
Take me Stargazing

Saige is a teen girl obsessed with books, astronomy and slightly with a boy named Koda . Besides having tough family to deal with she has a first love which ain't that simple.

Starry_Yumi · Teenager
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3 Chs


The sound of the Alarm was ringing in the ears as background noise which somewhat reminded of a swarm of mosquitos. Who on the damn earth set an Alarm with that tone. Well it was bearable. It was just fine until I heard "Saige! Saige! Goddammit Saige! Your bloody alarm has been going off for the past 15 minutes!" . Reagan was screeching like a bat into my ear and if I would have the energy I swear I would shove him out of the window. "Saige Westbrooke I am about to occupy the toilet and if you don't wake up this instant I am not going to drive you. Be late for all I care" I heard Eloise scream. What a lovely way of starting your first day of Sophomore year. As I opened my eyes, I realized it is already 6:45. Well could be worse.

Now here I am on the back seat of Eloise's car listening to London's weather broadcast. Rain as usual. Would be a miracle if it would not be so in September. Eloise is lecturing Reagan about his unhealthy obsession with Cola. Eloise is such a bore when she starts to talk like mom. When she lectures me (which is thankfully not as often as Reagan) I feel like jumping off a cliff. "Earth to Saige! Eloise did our sister have crack in the morning? She is not responsive. Did her obsession with the zodiacs finally get to her perhaps? , Reagan attempted to divert Eloise's attention towards me. "Reagan if you are trying stand-up comedy quit it right now and join the circus. The role of a clown suits you way better " , I shot back. And so the conversation continued all the way till school.

I am already in the hallway staring at my timetable and the assigned locker number. Looks like my locker is bordering with junior lockers this year. Doesn't seem to be a bright perspective. On the bright side it's close to the library and far from the cafeteria so it's assured I can calmly hang around there during lunch time.

I was walking while analyzing my timetable when I tripped on my shoelaces, which I suppose were untied yet again. Attempting to regain my balance, I fell headfirst into someone's stomach. A loud "Sh*t" was the last thing I heard before landing on that person with the weight of myself and my backpack full of books . As I looked up to see which unfortunate soul did I land upon, I realized I landed on the person I wanted to meet the least today. Of course it had to be Koda with my luck.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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