
Systemless Villain

Opening his eyes, Long Tian finds himself in a scene where he's beating up a protagonist. He's confused, until a deluge of foreign memories assaults his mind, leading him to a chilling realization: He has died... and transmigrated. But there's a problem - he's become a villain! At first, he's okay with this. But the more time passes, he notices something. Why doesn't he have a system?! This worries him. Going up against a protagonist without a system feels like a suicide mission. But of course, he doesn't lose hope. He looks at his own identity. The young master of an ancient family, check. Rich and good-looking, check. A genius with extraordinary talent, check. Awakened the martial spirit of a dragon king, check. With all of these, does he have any reason to complain? "Goddamn protagonist, I will make you suffer!" ------------- Harem or not? I haven't actually made a decision about that. Let the storyline unfold, and we'll see in the future.

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279 Chs

Family and Future Plans

Long Tian strolled purposefully towards the main mansion, a stately structure that exuded an air of grandeur, where the comforting presence of his mother and Liu Qian awaited.

As he swung open the ornate doors, a symphony of enticing aromas enveloped him, teasing his senses with the promise of a delightful meal.

Following the alluring fragrance, he discovered his mother and Liu Qian engaged in the culinary artistry at the elegant dining table.

Liu Qian, quick to notice Long Tian's arrival, turned towards him with a warm smile, "You've arrived at the perfect moment; we've just completed our masterpiece," she said.

Long Tian reciprocated the smile and approached, the tantalizing aroma intensifying as he surveyed each dish meticulously arranged on the table. The spread before him was a feast for the senses.

"Did you cook all of this?" he imquired, shifting his gaze to Liu Qian.

"I just helped Aunt Xia a little," she said, somewhat embarrassed.