
Taehyung's Twins

What Taehyung don't know is that person has a huge secret. And it's going to change my whole world when I find out what it is.

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14 Chs


Jungkook's strange spare room not only has a crib in it but also a full wardrobe of spare clothes.

There are a few women's clothes mingled in, and I feel a little guilty when I pull out a spare T-shirt and pyjama shorts to wear. But it's either this or put my work dress back on to deal with babies, and frankly, this seems like the lesser of two evils.

I'm hoping Jungkook's significant other won't mind me borrowing this shirt as long as I wash it after. It looks pretty worn-out.

Not going to lie, though, I feel more than a little jealous at discovering these clothes.

I slip on the shorts and shirt, wondering who the lucky omega who snagged a guy like Jungkook is.

She must be hot as hell – probably some towering model with millionaire parents or something.

Someone the complete opposite of me, sitting here with bags under my eyes and my hair a wild mess, feeding the babies as I blink the sleep out of my eyes.

Like always, they woke me far earlier than I'd prefer.

I love them but damn, how long until they're old enough to sleep in to a reasonable hour in the mornings?

Once they're fed and reasonably settled again, I decided that going back to sleep will be impossible. I'm wide awake by now – and thinking way too hard about who this mystery person of Jungkook's must be.

As I pad barefoot out into the kitchen to start on breakfast, I tell myself it's unfair to be jealous. After all, I don't know this person at all. They're probably really nice. And cool.

But ugh, life is so unfair sometimes.

I root through the fridge.

Yep, no way this guy is single – there's food in here.

I fish out some eggs, cheese, mushrooms and green peppers.

Omelettes are one of my favourite comfort foods, and it's the least I can do to make Jungkook breakfast after he so graciously let me crash here last night.

After I missed my bus like an idiot.

Great first impressions all around, Taehyung, I think bitterly.

I've finished the omelettes and have moved on to frying some bacon when my spine suddenly starts to tingle. I turn around to find Jungkook leaning against the doorway, watching me, his expression unreadable.

So much for telling myself not to be jealous.

Fvck that other person, I think, staring at him wide-eyed for a second.

He's just the perfect amount of sleep-tousled, his hair a wavy mess around his forehead, dressed in sweatpants that sag just far enough down his hips.

I can follow a light dusting of his happy trail a little too well – someone does not wear boxers to bed.

And his T-shirt is tight as hell, hugging him close enough that I can make out every line and cut off his muscular body.

I want to be that damn shirt.

"Good morning," he says, his voice somehow deeper, sexier than I remembered.

I swallow hard. He's still staring, blatantly letting his eyes roam over me. I clear my throat, searching for something to break the silence.

Is he mad I borrowed his girlfriend's shirt?

"I, uh, I found this in the spare room," I finally stammered. My voice sounds overloud and awkward in the huge kitchen. "I hope it's okay with your girlfriend that I borrowed them."

"They aren't my girlfriend's," he replies flatly.


That's not exactly helpful.

Does that mean he has a girlfriend but these aren't hers, or…? I shake myself internally.

Stop trying to hit on your boss!

"Oh. Well, I'll wash them and bring them back, whoever they are…"

"They're yours now," he says, then he strides across the kitchen toward the coffee maker, which has just started to bubble faintly.

I step in front of him to block his path. "I'll get it."

He nearly walks straight into me, and for a second, I stare up at him, nose nearly touching his chest. He holds my gaze, searching.

I swear I can feel my pulse beating in my fingertips, my toes, and every inch of my body. He can probably hear it at this rate, the way my heart is thumping.

"Thank you, Taehyung," he says, and his breath ghosts across my cheeks, mint-fresh.

Someone brushed his teeth before he came in here.

Would he normally do that or…?

Here I go overthinking this all again. But I can't help it, with him standing so close I can feel the heat of his body.

"No problem," I manage to reply before I whirl back to the bacon.


It's about to burn.

I grab the handle, flipping it onto a plate.

But I didn't think ahead – I forgot it's not like my pan at home with the heat-proof handle.

I cry out and drop the hot pan to the stove with a clatter, shaking my hand.

"Shit," I curse, backing away from the stove. Ouch.

Before I can react, Jungkook grabs my shoulders and practically picks me up, whirling me around to the sink. He turns on the water, takes my hand and holds it under the tap.

His skin is hot on mine, the water freezing, and he's still got his other arm around my shoulders, holding me in place. But we move so fast that the sink splashes us both, flecks of water scattering across our T-shirts.

Fvcking hell.

I can see through his shirt now, at stomach height, his abs on full display. I swear my whole body clenches in anticipation – especially my hole.

