

the triangle love story between 3 friends

DaoistHHyRjB · Teenager
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2 Chs

Chapter 2


( it is 10 o clock at night and the place looks darker and creepy... Lannie is preparing the dinner for us that already buy from the college canteen 19 minutes ago we plan to have dinner at canteen but there have some seniors so we just decide to have our dinner in our room )

LANNIE: Rayna dinner is ready

RAYNA: Coming

( I join with her and take the spoon to taste my food... The dinner for today is rice with chicken fried and it tastes good... Both of us enjoy our dinner )

LANNIE: I am so excited about tomorrow

RAYNA: same here... hopefully, we can be the same team!

LANNIE: yes hopefully... and today I was getting scared of seniors! There have some handsome guys but they all look well educated and arrogant

RAYNA: hmm... hopefully they're not bullying us... right?

LANNIE: yes you're right! But feel so nervous and scared to face the seniors

RAYNA: yeah... no matter what, let's stand for each other, and most importantly don't let them treat us until we lost our self-respect! Okay?

LANNIE: yeah okay

( she nods her head with confidence and continues to bite the foods )


( I'm heading to the canteen and was stopped when I look at the six groups of seniors 5 guys and 1 girl was having a conversation... I didn't bring Stacy with me, because she having a gastric problem. so I let her take a rest, now I have to go alone to buy food...but it is okay if I'm not buying the provided foods here and buy any outside foods there, moreover it's not getting late yet. So, I have to be quick now...and I decided to walk )

SENIOR 1: hey girl

( I was stopped and looked at the two guys who are heading to me... I step back a little and have no ideas what to do... I'm not scared of them but this is the first day of my college and I don't know anyone here, so that makes me a little nervous)

SENIOR 2: Are you Junior?

( both of them looks so terror and one of the guys has a cigarette in his mouth )


SENIOR 1: come over there

REBECCA: umm... Why? I want to go to my room

SENIOR 1: why? Are you scared of us?

( the guy who has a cigarette in his mouth trying to grab my hand and I immediately stepped back )

SENIOR 2: Woah... Come over there

( another guy grabbed my wrist and pull me in full of force with him into the canteen )

REBECCA: leave me

( I shouted at them... And the guy pushes me on the floor strongly... I was getting hit by a canteen bench and falls there...I get an injury on my elbow )

SENIOR 3: shut up!

( the girl in the group asked me to shut up... There are five guys and one girl there... When I look around for help but there is no one other than these bullies)

SENIOR 4: if you do what we told you we will spare you... If you refuse to follow our orders... don't even imagine that you can escape from us

( the guy who wears a blue shirt is giving me the warning... I give him a stare and stand up while holding my elbow in the pain)

REBECCA: what will you do if I do not follow your orders?

SENIOR 3: what te!

( the girl who is in the group wanted to slap me and I closed my eyes and thought that she is going to slap me... But I still can't feel the slap of her then I opened my eyes and look that someone holding her wrist strongly... Until she can't move her hand and I can see her face that turning into red because she can't bear the pain of the grip )

SENIOR: Stefan leave my hand

STEFAN: what's going in here?

( he leave the grip of her hands and ask those bullies )

SENIOR: it is nothing, Stefan! We're just having a conversation with her...

( The yellow shirt guy telling a lie to him... And six of them just became so quiet and can see they are trying to hide what they've done just before)

STEFAN: Are you okay?

( he asks me in a soft tone voice )


( I nod my head and he noticed the injury on my elbow)

STEFAN: seriously you're okay? There has an injury on your elbow? Who did this to her?

( He asks them with a serious tone )

SENIOR: Stefan we're not hurting her... She just falls by herself and gets hurt! There is nothing to do with us.

( the girl try to hide the truth )

REBECCA: No... I do not get hurt by myself... This guy pushes me until I get hit by this bench and fall

( Stefan glare at them)

STEFAN: Get out of here!!... I don't want to see any of you bullying any juniors here... If I see you guys bullying anyone again don't you guys even imagine I'll give you guys another chance

( he clenched his jaw and warned them with a damn stare... Woah that's scary... He looks like a cool guy but he has another face too... Those bulliers leave the canteen after he warned them )

STEFAN: have a sit

( he asked me to sit at the canteen bench)

REBECCA: okay!

( I take my sit on the bench... he went to buy me a juice and place the Juice on the table and he takes his seat on the bench which is opposite of my bench)

REBECCA: Thank you for this juice and helping me from bulliers

STEFAN: it's okay! You're okay, right? Is there is any pain in your elbow?

REBECCA: I feel better now... Just feel a bit tired! Umm... Are you a senior?

STEFAN: yeah! I am Stefan Walker! What about you?

REBECCA: I am Rebecca Gilbert

STEFAN: Rebecca Gilbert? Nice name

( he smiles at me and he took out his handkerchief from his pocket and wet the handkerchief with water)

STEFAN: show me your elbow

( I show my elbow and he wipes my elbow with his handkerchief)


STEFAN: okay okay...

( He wipe it slowly and give a smile )

STEFAN: Done! What block is yours?


STEFAN: Oh okay... Shall we go? Because the canteen will be closed in 5 minutes

REBECCA: yeah! Wait I have to buy food for me and my friend

STEFAN: oh okay

( I took two sandwiches and give money for the food and turn and look at Stefan he was still waiting for me )

STEFAN: let's go

(I and him headed to the hostel building)

STEFAN: okay... Bye stay safe

REBECCA: Bye... And thank you

( He thumbs up and then go to Boys hostel and I'm heading to Girls hostel )