
Trials of the Worthy 5

Chapter 19

"Sa pag-agas sa panahon, ang tanan motubo padulong sa kamatayon."

It has been more than six months now since the the war horn was sounded. But nothing really happened after that. The assault that was expected never happened, now the villagers was mocking the old Captain Linaw.

"I stand strongly on what I have seen that day. My eyes never fail me and my warrior's senses never do!". He was protesting with all he can, standing firmly his ground.

"Captain, we greatly admired what you have done in the past. It was a bravery that stand to oppose against the hopeless situation. You were the wall that have fallen upon the heads of those who wanted to harm our village", said one of the elder.

And then the elder added.

"You're warrior's senses have never failed you before but times have passed already since the last major conflict. People have changed- "

"What about people have changed already? What do you mean by it?", the old Captain's face was red. He clearly understand what their word meant to.

For the past few months, people have been ridiculing him as old and already senile. He have raised an alarm in the whole village but he stubbornly stand by on what he believe. No, he really saw it, clear as a day. It was a threat and it deeply affected him.

But as days passed by turning into weeks to months and no assault had happened, people were laughing at him.

There wasn't even a shadow of those and how could attack even happen? They sent men to investigate after it, but they found no tracks in the nearby forest.

The sound of war horn greatly alarmed the people, it panicked them during that time but it turned out to be for naught. Their preparation was wasted when no war came. It greatly angered them and elders, who were representing the voices of the villagers were protesting to the chief.

The village Chief Matin-aw have known Linaw since the his warrior days. It was a brave and honest man, scrupulous in his duty. They had fought side by side back then, having bathe in the same blood together.

He believes in the word of the Captain. The Chief can see it in his eyes. The same as his that have seen what a battle looks like, how the blood was spilled in the battlefield and how it seeped into the land. The sun and rain may wash away the blood but in their mind, the stench was still there. It was so strong than nothing can ever fade it from the memory.

The Chief kept silent all this meeting, instead listening to the words and opinions of his council.

All the captains were present, the command of the forts were entrusted to the squads' vice captains.

They all too were veterans of battles even though their experiences in the field were not as extensive as the old captain and the chief, they still give weight to the words of their fellow captain.

But a long time has already passed and not a thing happened yet they were still on high alert as to the recommendation of the old Captain. It too was approved by the Chief who was also a renowned warrior back in his days.

So now they are voicing their opinions and great disapproval.

They are tired of the extreme caution, having to stay highly vigilant. They have rarely sleep for well, and then there was the daily drill and inspection during the day.

"Sir, we understand why we have to be on high alert, but nothing have happened the in the last few months, six months to be exact and that is already half a year."

It was the youngest captain, he is the most vocal among the ten fort commanders. Though he also have experienced battle but it was not as bloody and as large as the ones senior than him. Even though he respect the old Captain but in his head, the words from him does not carry the worth other captains were giving it.

"What can a small, unorganized tribe really do? Probably the reason why we haven't have a sniff of them in the recent times as because they know that will extinguish their lives before they can even feel it in their chest? They are afraid of us, I'm telling you all that they are terrified of us."

The young captain's words were aimed at the old captain. Though he is facing the crowd, his words addressed to them but he mean crafted it as a mockery for the old Captain.

"I agree, those tribes of barbarian can't even raise enough men to wet the land around one fort with their piss!". An elder who was speaking earlier seconded the young captain. His sarcastic remark raised a loud laughter among the crowd.

The old Captain was still unfazed by the laughter around him. He knows what their words means but he have lived long enough that a dull sword is still sharper than sarcastic words.

"I suggest that we dig the trenches deeper and put more more fortification around the fort. We should double the supply to be stocked in the Sagang. Equip the every one who can fight, even the trainees. They should be outfitted with armors and weapons ready for the combat".

The hall turned silent, some even bowed their head to hide their smile.

What have you not heard?, they asked in their mind.

Have you gone crazy?

There was not even an attack in the last few months, not an air of their fart drifted into the forts and now you want us to prepare for an attack that is you have been insisting for the last few months?


It was the young captain, he forced to wipe away the smile in his mouth by coughing it out. In his mind, for the majority of those who are currently gathered, even most of the captain, the idea of preparing for an attack was ridiculous. Idea of a madman though they don't dare to voice it loud out of respect for the captain.

"Sir, we have already spent much resources since six months ago and it was-"

"It was a resource well spent!", interrupted the old Captain, insisting his belief about the coming war.

Most of the rest were dumbfounded at the stubbornness of the old captain. Too much already have been spent on preparation for the thing that never came.

And something interrupted them.

It was a loud horn, echoing through the village.

It was the war trumpet! Blown again but this time far more intense than the last one. The blowing was more urgent.

The old captain hurried himself out of the hall and into his horse that was waiting for him outside. He refused to put it in the stable earlier and just tied it right by the village's hall's door. He mounted unto it in fluid fashion one would not expect looking at his age.

He knows the tactics of his enemy. First is wearing out the opponents patience by making them wait and slowly lulling them into a sleep. He'll never fall for it, not again.

They weren't just barbarians who relied on brute strength. They played mind games first before striking, in that way the wounds they inflict would be deeper and larger.

But the old Captain can't understand too why they didn't attack immediately. Why wait this long and have us prepared?

What were they waiting for?

It is against to what they have been preparing if they let the enemy gather their strength too. There must be something else. Are they waiting for something that could wipe us out in one move? That is impossible.

What is it?

The old captain looked up into the sky, it was so dark as if prophecy of the incoming bloodshed. Now he knows what it is!