I'm getting wet just standing close to him, the conflicting sensations of the cold water and his hot skin driving me wild.

"Th-thanks," I sputter.

"You have to be more careful." He gazes down at me, his face a mask of concern. "How does it feel?"

I flex my fingers and wince. "Not great, but I've had worse. It'll be fine."

We're face-to-face, barely an inch apart. If I lean toward him just a few inches, we'll be touching, his strong, muscular chest pressed against my body…

He's staring at me, too, fixed and focused, like he's thinking the same thing.

Is he?

I watch his throat contract as he swallows – hard, and I inhale faintly. He smells amazing, like fresh clothes from the dryer and mint and a deeper, masculine scent underneath that's all him.

I want to kiss him, grab him, let him take me right here… He could push me up against the sink, pin me in place and take whatever he wants.

It's hard to breathe, and there's a weight between my legs like my cock has swollen in size with desire.

"Taehyung…" He releases my wrist, and suddenly I ache a whole lot more, though not from the injury. Damn. "Are you sure you're all right?"

"Jungkook," I say, not sure where I'm going with this – there's something here, the tension we both feel, but what am I supposed to say? "I—I don't…"

Luckily I don't have to think anymore.

Without warning, he wraps his arms around me, lifts me off the ground as his mouth collides with mine. I fold my arms around his neck and kiss him back, as hard as I can. His lips part, his tongue tangling with mine.

My chest digs into his, soft against hard, and I lift one leg to wrap it around his waist. The moment I do, I feel his hard, thick cock pressed against my thigh, free underneath his loose sweatpants.

I'm lost in the kiss, oblivious to everything else around us – the water, the burn on my hand, the bacon still burning on the stove.

I just don't want him to ever stop touching me. His hands slide down my back, cupping my ass, pulling me tight against him, and I grind my hips, pinning our cock between us.

His lips are soft, his mouth hard, and his stubble scrapes my cheek as he turns to kiss along my jaw, down my neck. I gasp faintly, and –

Haru starts to cry.


Nothing else in the world could have pulled me out of the trance I'd fallen into just now, aside from that. I pull away from him, cursing under my breath, and Jungkook drops me back onto my feet.

Haru's wailing sets off Areum, and pretty soon they're both howling. I sprint from the room without a backwards glance or another word.

What the hell was that?

My heart is still racing when I reach the kids. I pick up Haru first, bounce him lightly as I lean over the crib to tickle Areum's stomach.

It takes me the better part of half an hour to calm them down, which at least gives me enough time to get my racing, out-of-control heart under control.

My body feels shaky, jittery like I just ran a dozen miles.

Adrenaline, I guess.

I just keep picturing Jungkook's expression, so cold and distant one moment, then warm and concerned the next.

The way he took care of me when I burned myself, the way he leapt into action, makes me think he's used to that – taking care of people.

He's got this sweet, caring side that I didn't see before.

But I should have.

I mean, he let me stay over here, let me bring the kids along, after barely knowing me.

He gave me this job, when he clearly could do without me – he seems like he keeps his information well organized without an assistant.

Why is he doing all of this?

I glance down at my T-shirt, still damp from the sink spray. And who does this belong to? His last assistant? An ex-girlfriend? What's the story with this spare room, made up for kids? Does he have a wife, babies?

It would explain the caring attitude and the way he was used to dealing with an emergency like a burned hand…

I shake my head. No way can I get involved with a married man. If he hired me because he's looking for a side chick, he's got another thing coming.

Haru and Areum finally calm down enough that I can move them into their stroller and wheel them out into the kitchen – it works in place of a high chair in a pinch.

But once I reach the kitchen, I find it empty. Jungkook must have gone to finish getting ready. He ate one of the omelettes, I noticed and washed and put away his plate already.

The bacon was ruined – I find the remnants in the trash, and the pan soaking in the sink, full of soapy water.

I still can't figure him out.

I eat my omelette while playing with the twins, trying not to think about him. But the second I hear footsteps in the hallway, my heart leaps into my throat, and I spin around, anxious to see him again.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry about –" I pause, blinking.

He's in a suit, complete with tie, crisp and pressed. His expression is back to the one he wore when he first met me, dead serious. Not warm or caring at all. "I have a meeting," he says. "You found everything you needed in the office yesterday, I trust?"

I blink and nod slowly. "Yes, everything was there…"

"Good. Then you can get back to work while I'm out." Without another word, he's gone.

I stare after him, frowning. That kiss, the feeling of his body against mine, is still all I can think about.

What would have happened if the babies hadn't interrupted…?

I guess we'll never know.