
System's Punishment for Killing Characters

As a writer, I take sadistic pleasure in killing off my readers' beloved characters, relishing their hatred, love, and tears. But my twisted joy takes a bizarre turn when I find myself transported into the very world I've crafted, a world where I'm tasked by Otherworldly System on saving every character I've ever killed – WTF there are over a million of them!

SilverMoon_ofEast · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Otherwordly System I

[Breaking News: Unclad Body Discovered in Apartment]

Oh, would you look at that spectacle! That shameless figure sprawled unclad in the apartment—none other than yours truly—Ryzen Xarzos Gayagoy, a ripe age of 27, a lifelong bachelor, departing this world with the illustrious title of a virgin. Oh, the tragedy of it all! Tsk, tsk, tsk, poor old me.

Ah, my pitiful existence, making headlines as soon as they stumbled upon my lifeless form. That was what I imagined to happen. As on that fateful day, a trusty old lady I relied on was supposed to swing by the apartment, tidy up the place, and whip up my meals. She knew my passcode and even had a spare key.

"I'm pretty certain... Auntie must've been in for a shocker seeing my lifeless self... Sigh."

And I figure it wasn't just her; my old man might have been taken aback by the news too. I just hope nothing bad ever comes his way, seeing his son, whom he cares for, kick the bucket before him; that would be truly heart-wrenching. I only wish he can bounce back soon and prioritize his well-being above all else. If there's one thing I regret, it's that I can no longer fulfill his dream of traveling to Japan and other countries with me.

Hah, I've got all the time in the world for that, but my broke ass won't let me fulfill his wish. I've let him down in so many ways. I graduated with Latin honors in my Tertiary Education, aced the teacher's licensure exam on my first shot, but somehow I couldn't land a job—or truth be told, I didn't even bother applying.

I feel like it wasn't my calling; I just jumped into the course because I had no clue about what I truly wanted in life. Back then, my mom insisted I become a teacher, so I went along to keep them happy, even if it was just temporary. I gave it my all with what was laid out in front of me.

But then, it dawned on me too late that I don't vibe with this field; I despise dealing with people, and I don't want to steer young minds in the wrong direction. It's a weighty responsibility—to shape and nurture them into better individuals when I, myself, was a bit of a mess. So, I took off. I craved more freedom with my time to pursue what I truly enjoyed, not relying on the government for my paycheck, and so, I ended up a broke ass, immature author.

If my thoughts ever find their way to someone's ears, my sincere wish is that you discover your unique path—a journey where both you and those you cherish can find genuine happiness and fulfillment.

Once more, a big sigh just slipped out of me. When I ponder my own demise, I can't help but get a bit sentimental. The thought that I won't get to see my dad again weighs heavily on my heart.

Just then, the loudest laugh pierced my ears, snapping me back to the present moment and the unfolding reality.

"Hahaha, that man was hilarious!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Tsk, that crazy dude from earlier."

"Oh... now I remember. That guy is genuinely insane."

Soon, echoes of laughter permeated the entire pub below, echoing the sentiment of the man from earlier.

"Tch," I grunted in frustration, slamming the empty wooden beer cup onto the table. The loud noise snagged the attention of the barbarians surrounding me, their hostile glares making it clear that the laughter had been aimed at me. It appeared I had earned the label of 'crazy' in the eyes of everyone present. But then again, who in this place wasn't a bit off?

**A while ago…**

When the system window flashed, displaying the ominous message '[You died.]' I simply closed my eyes, bracing myself for whatever awaited me—whether it be the celestial realms or the underworld. Yet, upon opening my eyes, I found myself perilously close to locking lips with a FREAKING HORSE! Its warm, pungent breath nearly brushed against my lips.

Damn! The thought that my first kiss might involve a horse sent shivers down my spine and a strong urge to vomit. "Are you planning to die, young man?!" That annoying voice of an old man sitting on a coach box suddenly snapped me back to reality—I was in the middle of a busy road, narrowly avoiding being trampled.

My heart thumped like a drum, beating louder and louder as I narrowly escaped another close call with 'death.' When I tried to speak, no words emerged. Attempting to move my hands proved futile. 'What the heck.'

My body seemed petrified.

