
Clementine And Sam PT. 1

Sam was ready to go and Clementine knew that everything was going to be alright. She didn't know why or how but she just knew.

Sam didn't show interest in how she lived, or what her past was.

This didn't change even in this state, she hoped that Sam had feelings for her even if it was little but the way he looked at her hadn't changed.

"Are you ready?" Sam questioned, Clementine quickly composed herself, snapping herself back into reality.

"Yes!" She responded and Sam knew he must have startled her for her voice to be that loud.

"Someone is excited… Happy to see your Jason again?" Sam teased, knowing that Clementine must have taken a liking to him if his name was enough to bring him the fragment he had been asking her to bring.

"What are you talking about?" Clementine responded but Sam didn't give a response not because he didn't want to but because his attention was on something else.