
Tale Of A Mummy's Boy

Henry is the only son of his single mother. His mother works in 2 different places during the day and night and hence has no time to train her son properly. she spoils him rotten to compensate for not always being around. In school, Henry is the gang leader of a group of boys who always causes trouble. A rollercoaster of emotions occur after he leaves school. Stay tuned to find out more.

Precious_Ukaegbu · realistisch
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5 Chs


"Woo a girl?" Mum said.

"Yes, woo a girl." I replied.

She was awfully quiet for a while.

"Pardon my silence hunny, In as much as I'm surprised that you're asking me to help you I'm happy that you asked"

She chuckled and hugged me.

"My boy's all grown, you know I'd help you. You can ask me for whatever. There's no mountain I wouldn't climb for you. No ocean I wouldn't cross just to see you happy. Your request I'd gladly fulfill." She said smiling from ear to ear.

"Thank you mum, you're the best!"

"Now tell me, what moves have you made?"

I narrated everything I had done the previous day.

"Well hunny you shouldn't force her, you just have to make sure she falls for you. There are many things you can do like: making a public proclamation, random gifts like chocolates or white roses girls love that, you can keep stalking her but don't over do it. You can walk home with her, c'mon baby it's not so hard."

"Oh, I see." I said staring at the ceiling.

"Try getting something for her today and sneak it into her locker, leave a short love card with it."

"I'll get her one of those chocolate bars girls love a lot."

"That's how you roll hun, you'd get the hang of things. Now get up and get prepared for school, you don't want to run late."

"Yeah, yeah…" I said as I raced to the bathroom.

"When you're done come for breakfast, we'll leave together" mum said as she walked out of my room. I heard her close the door. I kept smiling as the thought of having Margaret came to my head.

"C'mon, I just want to play her and dump her, no feelings attached." I tried to convince myself but I had already fallen deep.

I came out of the bathroom still smiling from ear to ear. There are a lot if things we could do together and even get married. I'm willing to take my shot. I'm willing to risk it.

"You're probably over thinking things Henry" I said to myself as I stood in front of my standing mirror to see my reflection, "Just breathe".

"Henry! Aren't you done?"

"I'm coming mum!"

I hurriedly dressed up and went down for breakfast.

"What are we having for breakfast mum?" I said coming down the stairs

"Pancakes and tea"

"Lovely" I said as I sat at the dinning.

She placed my meal on the table right in front of me and sat to eat hers.

"Hurry" she said as she started eating.

She stood up as soon as she was done and left her plates on the sink.

"Hurry we're running out of time" she said as she arranged her bag. She brought out some notes from her bag and put in my bag.

"For your lunch" she said

I rushed my food and left my plate in the sink.

"I'll wash them once I'm back from school" I said as I grabbed my school bag. "Shall we?" I said pointing to the door.

Mum nodded and walked out with her hand bag on her shoulder.

"We'll head to the grocery store to get those chocolates for your girl." Mum said as she flagged a cab.

We got in and headed a little grocery store, mum said "Let's get what we want from here to avoid getting stuck in the queue."

I thought about it, yeah she wasn't wrong. We were running out of time.

Immediately we got to the store, I hurriedly rushed in. Mum said somethings to the cab driver but I paid no attention to it. I was super excited. I needed to reduce the adrenaline rush in my body. I had almost ran halfway through the store before I sighted the cookies and chocolates department. I still don't know why they had to be so far. In as much as the store we went to was not so big as the everyday grocery store but this, this one was almost as big as one the popular grocery store. It wasn't really populated though. It was good because as soon as I grabbed the chocolate and card I rushed the counter and mum was there waiting for me there.

"Is that all?" mum asked

"Yeah, I think these would do"

"Alright" she replied and settled the sales representative at the counter.

We took what we bought in the customized bag of the store. As we walked out mum directed me to enter the cab we came with. He waited for us? I guess that's what mum was talking to him about when I ran off.

As the driver started moving towards school, I scribbled some words on the card I had earlier bought. I could see mum watching me from the corner of my eye.

"I have to write this now if not I might not get the chance to as classes would soon commence"

She nodded, brought out her phone and started scrolling on it.

When I was done writing I put the chocolate in a small gift box and wrapped it up. We got to school and I got off.

"I'll let you know how it goes when I get back."

"Okay, do have a nice day." Mum said blowing me a kiss. I smiled and waved.

"Bye hunny" she said to me

"Bye mum"

The driver drove off and I rushed inside the school. I got to Margaret's locker, she wasn't there and I left the gift box with the paper. It was an apology letter. It read:

"I'm sorry bout yesterday, I shouldn't have forced you when you were against it. I want to apologize with this chocolate bars, I know they're your favorite. Please don't reject it. I'm really sorry, But I hope you have a great day ahead."


I went to my classroom. A part of me eagerly awaited our next meeting, but I want her to cool off. Maybe I pushed her a little too much. Moreover I was just getting to know her in person. I wanted to get to know her beyond what Jack had given me. Jack! I'd gotten my mind all wrapped up trying to get to Margaret that I'd totally forgotten about the boys. As the class was going on I turned to look at Jack, he was into the lectures and in time I realized I was the only one distracted in the whole class. Now I'm more confident that if I don't get Margaret I'd completely loose my mind.

When the bell went for recess, I remained seated and gathered the boys around.

"How've you all been?"



"Been well" they replied ununison

As they were discussing, something caught my attention. A familiar figure. I looked through the corner of my eye. It was Margaret! She walked in with some of her friends. They didn't look happy at all. She was holding the chocolate and note I had left in her locker.

"Mar…" I tried speaking but I couldn't complete my words. I couldn't utter any more word.

