

"Ugh" a groan escaped Gates mouth as he tried to get up but felt something heavy on him,

Looking down on his chest he saw a redhead cuddled next to his small body...if he was any older, he would've been tempted by this redhead on his body...

However, they both had alot to do and so, shaking her, she opened her eyes almost immediately at his unnatural touch, her eyes darting around as she reached for a sword that wasn't there beside her.

"Hey, Sleepy head." Gates commented as he sat up, looking at her actions as he brought a smile on his face...Reading about her actions made one think she was very serious, but seeing it, it wasn't as serious,...it felt more like she was scared than wary.

Calming down, realising that her environment was much different, Rosalia let her hand fall as she knelt on the bed. She showed a side of herself she didn't expect to around him...however remembering what he said yesterday, she didn't put her actions to mind anymore.

"Good morning" she replied to his words as she got off the bed and bowed. Normally Gates would've said something about that but instead allowed it, no matter how much he favored her, a line needed to be drawn so she remembered her place.

She was a servant, a well-favored servant but a servant none the less...

"Morning, help me get Yusuf here, we got alot to do today." Gates greeted and instructed as he got out of bed, heading into his washroom to wash his face.

A few minutes later, Rosalia and Yusuf were standing in front of his bed as he came out of his washroom, using a towel to dry his hair he looked at them...they were strong now, but he needed them stronger.

But before that, he had to get himself to their level, he had to become a mid rank and he only way to do that was inside the forest, deep within the mountains.

"Get yourself ready, we're going into the forests...I need to get stronger and my only way is inside that forest, before that, we have someone we most definitely have to meet before we get to our destination[s]." Gates said as he removed the towel.

"Yes, young master." Both Yusuf and Rosalia responded as The former left the room, going into his and getting prepared for a journey with no definite time return. The latter on the other hand, carried some of the bags she had brought in last night and entered the washroom.

Gates wore a black shirt, black pants and a gray robe with his black boots...Picking up a ring he got from a maid whom claimed that the family head gave to him, Gates later discovered it was the rare magic ring, containing nearly a hundred square meters.

The space ability was something that was more than rare to find, but those who had it in this novel were severely overpowered in their use of it. It broke reasoning and that was precisely why Gates hated the book excluding the protagonists dumb nature.

A fireball in the hands of a talented individual or mage was the size of a fucking meteor, Yusuf was strong for his rank but he wasn't the ones most would call talented, he was gifted...The same could not be said for Gates whom could be considered talented as long as no one knows his secret...

However, this reason was why he needed to grow stronger, he knew he would meet those talented individuals in the competition in a month and he knew as well that with his demeanor, he had to be able to protect himself tenfold and even worse, have the ability to threaten the life of whomever decides to forfeit it.

"Speaking of which, those two still haven't come even after hearing all those rumors? " Gates said as he thought of his older brothers resurfaced in his mind. He was surprised by their ability to keep still.

In any case, Gates could not bring himself to care as he packed a bit of things when he heard the knob to the door of his washroom twist,

Rosalia came out of the bathroom sporting some black leather pants, boots and some new bandages wrapped tightly around her chest to mid torso as she walked towards are armor that laid at the corner of the room atop a chair.

As she wore her armour piece by piece, Gates finished his preparations and sat on his bed to think...The plan was to leave this Manor and head out of town for the Alpine Forests, however before they can head for their place of interest...That orc must be found.

Not being such a hard task, Gates was naturally not worried about such things...it was the matters of his destination that he did not know whether or not they would come back alive, but as long as they could get what was needed at that place, he would not mind risking such dangers even another million times.

That being said, the monsters and creatures lurking on their way was going to be an extreme problem, they could walk but face a significant amount of different races that hate humans and flying was an even worse option as neither of them could attack what soared the skies that deep in the forest.

With a sigh, Gates shook the thoughts off his mind, he wasn't going alone anyway and with Yusuf, Rosalia and even the magic Warrior Sar'har....he doubted there was any real dangers and yet such a thought is what put a lot of adventurers into the earth, their bodies either swallowed up by the earth by lack of interest to eat from the monster or their bodies eaten and not a trace of them found except their loot...even which some monsters carry and leave at their lair.

Haaaa, another sigh escaped from his lips

"We're in for a rough time today."

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