"Are you deaf?!!! Tsk, crazy!" the coachman angrily exclaimed as he decided to move his horse away and hastily depart. However, the body of his cart came perilously close to scraping my nose.

'Oh, f*ck! Thanks for the consideration, you ugly old man. But that sickly horse of yours needs a vet! That's animal abuse!!!!'

I wanted to shout that out, but my inability to speak held me back. Just then, a bluish transparent screen blinked before me, and words slowly appeared, saying,

[Soul synchronizing 98%], with a loading bar below it. The percentage hadn't reached a hundred yet, but another word emerged.

[Body possession complete. The recipient can now be in complete control.]

In an instant, a rush of air filled my lungs, and I gasped as I stumbled to the ground. Clutching my chest, I breathed deeply, feeling like I had been underwater for too long and had just reached the surface.

"Damn. Hah..., hah..., Where am I?"

I looked at my hand—it was thin, yet fairly white. Testing its movement, I opened and closed it, relieved to find that I could control it according to my will. A deep sigh of relief escaped me.

But not a minute had passed when I was bombarded by annoyed voices:

"Crazy young man, go to the side!!!"


"If you want to die, do it in a place where you harm no one!"

They shouted as they drove their carts and carriages, avoiding me.

"Well, dude, I'm busy catching my breath here!" I retorted, accompanied by the raising of my middle finger.

When I finally had a moment to look around, my mouth gaped open in sheer amazement. The structures surrounding me resembled a scene from a history book brought to life. The houses, with their timber frames and thatched roofs, stood proudly, exuding a rustic charm that felt straight out of a medieval tale.

The architectural styles were mesmerizing, simple yet intricate, with wooden carvings adorning the facades. The winding, unpaved roads beneath my feet added an authentic touch, and the entire village seemed frozen in time. The citizens, dressed in garments that mirrored an era long past, went about their daily activities as if they were oblivious to my bewildered presence.

"What on Alma matter, where am I?" I muttered in disbelief, my surroundings defying the logic of the world I once knew...

When I decided to strolled around, harsh whispers started tickling my ears, and everyone was giving me these gross looks.

Then it hits me—what even am I wearing? "Seriously, what's with this getup?"

It turns out, my cloak's thicker than a bear's winter coat, and my whole outfit's a mess of mud and feathers. It's like I've been mud wrestling with chickens! But, it's not just the state of my clothes that's bugging me; it's the fact that I'm totally cool with it. Like, not even a hint of disgust. It's just... oddly natural.

"Weird vibes, man."

Gathering my scattered thoughts and tidying up my appearance, I made my way to the nearest inn. Lucky for me, my pocket was jingling with a handful of coin bags, and not just any coins—gold ones!

"Hmm, did I just get Isekai'd?" I pondered aloud, peering at my reflection in the water bowl. Staring back at me were these big, round, crimson eyes. I blinked in surprise. This young man in the reflection had skin like porcelain, so smooth and flawless. Even his short, pinkish hair fell in silky strands, framing his petite frame. His beauty would make a chick jealous!

"Whoa, hold up a minute! W-why do I look so darn cute? Am I... am I a chick?"

I glanced downward, exhaling a sigh of relief as I spotted an elephant-sized jewel hanging between my legs. "Phew... But seriously, what gives? Where's my rugged, muscular physique?! The one I sculpted and maintained for years to look cool, hot, and sexy? Why, oh why?"


Recalling it ignited a fiery rage within me. "GIVE ME BACK MY PERFECT BODY!!! I REFUSE TO BE THIS WEAK SHORTIE!"

"*sob Nathan, Zitrey, my beloved pecs, I'll miss you...*sob"

As if my misery wasn't enough, the irritating laughter from below just rubbed salt in the wound. "Ugh!"

I was sinking into a pit of despair when, out of nowhere, the system monitor popped up in front of me again.

[Basic Information of the Vessel.]

Name: ?

Age: 24

Address: ?

Sex: Male

Citizenship: ?

Occupation: Wanderer

Magic Skills: ???

Physical Skills: None

Mana Count: 2

Species: Human

I stared at the screen for what seemed like forever, blinking away the disbelief. "What kind of useless info is this?"

