
SYSTEM #47: Queen of information...

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Catch in trouble...

In the interrogation room jinque is seating with nervous look on her face the whole room is white.

Which is not helping her nervousness at all she look at the glass but rather her own reflection she can't see anything else.

But she know that the people on the other side can see every single movement of her this type of helplessness is frustrating.

"Hey I did nothing wrong I just going home can saw these people fighting with each other so I end recording them"

"Moreover you should go and catch these people why are you holding me here and questioning me"

"This will get you nowhere since I don't know anything else I had already given you the memory card"

Suddenly the room door opened and someone enter the room looking at the officer who had catch her previously.

She glare at him unhappily and pout "looking at me like that will also not let you get away from here early"

She huff in annoyance but he don't care about her action he seat down on the seat opposite to her.

"You can go home after you had answer my question without lying okay" her eyes lit up as she nodded her head.

"Okay so my first question is where you encounter these people"

"This is the alley few steps away from my home I always take this alley to travel" he nodded his head.

"Do you know anyone of them or did you even seen them before in that area" she thought about it then shook her head.

"No I don't and it's was my first time seeing them in that area" he note down that in his notepad and ask her another question.

"Well my last question did they saw you when you were recording there conversation" she pause for a sec.

"No when I saw them the first thing I did was too hide but I'm not very sure then again if they had seen me they don't had let me record them talking about it"

He nodded his head her words make sense "then you are free to go home my partner will drop you home" she wave her hand.

"No it's okay officer if I return home with police my mother will freak out in fear" he nodded his head in understanding manner.

"Then let me escort you you outside of the police station" she had no problem in that when they reach outside of the station.

He hand her a card "this card had 5000 yuan take it you had helped the police I can only do this much"

She didn't pretend and stuff the card in her pocket listening to the notification of the system her smile widen.

"Okay officer I'm leaving" although she said but she don't know why but she's having very bad feeling like something is about to happen.

"Officer can I have your number" he didn't said anything but look at her she was not able to keep silent under those sharp gazes.

"I don't know why but I'm having bad feeling like something is about to happened I don't know what but something like that"

He didn't said anything to her but order his subordinate "take this little girl with you and drop her home"

This time she didn't said no but silently seat inside the car even inside the car she can't shake the weird feeling inside her heart.

'system' the flashy pink panel appear infront of her she look at the officer then at the panel she is trying to find done cheap weapon

Suddenly the car stopped she look at the officer who is coming out of the car and looking at the tire of the car.

He knock on the window "the car tire had been punctured wait here I will go and arrange a can for you" she nodded her head.

She watch him going away in the dark she chexk the time and saw its 7: 19 pm she slowly crawl toward the passenger seat.

She look around the seat found the officer ID there's not very important information on it but a photo catch her attention.


"Hey kid did you wait for long I'm sorry but there's no cab in this area you had to walk on your own can you do that or should I came...

"No I can go alone don't worry about me" she came out of his car and walk away from there after walking at some distance.

She pause seeing that no one is coming behind her she summon the system panel infront of her and start walking.

"System if I want to buy information about someone from you is it possible"

(Yes host can also buy information from system but it will cost coins from your account and price deprnd on the position and importance of that person)

"Okay I want to buy the contact information of the officer how much it will cost me"

(Ding!!! it will cost 4000 coins but since it's your first time buying information you will be receiving 75% off means it will cost 1400 coins but you have insufficient balance)

"How much I'm lacking"

(Ding!!! host needed 761 coins to be able to buy it)


"Can I borrow this amount"

(Yes!!! but host will be in debt you have to pay interest too)

"Deal I'm okay with that"

(Host want to borrow 761 coins along with the interest it will be total 800 coin which host needed to pay up)

"Okay" with that the amount in her account went -761 in red colour as a string of number appear on the panel.

She take out the phone from the inventory and dial the number while walking toward her home since start she never stop walking.

After few rings someone pick up the phone "hello it's officer Lin speaking" after confirming it's his voice she spoke.

"Well officer who recommended you that restaurant"

"Who's this"

"You know officer but still it's ming jinque"

"How did you get my number"

"First answer my question who recommended you that restaurant"

"My subordinate who drop you home"

"He didn't"

"What do you mean"

"He leave me alone in the middle of the road whatever now everything make sense to me why those two idiots were fighting without caring about anyone listening to them cause they wanted that to happen"

"What do you mean"