
Tale of the cursed

In other to protect them from the King of Amagadite's Men during war, The sorceress cursed her people. What happens when she couldn't control any of them?

Estherio · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 3: The King of Armogodites


One of the King's soldier approached the king and whispered something to him. The king of Armogodites smiled and gestured at the prostitutes to leave his room, he let his maids put on his clothing on him before he headed to his throne room

" What brought the officials of Kona to my palace, do you not fear death anymore?" He asked them having a suspicious smile on his face

Bowing down to him " we have come to accept your offer and make peace with you" The head of the palace officials said

The king of Armogodites laughed devilishly and his own officials joined him " Silence! " he commanded and everywhere turned cold at the sound of his voice

" What about the rest people, aren't you going to convince them to join me too? You are the next authority to your king; they have every right to obey you" The king of Armogodites said to them

" The people listens to the Sorceress, the king did too. They believe she is a goddess of wrath and could curse anyone who offends her" The head of the palace officials of Kona responded

" The sorceress? I have heard so much about her" The king of Armogodites said, he placed his hand on his chin thinking deeply.

" Everyone at the kingdom of Kona is afraid of her, we won so much battle because of her prayers. We believe you are more powerful and can save us from what is yet to come, you never lost a fight, we would like to stand along side of you" he told the king

The king of the Armogodites laughed devilishly at them

" I never knew that, but what is more interesting is that you are accepted my offer late, I have already sent out my soldiers to massacre every living being at Kona and bring me the Sorceress " The king said laughing, his palace officials joined him in laughter too before he silenced them

" Your sorceress had the audacity to enter my palace last night and threaten me with a dead birds, I will never forgive anyone who threatens me in my own palace. I will let her watch her own people die in my hands and show her that I am the only god to fear" The king of Armogodites said angrily scaring the Kona's palace officials. " I want them gone out of my palace" he ordered his palace soldier.

His palace soldier didn't hesitate to take those officials away and throw them into the prison.