
tale of the jamun god

once upon a time there lived a princess of a tribal community.

princess always went to the jungles to pluck jamun and other berries.

on one occasion she was plucking the jamuns on banks of the Narmada river along with her friends.

on the branches of the jamun tree

she noticed a celestial being enjoying the fruits of the jamun tree🌳.

the celestial being asked the princess

"what's the matter child what is such a lovely girl doing in the jungle. "

the princess replied I am looking for my fruits

the god told the princess to leave the fruits today and instead gave her a boon

, the princess became happy and asked for a prince for her marriage. the god gave her the boonand on the next day the tribal married her daughter to a khastriya prince of the neighbouring kingdom.

the princess came with her husband to seek blessing of the jamun god.

after seeking the blessings

they lived happily ever after