

Prince Damarlangit has been forcibly picked up by the Royal Sky Army. He who had his powers taken away seemed powerless against those soldiers. When he was carried flying into the sky by the soldiers of the sky kingdom, he could only look down and find his wife who was crying. This separation was not what he, or Sekar, who had just become his wife, wanted.

Prince Damarlangit had arrived at the Sky Palace, he was brought before his father, the King of Heaven. From the look in his eyes, Prince Damarlangit looked very angry at his father.

His hands are still handcuffed, and his powers are still sealed. But being in the sky palace could make Prince Damarlangit's power return by itself and the sky king also knew about it. Therefore the King of heaven only said a few sentences so that his son would realize that the love story of gods and humans is forbidden.

"I sent you to earth to carry out your duties as a god, not to marry a human girl," said the King of the sky.