He was agonizing.] Wow, straightforward, ok

-Do i really need to eat his flesh? It looks disgusting, can't I just... take the soul somehow?-


-Ok ok- I sighed

I knelt down and grabbed his hand... This is not going to taste good.

I ate the hand.

The white fluid started emanating from my left shoulder and my chest, suddenly I had recovered my left arm, it was healthy and it even looked a bit stronger than before, the sleeve did not regenerate though.

How come I got clothes when I ate the dragon but not now?

[Don't think about it that much]


It was not too much of a problem to repress the white fluid this time, however I could hear whispers in my ear.

"Eat more", "Consume", "Feed us"

I looked at the remaining parts of the body that weren't crashed by the rock. It was indeed tempting, however I think i'll pass by now.

I stood back up, some System screens showed up, I was about to read them when I felt the earth shake.

A current of air started pushing me, I did my best to hold my ground against that force that was throwing away huge rock like nothing.

Suddenly the whole place darkened, something covered the sun. I looked up, searching for the source of such chaos.

The silloute of the dragon could be distinguished, it was nothing that I had ever seen before. A flying monster of the size of a city.

He was kilometers over us yet he still looked collosal, from that distance his wings were already capable of destroying land and creating storms at his pass.

Is that what we are supposed to defeat?

My heart started racing. I should feel scared, there is no way I could bring that beast down. Then why am I feeling this...
