
Take Responsibility, Mr. CEO III

Kwon Chung-Hee thinking she was playing dumb, added, "For you to have entered here in name of YY Fabrics, you must be pretty skilled so don't play dumb and just tell me how much?"

"...?" However, he only got the puzzlement of her greyish eyes in answer as she still didn't get what he meant.

His bad state accentuated, nevertheless, he took a deep breath and through gritted teeth, he said, "How much for the photo?"

"..." She raised her pretty black eyebrows, 'Oh, I see… he thinks I'm here to blackmail him for that selfie...

'No wonder he is so mad. He is one of the little rich tycoons with his reputation still impeccable before the masses, after all...

'Haha, his reaction when I tell him will be amusing, I bet.'

"Kgh, you..."

"I would like to be here to blackmail you for that but unfortunately I am not."


"I'm pregnant," she blurted it out without roundabouts.

His darkened semblance just froze and stillness descended upon the ample room; he didn't flip as she thought he would.

"Hence, I am here for you to take responsibility, Mr. CEO," she added with a business tone after no receiving any other reaction.

With her voice having rose again, Kwon Chung-Hee recapitulated what he had heard. He smirked coldly, crossed his long legs and laid his back on his comfy chair, "I didn't know your opening when doing business will be so low...

"If your price is high just say so, don't make me waste my time."

'Smile, smile, smile...' She smiled widely and said, "I might have been someone who joked around in the past but not now.

"I could care less about money, Mr. CEO.

"If it weren't for the child here..." she pointed to her womb, "we wouldn't have crossed ways ever again."

He listened to all she said. His seriousness increased after he regarded her; he didn't feel she was lying. However, he still couldn't trust her, "Let's suppose you aren't here because of the photo and you are indeed pregnant..."




She took out a red folder from her black leather portfolio and put it on the wooden desk before him.

He took it and opened it; there was only a paper that indicated her state of pregnancy, 'Nam Ha-Eun, is that her name?' he looked up at her as he thought.


He looked back at the paper, 'Il Clinic Lab, that's a good laboratory, hmm...'

After thinking for a couple of minutes, he closed the red folder and gave it back to her, saying, "Let's believe you didn't mess up this..."

'How stubborn.'

"If I remember correctly, we did use protection."

Her lips trembled, 'I know! The mess I saw when I woke up first the morning after that night was what made me remember everything! And that's also why I didn't take anything as a precaution after having screwed it up so badly.' It had been stupid of her trusting the efficacy of condoms when it came to a wild and hazy night; she was ashamed of her imprudence but what was done was done—she couldn't get back time.

Now, it didn't matter whatever it takes her—she won't back off—her child needed her father and she a husband. Hence, even though it was all because her absurd pride and not motherly love or anything of that kind, even if she had to wash away the responsibility from her and put all the blame on him, she will get what she wants.