
Taken down for spirity

What would you do, if the first time you booted up into a VR Cyberspace Universe, you got the most Overpowered weapon? This is a system story where Everyone has a system! Except the main character, who has the Most OP System that he gets from his weapon! WPC#166 entrant Ken Ouroboros was a disaster child. From the moment he was born, he set everything and anything he touched into absolute chaos. Known for hating rules and cockily challenging authority, Ken was on the brink of being sent to jail for his brazen misdemeanors. But when a man gives him access to Cyberscape, a game set 1000 years in the future where thousands of online players fight over a large galaxy, he gets the most powerful weapon the "Cyberblade Plasma" from a loot box at level 1! However this comes with a huge price. On his first time playing the game 10,000 players invade his world to try and steal the weapon! The missile barreled through the air, blasting a hot trail of fuel behind it. As it sped towards Ken, it made an ark in the sky that added another flash of neon to the already vibrant city. As the missile came within a few feet of hitting him, Ken closed his eyes. “Focus….” He popped his eyes back open, raising his blade to meet the speeding missile head on. Positioning his blade in the center of its diameter he indented his blade into its tip. After penetrating an inch deep, he swiveled the blade around the edge of the inside of the missile barely cutting into its surface. Sweeping his blade around, he slashed the missile’s exhaust and thrusted it to the side. “Hehe Juicy” Ken gagged BOOOOOOOOOM!!!! The missile drifted off into the distance exploding into a section of cars far behind him. “That's impossible,” Wei Chen said, dropping to his knees. “He manually deflected the missile… That's not possible! he would have to have gone around the entire infrastructure, chamber of explosives and exhaust in the blink of an eye… That's simply not possible!” “You there!” Wei Chen yelled “Are you smurfing! What in the hell was that! No… you’re hacking! Even a Max level player couldn’t do that! What the hell are you?” The Image I used as my cover is not mine, if you would like me to take it down please contact me.

Gaburieru · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Tomato Tamato Missiles And Mangos Part 2

Turning around on the hood of the car Ken's gums wiggled as the turbulence of the high speed hit his face.

"Juiicccyyyyy!!!!" He yelled as his mouth wobbled

"Hey! Get back here!" Wei Chen said, chasing him down.

As the aircraft hovered above, Wei Chen jumped onto an adjacent car traveling next to Ken. Drawing a red blade he lept into the air.

"What are you doing?" Ken began "No way you're making that ju-"

In an instant Wei Chen close the gap between him and Ken. It was almost as if he was pulled by an invisible force directly over to Ken's position.He came at Ken slamming down his sword.

"Grgg" Ken grunted as the two interlocked blades. "What was that some kind of air dash?"

"I'll take care of this personally!" Wei Chen yelled into Ken's face

"Yeh whatever" Ken chuckled

"Men Fire now!" Wei Chen said as he and Ken interlocked blades. Coming up on Ken's backside, the group of soldiers fired their pistols once more at Ken's back.

Ken shoved Wei Chen away and used his blades autoblock again.

"Cease fire!" Wei Chen ordered landing back on the adjacent car. He jumped into the air dashing at Ken once again.

"Dragon's Tooth!" Wei Chen yelled, spinning his blade in the air. He did a front flip, sweeping his blade as a red aura flowed from its tip.

Ken managed to block it in the last fraction of a second, but was knocked backwards losing his footing.


Ken fell off the high moving car, slamming into the ground and rolling around on the city streets. He stood in the middle of a highway, as cars whipped past him honking their horns. His surroundings began to flash red as a danger warning popped up on his heads up display.

"Great… One HP…" He said viewing his health bar

Before he could even get up he saw Wei Chen and his aircraft quickly approaching from the sky.

"All I wanted was to do some cool stuff and meet some sexy babes! Why in the hell is the first level of this game so goddamn hard!"

As he hung his head in shame, a red holographic woman came out of his arm.

"Master you have summoned me?" The voice said

"What? I didn't summon…"

Wei Chen jumped down to the ground ready to challenge Ken once again.

"So you finally summoned your C.A won't help you any now" Wei Chen said

"But how I don't even remember her name?" Ken said

"The name of this unit is Sexy Babe, as assigned by the user Ken Orobouros, is the name not sufficient? Would you like to change it?" the AI said

"Hehahahahah!" Ken laughed

"Why am I even surprised" Wei Chen said shaking his head

"Master your health is low please use this" Sexy Babe said handing him an implant

Ken shot it into his arm instantly recovering his health

"Hehe Thanks Babe!" Ken said "If you were real I'd kiss you!" He said

"This unit is not equipped with the kissing function… one must purchase a doll from Nautica's sex store for that."

"You're inconsolable!" Wei Chen yelled "Why the hell did a lunatic like you get that awesome sword! It doesn't make any sense!"

"Look whatever your name is." Ken said shaking his head "You were the first human I met in this game, the first one I talked to, we coulda been friends making memories together! Me you and Sexy Babe here!" He said laughing

"But without even knowing me or getting to know me, you hunted me down and started hating me! So let me ask you! Why should a lunatic like you get this sword?" Ken yelled pointing his blade at him.

"Whatever!" Wei Chen sneered "I got you down to 1 HP! I can do it again!"

"Not happening" Ken chuckled "This time I'm not alone! Sexy Babe what abilities do I have and how do I use them!"

"You have none" Sexy Babe answered

"What about items!"

"None the one I gave you was the last one"

"Ok… well what can you do to aid me?"

"Nothing… Your first ability as well as my functionalities do not unlock until level 2.

"How do I get to level 2?"

"By defeating enemies and completing quests and achievements, the soldiers here are all level 5 taking out one of them should get you to level 3." Sexy Babe said.

"Heh, so all I gotta do is take out one of those soldiers and I'm Level 3?" Ken asked


"Alright sorry, but I'm about to level up!" Ken sneered

"Fat chance! I'll never let my soldiers get caught out! Soldiers withdraw!" Wei ordered

The soldiers got into a line and began running back into the aircraft.

"Hehehehahah" Wei laughed. "Now your chances of winning are Ze-"


A soldier got hit by one of the cars on the highway and started drifting through the air.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Wei yelled


The soldier landed right next to Ken.

"Heheh Juicy" Ken laughed

Striking the soldier with the tip of his sword his heads up display began to light up blue.

[Level: 5]

[Ability's Learned: Dash Air Dash Double Jump Wall Run

[Weapon Level: 5]

[Weapon Abilities: learned Cyber Slash, First Zephyr Form Duo Blade]

[Health: 724]

"Hehahhaha says defeat a non-player character that has been weakened to 1 hp. Grants 1500 exp hahahah let's go!"

"Master you have unlocked the following abilities" Sexy Babe said "Cyber slash, dash , air dash, and also the first Zephyr form of the Cyberblade Plasma, Dual Blade Mode.

"Activate Duo Blade Mode!" Ken yelled

Nothing happened

"You're the activator master... You activate dual blade by selecting the form in your heads up display…"

"Oh I knew that!" Ken said

Ken's blade split into two, creating independent blades in each hand. He flipped them over each other, juggling them before they landed in his palms.

"Goddamnit!" Wei Chen yelled

"Whelp looks like playtime is over " Ken laughed "It's time for you to set that alarm clock! Your about to get K.O'd!"