
Talent Swallowing magician

Elric Melvinger. He was the sole heir of a renowned magical family. He was born with innate talent, yet he was ironically unable to master magic due to his overwhelming abundance of talent. But then he discovers his family’s secret, which was left behind by his ancestors. “Consume the mana.” “Swallow the mana.” “Drink the mana.” “And thus, accumulate all the mana inside you, and then bring forth new magic!” He would rise to an untouchable height that no one else could reach.

babayaga01 · Aktion
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120 Chs

Chapter 13

[The approaching election for the headmaster of UsdonAcademy, what are the results?]

[Professor Berex's support rate of 52% far exceeds that of other candidates.]

[Even to the students who were previously lagging behind, he approached them with a broad mind, without putting on colored glasses, which is considered a major factor in his popularity.]

"Haha. It seems the public opinion is turning in my favor."

Professor Berex burst into laughter at the flood of articles pouring in day after day.

Perhaps if one were to list the happiest moment of their life, they could point to this moment right now.

"Congratulations, Headmaster."

As Rivern stood beside him, wringing his hands nervously, Professor Berex's mouth involuntarily stretched into a wide grin.

Then, as if realizing his mistake belatedly, he cleared his throat and barked out a scolding rebuke.

"The election hasn't even started yet, what on earth are you congratulating me for! Others might misunderstand if they hear! I'm only concerned about the future of this academy and the students' welfare!"

"Yes, I understand. How could I possibly fathom the depth of your noble intentions, Headmaster?"


"Nevertheless, with all public opinion revolving around you, and with the upcoming investigation, won't there be significant discoveries made soon? No other dean can match your reputation."

"That's right! You're putting me on a pedestal too much."

But contrary to his words, he didn't seem to mind at all.

[Could another miracle be in the making?]

[What is the historical value of the nest that will be discovered this time?]

The exploration team, led by Professor Berex, was scheduled to depart from the academy in two days.

Already, much attention was being focused on this expedition.

Some speculated that a dragon's nest of much larger scale than what Elric had discovered could be found.

If that were true, adding a new nest discovery to Elric's great find would undoubtedly skyrocket Professor Berex's reputation even further.

"Is Elric still not showing any signs of improvement?"

"He's still surrounded by guards near the infirmary, so there's no way to confirm. However, according to the guards..."

"According to them?"

"They say he's already narrowly escaped danger several times. It's likely that even that won't last long..."

"That's... unfortunate."

Despite the tone of the conversation, there was a hint of a smile at the corners of their mouths.

Rivern's smile deepened as well.

"The persistence of the Nerester family in hanging on until the end is all part of their play to secure excavation rights, isn't it? I'll continue to keep an eye on their movements, and if there are any signs of trouble, I'll report immediately."

"Indeed. The Jewel Dragon's Nest is the property of our academy. We can't simply hand it over to them as mere material possessions."

The direction of the excavation rights was gradually converging between the academy and the Nerester family.

Moreover, with rumors circulating that Elric might die soon, the stakes had been raised even further.

Naturally, both sides had to keep a close watch on each other.

However, Professor Berex didn't seem too concerned.

After all, if this expedition succeeded, it would inevitably tilt the political atmosphere and public opinion in favor of the academy.

"Anyway, for now, everything is up in the air, so stay sharp until the end. Let's discuss my successor when the time comes."

If Professor Berex becomes the headmaster, a professorship in the Department of Elemental Studies will become vacant.

So, who will fill that position?

With a gleam in his eye, Rivern bowed deeply, his forehead almost touching the ground.

"I will not disappoint you."


Professor Berex lifted a cup of steaming coffee and savored its aroma.

Like the flavor of this coffee, his future seemed fresh and promising.

* * *

"Setting off with so much pomp and circumstance for the exploration team, receiving countless expectations and welcomes... Quite grandiose, isn't it? But how are they going to handle the aftermath?"

Elric chuckled wryly as he looked at the newspaper on the stand.

No matter how much he orchestrated it, he couldn't help but wonder if things would unfold differently from what he anticipated.

He felt his efforts might be in vain as he worried that the events might not unfold as intended.

The outcome of the expedition was as clear as day.

'More likely than not, there's nothing there but deep caves and nothing else.'

If it were revealed that it was all a big bluff, it would be like pouring cold water on his prestigious reputation. At that point, how would Professor Berex react?

'He'll be even more fixated on my discovery. He'll have to win the headmaster election no matter what. And as a result, tensions with the Nerester family will continue to escalate.'

From then on, Elric planned to secretly spread rumors one by one.

Rumors that Professor Berex, who supposedly fully supported Elric's major discovery, had actually been lying.

Rumors that he disregarded Elric's and Sean's opinions about the location of the nest and instead attempted to seize the opportunity to raid the prestigious Magician's Guild, even betting on it.

For this operation, Karl, currently Sean's confidant, was maneuvering behind the scenes.

'In any case, what the media likes isn't heartwarming deeds but sensational conspiracy theories. They'll eagerly jump on it. The Nerester family and other headmaster candidates will also latch onto it like a pack of wolves.'

