
Ch: 01 The night where it all begins

During a normal night of summer. An Old Man with long straight white hair and a white beard making him look like a wise sage and a lad can be seen under the moonlight.

Chatting ignoring each other differences and age, both enjoying a cold mug of beer in the still frozen glass, talking about life and boredom in it, both just wanting to spice things up a little bit to make life more colourful.

1 hour ago.

(Youth) I pity you, old man.

-Scaring people at your age, wait what is your age? Says the youth while in his gaze you can see a bit of pity like when you look at an abandoned puppy.

(Old Man) I don't remember, It should be around 50 to 60. Moreover, don't look at me like that lad you are making me frown.

(Youth) You look a lot older, does that magic make you burn your life?

(Old Man) 50 million old and stop looking at me like that! I'm an OLD GOD!

And what's that BULLSHIT about burning life essence as a catalyst, you read too many novels, well… We are in this situation because of that.

(Youth) Based on that strange magic and how bored you are. What you just said makes sense, or, you are senile… a magic senile old man. Sounds so bad.

Well, how could a normal minded person be so bored and fall as low as scaring people while they are sleeping? That's really evil, I mean really really evil, waking people up. You are a bad old man.

(Old Man) Lad stop being a chatterbox and acting as a 3rd rating priest of the Dream Church.

(Youth) Dream Chur.. (Old Man) SHUT UP!!! If it wasn't for that person I would have already cursed you, how about being a forever virgin! Snapped the Old man with a sly gaze, like a demon of hell asking for payment.

(Youth) That person, Oh why can't I say Ley… Mhhhh mhhh! (Why can't I hear my voice) Stammered the youth.

(Old Man)With a smile from face to face and grinning- It's called SILENCE aren't you supposed to learn that thing at school. Mhh, this world is going in the wrong way. It's a Tier 0 spell, the BEST TIER 0 SPELL.

(Youth) Mhhhhhi mhhhai mhh mhhh Mhhheihhm!?

(Old Man) What a nice sound. His grin becoming more wide and disgusting to see.

Long short story, Because of the multiverse, there are… (Youth) OK! Stop with all that lore of the world, universe and things I probably read that somewhere so stop It's boring to listen to your old man style blabbering. Oh, wait I can talk now.

(Old Man) Ops my bad, the effect wore off, (Youth) Mhhhh!

(Old Man) That person exists I just wanted to spice things up and watch a good show in a different dimension. Worst decision ever.

That person can pick my presence if you say his name, and to him, I look nothing different from a free gourmet dish.

Lad how could the first thing you said after you saw me be: I'm a Leylin a might mage you, dirty creature disturbed my slumber. I will make your soul burn in hell for eternity!?

(Youth) It's called "Just another chapter and I'll sleep". It's normal that I forgot myself after reading for more than 18h straight. Right?

(Old Man) That's why they say: Humans are worse than Orcs.

3 hours ago.

Around midnight, In a small village, a strange creature was strolling in the dark.

A murmur can be heard:

Let's see if someone here can make some interesting reaction, lately, they only make boring faces.

Boring, next.

Still boring… Next.

Why all they react in such a boring way.

This is the last house in this village.

Ha hahaha ha. Laughed a youth with his eyes still closed.

(Old Man) Well, at least not a cliché reaction… Murmured the strange beast.

-How dare such a lowly creature awake me from my slumber! Don't you know who am I?.

I'm a mage, The great mage Ley...

A cold shiver ran down the beast, a cold shower in a moment of madness. Fuck! Gasped the "beast". And only after some hurried gesture and chanting at 1000 times faster than the 1st world rapper did the "beast" sigh, a little bit of fear could be still seen in its eyes.

Here we are Lad, We are both bored, so want to play a game?

(Youth) Yeees!!! Fuck! I'm going In a fantasy world, HAREM HERE I COME!!!

(Old Man) Well, I'm not going to bring you there if you are like this! So first, learn how to be calm lad!

Second yes, It's a fantasy world, but you can't think that you are the only one with a brain, like in those novels and let your plot armor do everything. Ok LAD!

(Youth) Wait… Can I still return to this world?

(Old Man) Yes, after the tutorial you can. Only during the weekend. I will open a portal for you.

(Youth) Thank you! From now on call me Alexander, like Alexander The Great. I don't want to use my real name, new life I'm coming!

(Old Man) With a strange smirk: I'm going to open the portal. Before you go you need to know that you have a little advantage. (Alexander) I know, I must have some sort of Goldfinger, right.

(Old Man) Why are youth so stupid… Well yes, I will connect you to the Sistem Of the Gods, similar to that VPN-thing ad that you see while watching those human peacocks on the Internet.

-Swish, with a gesture of the hand and round portal, appears in front of the 2 people-

Lad jump in, Says the Old Man smirking.

(Alexander) NEW WORLD, HAREM HERE I GO! Yelled while jumping the hot-blooded lad.

THUMMM. A lad with dirt everywhere fell after the jump.

(Alexander) Haha, I can think of this as a strong welcome from the new world I'm in. Shouted Alexander, with his eyes blinded form excitement.

(Old Man) Coff Coff. Lad I told you that you need to learn what calm is. Teased the Old Man.

Alexander finally looks at his surrounding after hearing the Old Man voice.

: Old man you and your senile sense of humour. Lamented Alexander with sadness in his eyes from his expectations not having been met.

(Alexander) Great and Might Old God can I, this lowly mortal jump in the portal now?

(Old Man) Mhh now it's better. Jump you have 3 seconds left until the portal vanishes.

With a jump Alexander enters a new world of swords and magic, with devils and might dragon causing disaster after disaster, demons playing with human life and kingdoms declaring wars between each other because they are blinded from greediness.




[Dirty, stupid lad, I'm the Might gene used to make you connect to the System of the Gods, be grateful]

Wait what... blabbed Alexander.

[Let's start with that "tutorial", don't worry. Old bones made it just for you so be thankful]

[3- I don't give a shit about your opinion! 2-1.... Currently being teleported]


From afar in another dimension, an old man is making popcorn with a grin in his face.

My first time writing something so I kindly ask you to be kind and keep in mind that I should, probably... get better at it.

(those human peacocks on the Internet) means K-POP

Greedy_Foxcreators' thoughts