
System Alden - harry potter ~

Died but got a second chance to live , yes it's about my reincarnation , a story of my own that is ... .. . . yes with my system I'll live in this world and discover new things and live my life to the fullest ... .. . only thing on my mind is to enjoy ~ Disclaimer : I don't own harry potter you know who does ~ Ps : I also don't own the cover Only this fanfiction is mine ~

AshxTan · Andere
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23 Chs

friends ~

I am back amigos!!!


It was morning- the first day of Hogwarts, Noah woke up around 7:30 right on time for breakfast, he got up and did his daily routines- finishing up he went towards the great hall.

' hey look, look '

' what ??'

' the Angel from yesterday '

' where ? where ? '

' oh my god !! I am going school with prince charming of Taylor family !! '

He didn't mind the whispering as he was used to it, although his lips did twitch hearing the angel comment.* Sighing* he went to ravenclaw table and started eating his breakfast- which was quite a lot, understandable because of his physique; and he eat's so elegantly that no one ever comments on how much he has.

For First day he only had one class- a 2 hour session of transfiguration with slytherins. Morning being off for exploring the grounds and get familiar with it.

As he was having his breakfast first-year ravenclaw kept glancing towards, to be fair whole hall was. So he did what a normal thing to do- he started socializing, he can't be a loner for rest of his life can he? He came to know quite a lot of them- Stephen cornfoot : had black hair, dark-brown eye's and fair skin. Had good looks and easy going personality, someone he can see getting along with.

Next was oliver rivers: chocolate brown hair, with hazel eye's, fair skin; total sirius black vibes. A playboy personality even when he is just eleven year old. Then was Anthony Goldstein: blonde hair, blue eye's , little tan. Also good looking, very friendly, good-natured.

he also talk to other but they were taken by his looks, so the conversations didn't go smooth with them specially with the girls, so kept with- Stephen, oliver and Anthony. In the end three of them got close and got to know each other well- both Stephen and oliver were roommates and Anthony shared his with Michael corner, also to easy to talk too but not that much.


Four of them decide to go exploring and to know which each class was, true to their ravenclaw nature. As stated in the book there were hundred and forty-two staircases; wide, sweeping, narrow, rickey ones- very frustrating yet enjoyable. The tour was like going through a maze or puzzle house- interesting yet annoying. People in the Portraits kept following them by going though each other's paintings- not sure why though.

Ghosts for some reason showed too much respect- they probably could feel my raw energy. Peeves the poltergeist also turn and kept his distance from me- good thing as I don't have to deal with him; my new group of friends were shocked to see that, and swear to bring me to deal with him- if he gave them trouble.

Then there was filch and his cat Mrs. Norries- who always rub's her head around my legs as I pass, making filch jealous?. Although the cat was not so forgiving towards the other students- all of them hated her, even Anthony who loves animals.

All in all, it was a nice tour- four of them went back to great hall for lunch, to rest as well as to eat. On other hand Noah was just hungry not tried- if his friends heard him say he was not tried they probably try to hurt him; because they were dead tried going through whole castle- if they didn't have their transfiguration class this afternoon then they will be found sleeping in their rooms.


Professor McGonagall's personality according to books was- someone not to cross. Strict and clever, first lesson was same as books turning match into needle- there was one box each for every one there; tho. They were only task to change one.

After taking some notes on the theory, they were given the signal to start the practice, so far in the class no one was able to do it only my group and few others were showing the difference to the match; that surprised the professor as it was not often this many showed the result; in my case the professor was about to faint- as mine were perfect with each having their unique design and material. I earned 30 points right off the bat- well moving on the class ended on the happy note.

We all went to our rooms, to rest and promised to meet at dinner. Well I wanted to practice my magic- but they don't need to know that.


// hope you like the chapter //