"Stay away from me" Margaret said as she flung the chocolate and note right at me, "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't want anything to do with you. I don't even want the littlest of being your friend. I'm not going to accommodate any form of gift from you. Just stay away from me and I'm not begging you, this is a warning. I don't want to repeat myself" She said as she stormed out of the class leaving me with my mouth agape.

I was frozen on the spot, I couldn't utter a word or move. Suddenly everyone turned to me and I felt the floor divide beneath me. I felt myself falling into what seemed like an endless pit.


I shivered as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You've been staring at the door for some time now, are you okay?" Jack asked.

I turned to him still in shock and turned back to the door with my eyes wide open like they were going to fall out.

"It was all a day dream" I whispered underneath my breath.

"What was…?"

"I need to use the rest room" I interrupted Jack, stood up and walked out of the class calmly.

"What's wrong with me? Is this what love feels like? Am I just obsessed? Why does this have to happen now?" I thought to myself.

I walked into the rest room and washed my face in the sink. I stared straight at my reflection in the mirror on the wall.

"Snap out of it Henry" I said to myself. "You can't afford to be weak now. Nobody's going to bring you to your lowest. You're strong. you're fearless. You're a fighter and you're going to get her… wait what? No no, that didn't come out right. Err, you're going to forget her. Yes that's it. But what if I can't? There's no height I can't reach, nothing I won't do to have her. Aarrgghhhh! Leave me alone! Stop messing with my head"

Then it dawned on me that some guys were watching me talk to myself like a nut case. I took in a deep breath and let out a loud sigh. I turned back to them still staring at me.

"Any problem? Haven't you tried to encourage yourself before?" I asked them as they stared at their selves.

"What are you all still looking at? Beat it!" I barked at them as I stormed out grumbling.

"Bunch of idiots! I need air, I'm suffocating." I thought to myself, "I can't take this anymore, I've never been this weak bef…" I bumped into Margaret and caught her half way to the floor. She screamed in fear with her eyes shut.

"You're safe with me." I said as I pulled her up gently and held her in my arms resting her head on my rock hard chest. I'm sure she could hear my heart beat in unison with hers.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you" I said charmingly.

She opened her eyes and raised her head and our eyes locked. She looked astonished. She seemed like she was checking me out from a more sexy angle. I gave her a warm smile.

"Are you okay? I hope I didn't hit you too hard?"

She blinked shaking her head like she just came back to reality. She pulled herself out of my arms.

"I'm fine, thanks for not breaking my head" she said as she walked away slightly shaking.

I stood there smiling like I had won a gold medal. I walked to the school field and sat under a big tree thinking.

"If she didn't confront me bout the gift that means she probably hadn't seen it, right? Or what if she was still in shock from the push? But the way she stared at me… I'm sure she was checking me out. Cause why not? Who can resist this cuteness."

My thoughts were cut short by a voice, a lady's voice.

"Margaret?" I said out loud and the person behind the tree kept quiet.

I stood up to check who…

I collided into someone.

"Ouch…"I said as I opened my eyes to see who it was.

"I can't mistake that voice" I said as I saw Margaret.

"You plan on bumping into me throughout today or something?" she said holding her head in pain.

"Oh Maggie dearest, can't you see? We're made for one another." I said smiling down at her.

"Get that crazy idea out of your head man!" she said as she turned to leave. I held her hand stopping her. The way her hair swung… dang!

I turned her towards me.

"Calm down, I don't bite. Here, sit with me" I said pointing to where I was sitting before. "Please…" I said with a smile. She thought for some time then reluctantly sat down. I followed suit.

"Firstly I want to say I'm glad to see you here. Far from our friends and somewhere calm. I really want to apologize for bumping into you in the hallway and here. My mind has really been clouded lately. I don't I what I would have done if I hadn't caught you." I said putting my head down.

"It's fine. Thanks for the chocolate by the way. That's actually my favorite."

"I can get it for you everyday. Just give me the order."

"Nah, don't bother. You don't have to do that." She said as she giggled.

"Let me be a gentleman. How about I treat you out for dinner. Tomorrow, what do you say?"


"I know you're in doubt. Lunch then, tomorrow." I don't want you to feel insecure about me."

"Alright then, lunch."

" Oh thank you, this means a lot to me!" I said as I hugged her in excitement. She didn't reciprocate.

"I'm sorry for that." She gave a slight nervous smile.

"It's fine" she said.

"I know I'm making you uncomfortable, I don't like hurting you or seeing you hurt. I'll just leave then, we'll see tomorrow. I'll come meet you."

"Oh, okay. That's not a problem."

I stared at her for some time.

"I'm sorry I can't help it, you look rather stunning." I said as I slightly pushed her hair behind her ear. She slightly tilted her head and closed her eyes. "God I'm dying to give you a kiss right now." She opened her eyes and looked down to the grass.

"I'll meet you tomorrow." I said as I stood up and left her under the grass.

I wanted to turn back and go stay with her. My heart was racing like it wanted to leave my chest. I walked into the school's cafeteria. I ordered lunch and ate. Immediately I walked into my classroom the bell rang for classes to commence.

"Henry we need to speak later." Read a note Jack passed to me.

I turned back to him and he looked both worried and angry. I let out a sigh holding my head. I felt like my world was crushing down. It's probably because of me chasing Maggie Jack wanted to speak to me. He's never been in love so he probably doesn't know what I'm going through right now. I can't control how I feel no matter how hard I try. I guess this is love. This is how it feels to be in love. Being helpless.

Henry is determined to get Margaret, he's high school junior. in making her fall for him he begins to fall for her instead.

Jack is not realizes what's happening and is greatly angered by the changes. On the other hand Henry's mum helps Henry out in getting him his first lady.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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