
Take Responsibility, Mr. CEO IV

"I also remember but you see, Mr. CEO, the protection seems to have been inefficient.

"I wonder why..." Nam Ha-Eun smirked coldly, indicating that it had been his fault.

Kwon Chung-Hee's mouth twitched as he remembered some scenes of that night, 'Haa- what spell was cast on me at that time...'

She raised her brows, thinking, 'So you know...' her smirk turned sly.

As he was pondering with a lowered sight, her gorgeous looks of that night filled completely his mind.

'Ugh,' he shook away his thoughts and looked up at her, only to see her sly smile; she was mocking him, "Hmph, good try but that doesn't mean your child is mine.

"A woman like you..."

"You are the only one I have slept in six years..." she interrupted him before hearing the words that will surely make her go mad, "Stop being stubborn.

"I can't blame you for not trusting a nobody who suddenly popped out of the blue and said you are about to become a father but..." she gritted her teeth, "You not believing it won't change the fact that what I have said is true.

"Do you think I want to be here?

"Hah! Don't highlight yourself too much. If it weren't because of the child, you wouldn't have a chance with me..." she lost her cool, 'if it weren't because I won't bear to see the face of that father of mine when he gets to know... Urgh...'

"You know what happened and that photo you want to get rid of is proof of that deed.

"The count matches and I can swear by my first, now second worst screwed up thing that I haven't slept with anyone else besides you in a long time so… it can only be you! Or could it be that the "honourable gentleman", Kwon Chung-Hee, wants me to get rid of his child?

"Oh no, I went too far with that, I apologize. There's no way such an "upright" man is a murderer.

"However, if I, a person who has almost left society, am a woman like whatever you were going to say, then, you might not be different from the other "praiseworthy" people and are fond of having hidden illegitimate children," she felt disgusted and ashamed of herself; insisting like this and wasting her breath wasn't like her, 'How low I have fallen, talking so much nonsense, so pathetic… ugh-,' nevertheless, when she felt like saying 'whatever' and go out of the room in disgrace, the face of her father looking down on her appeared again in her mind, making her hold down her shame and persevere.

The atmosphere reached the top of heaviness. For someone who had yet to have a speck of dust on his reputation, her words were unbearable yet Kwon Chung-Hee didn't lash out back at her and only remained silent with a grave semblance.

*Bip, bip* The sound of the phone on the desk broke the quietness of the ample office.


"President Kwon, the personnel of YY Fabrics that came… this..."

'Has fifteen minutes already passed?' Nam Ha-Eun drifted her thoughts when she heard Secretary Baek Iseul; through her means, she had re-scheduled YY Fabrics' appointment with Ceux Conglomerate.

"Has Manager Park arrived?" asked Kwon Chung-Hee.

"Yes, but the person inside..."

"Once, amhh..." he looked at her.

"Secretary Cha Hwa-Young," she replied, guessing what he was thinking.

"Once Secretary Cha Hwa-Young is out, let him in."



"Your name..." When the phone was hung on the other side, he opened.

"It is the one written on the laboratory results, I'm Ha-Eun, Nam Ha-Eun," she cut his words, giving him an answer.

"Hu... and you want me to believe you when..."

"Hah, do you think I would be able to meet you otherwise, don't delude yourself.

"What are you, a fifteen-year-old kid or a CEO, "Mr. CEO"?"