In such a situation, if Elric were to appear unscathed?

Professor Berex would inevitably face complete ruin.

'Professor, that's why you shouldn't have aimed for this from the beginning. Crossing the line led to this outcome, didn't it?'

Elric chuckled as he touched the hidden magical amulet under his clothes.

As it was a precious treasure that saved his life, Elric didn't trust Professor Berex any longer.

'Well then, let's see how you'll handle this trap.'


Elric ignited the newspaper in his hand with flames before moving to a nearby destination.

As he left, black ashes scattered and fell where he had been sitting.

* * *

"Are you seeking a guide to theYeti Highlands?"

Elric nodded at the intermediary, who regarded him as if he were crazy.

"Yes. Can you find one for me?"

"Are you planning to join the trend of group suicides these days...?"

"Pardon? What do you mean?"

The intermediary responded curtly without properly addressing Elric's question.

"Well, if you've got the money, finding a guide shouldn't be too difficult. With the continuous bad harvests in recent years, everyone in the nearby villages is struggling."

"Well, you see..."

"So, money's tight, huh?"

Elric couldn't help but chuckle for a moment.

Considering that his sister had been supporting him with tuition and living expenses, he didn't have much money left over. He realized he hadn't contacted her properly in a while.

He had asked Sean to explain the situation, but even with that, she probably wouldn't feel at ease with all the news pouring in. And considering her tendency to worry, it would only add fuel to the fire.

Thinking he should attach a separate message later, he turned back to the intermediary and said, "How could it not be possible?"

"Well, there's no shortage of options. Joining another group and sharing expenses along the way could be a solution, don't you think?"

Since Elric's plan was to part ways with the guide once they reached the snowy wilderness, it didn't seem like a bad idea.

"Could you please give me directions?"

"Come back here by 1 PM in 3 days. We'll depart then."

"Thank you."

Leaving the money on the table, Elric stood up from his seat.

* * *

『Seems like the terrain is somewhat familiar. It used to be the Yeti's dwelling.』

As they moved towards their lodging on the outskirts of the village, Mephisto nodded his head while glancing around.

The village, with only around a hundred households, was situated in the backwoods surrounded by towering mountains covered in perpetual snow.

Located in the northeast of the empire, the area was known for its rugged and harsh mountain ranges, to the extent that it was said, 'the spine of a fallen dragon covers the sky,' according to legend.

The nickname 'Yeti Highlands' was also attributed to this region.

This was because the snow yetis, using the perpetual snow as their territory, occasionally raided the mountain villages and kidnapped hikers for their meals.

But Mephisto seemed to be familiar with this place.

'Yeti' was a unique term referring to snowmen in this region only.

"Have you seen one before?"

Mephisto sniffed disdainfully.

『Yes, I have. Those insolent creatures who dared to admire us.』

"Insolent creatures?"

Elric tilted his head in confusion, then widened his eyes in realization.

"Are you saying the snowmen were demons?"

Mephisto's expression twisted in irritation.

『Don't lump them together with us! It's offensive!』

However, Elric was already quite astonished.

'So, you mean they were considered lower demons?'

Although he had only known them as monsters who enjoyed flesh.

'Well, aside from the long history of demons opposing humans, there isn't much known about them. But still, I never thought of this.'

Mephisto's reluctance to be associated with the same category was probably due to the low intelligence of the snowmen.

Demons, being primarily spiritual beings, typically possessed noble and extravagant hobbies, as well as arrogant personalities.

『Still, their ancient king proved to be more useful than expected. If his fate hadn't been so unfortunate, they wouldn't have escaped the demon's grace.』

Was there ever a leader who led the snowmen in the past?

It seemed there were some events unknown to the public.

『Hmm! Perhaps his tomb still remains.』

At that moment,

Elric's eyes sparkled.

* * *

Three days later,

Elric met the guide who introduced himself as 'Cook Mingma,' as the broker had described.

"Our tribe often takes the day of birth as a name, and Mingma signifies the day when the second sun rises. What I mean is, today is the day when the second sun rises in a week... so, in imperial terms, it's Tuesday. If you follow me, you'll experience no trouble at all!"

A boy with a nondescript complexion who looked about thirteen.

『He sure talks a lot. If we let him be, he'll chatter endlessly. Do we really have to stick with him?』

Mephisto grumbled as if he didn't approve, but in truth, neither Elric nor the others gathered there paid much attention to the guide.

'Five hiding their prayers, three monster hunters... and four herbalists.'

Perhaps it's because of the Yeti's plateau that such a peculiar combination was formed.

Especially the five who lagged behind and frequently scanned their surroundings seemed suspicious.

They wore their robes inside out, making their identities unclear, but it seemed like the four were thoroughly protecting one person.

From what Elric overheard, they were said to be the first to join this expedition.

There must be some backstory.

However, Elric had no reason to care, so he dismissed his interest in them.

'Nevertheless, it's a bit disappointing. I was hoping for some more excitement.'

Elric sighed as he gazed at the distant snowy plains.

Mephisto's words from three days ago suddenly came to mind.

-A tomb? It's probably been looted already. How could anyone know where the old king is?