
Chapter 3 - First progress made

Setsu took her time thinking over her next options, while idly placing a few basic trees around, with some fruit bearing trees in the mix. She slowly filled it up with trees on the east side of her plains, getting trees placed all around the plains. While doing this, Linda seemed to be having a blast, messing around a little with Lily the fairy. Lily seemed to be having fun as well, flying around Linda's poking fingers, giggling and just enjoying herself. And then Setsu made up her plan.

She decided to create hills and small cliffs into the completely straight plains. The middle was left alone, except that it was all raised slightly. Surrounding it were plateau's of different heights. East had the highest terrain, and Setsu made one area for a water basin, planning a bit ahead of time. Most of the trees were in this area for now. She also made the temperature a bit colder here, to add some varied climates. The basin went into a rapid flowing river, going south, which was the second lowest land height. The temperature stayed normal here. The river then snaked around a bit,slowed down in speed and ended west, where it settled into a lake. This area was a bit more hot in temperature, and a few of the river offshoots that went east went into small heated pools of water. This would be a natural hot spring, as preparation for later. The last was the north, and here was normal temperature again with the second highest terrain. She didn't work on this area yet, mostly thesame as the south.

She had spent 1200 currency now, so she decided it was time to start adding plant and wild life. She decided to discuss a little with Lily first though, since she had something she wanted to ask.

"Lily, can I ask you something?"

"Yes! Lily's ready to answer anything!"

"All right, I was wondering if I could purchase something which would let me have free access to plants or animals, so I don't have to buy them seperately."

"Yes, you can! This is expensive though, and you asked me to only keep the cheaper products on the list, so Lily didn't include it."

"All right, I have 1300 currency left, what do you think I should do?"

"Hmmm... Well at most, Lily suggests you should buy two plant placements which add respawn locations, but not more. You wouldn't have enough left to purchase wild life otherwise."

"All right, do you think I could leave the plants to you this time, and I'll add some wild life?"

"Sure! Leave it to Lily!"

"Okay, how much do you need?"

"Wellll... Lily would like 700, 250 each for the permanents and a bit more for additionals, and then you have 600 for the wild life. I think this would be best, because wild life procreates easier than plants."

"It's fine, I trust you Lily. All right, let's get started then!"

"Wait a second!" Linda said.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Yes, you haven't let me participate at all yet! Let me try a little bit as well!"

"All right, let's work together on the wild life, Linda. What do you suggest?"

"I think the easiest choice is buy respawning rabbits! I know it's probably expensive, but I think they would be the staple food source for the predators. So I think they're important enough to set up right away!"

"Lily, how much would the permanent rabbits cost?"

"Animals are a bit more expensive, rabbits are already at 400. But, Lily does agree that it's the best choice for now, they reproduce fast and are a good food source."

"All right, let's do it!"

So, Setsu and Linda set up the permanent rabbits, and added respawn points in all the four main corners. They discussed a little, and decided to use the last 200 points to buy 10 wolves in the east for 5 currency each and 50 fishes starting in the basin for 100 currency total. She only chose fishes that cost 2 and added 10 of 5 different species. Next were 2 bears for 15 currency each. She had 20 currency left, and bought 4 monkeys for 5 currency each. Now, they were out of currency for a while until the ecosystem started building up. They asked Lily to speed up the Tabletop Dungeon's speed to 4x normal, and went to the living room.