It's like looking at an F-Class Card for an unknown character. Seriously, the guy doesn't even have a name. And what's the deal with this measly mana count? And come on, no physical skills whatsoever? What's this body good for, besides eating, sleeping, walking, and running?

"Hey system! If I'm taking over someone, why not go big with an OP character?! Like any other protagonist in those Isekai stories."

But instead of the expected robotic response, the system just vanished into thin air after dumping that info on me.

"You're such a hard drinker, young sir. This is your seventh cup already," a woman's voice cut through my thoughts. She flashed me a wide grin as she plonked down another drink, alongside a plate piled high with mouth-watering meat. It was clear she was thrilled to have a well-off customer in her humble pub, typically frequented by common folk. Even her hazel eyes seemed to shimmer with dollar signs.

Thankfully, the body I've possessed seems to be loaded. He's got separate bags for copper, silver, and gold coins.

And talk about convenience – I'm up here on the second floor, away from the riffraff down below. The owner's even serving me herself, making me think I'm possibly an aristocrat.

But anyways, I need to gather some intel about this place, that's why I'm here. In the pub—the place where all sorts of talks circulate. And the one who was here every day: the bartender and owner herself.

"Thank you, Miss. Mind if I pick your brain a bit?" I asked, flashing my best innocent smile to put her at ease. Folks in her line of work are always a tad suspicious. To sweeten the deal, I added, "I'm a wanderer, fresh in town," slipping two shiny gold coins into her palm.

Seemingly convinced, or maybe just enticed by the gleam of gold, she chirped back, "Fire away, young sir. I might not look it, but I've got the lowdown on everything in this town." Confidence oozed from her as she tucked the coins away with a knowing tap.

Bless her money-loving heart, I didn't waste any time and went straight to the point. "Where am I?" I asked bluntly.

She gave me a puzzled look, then chuckled with a hint of playfulness. "Oh, my dear sir, can you not read? There's a big sign out front that says, 'The Ro—se—Lilith's Pub.'

She looked at me like I'm a walking contradiction—loaded with cash but lacking in the literacy department. Thankfully, she spared me the obvious reply, like, 'Uh, buddy, you're in a pub.' But hey, that name rings a bell.

"I'm still getting the hang of your written language," I explained with a shrug.

"Oh, but you've got a way with our language," she remarked, even more surprised.

Well, I guess I owe that to the system's magic. "I wasn't asking about the pub; I wanted to know the name of this town."

"Ah, this little spot is nestled in the far south of the Shavrim Empire. It goes by the name of Hewarava, ruled by a feudal lord who also happens to be the big shot at the Azura Guild, Shayn Graduza!"

As those words hit my ears, a sudden chill crept down my spine, and my heart started racing. The gravity of her words sank in, and I felt a surge of nervous energy. My muscles tensed as I asked, with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, "A-and who is the current ruler of the Shavrim Empire?"

The woman stared at me, clearly baffled by my ignorance. She glanced around cautiously, ensuring we were alone, before leaning in to whisper in my ear, "His name is not one to be spoken lightly. The current ruler of the Shavrim Empire goes by the name 'Albert Ushilla Lavionnia Shavrim.'"

As her words sank in, the wooden glass slipped from my fingers, crashing to the floor with a resounding thud. It felt like a bolt of lightning had struck me.

"Are you alright, young sir? You look as pale as a ghost."

My voice trembled as I asked again, "W-what's today's date?"

Now, she regarded me as if I'd lost my marbles. "Today is the 11th day of Spring, in the year of Xaother."

With every piece of evidence aligning, I'm now certain—I've landed smack dab in the world of my novel. That novel! 'Syntellizyor Way to Become Monarch: Kaiser's Era.' This is the town, this is the spot – The Ro-se, Lilith's pub in Hewarava!

The very place—the first setting—is where the protagonist, Kaiser embarks on his journey.

I hurriedly looked down below, scanning every seat in anticipation of his appearance. Just then, as the door rang, a young man in his early twenties entered. He was dressed entirely in black, from his flowing cloak to the intricate details of his clothes. His ebony hair cascaded gracefully over his shoulders, framing the handsome features of his face. The cold intensity of his obsidian eyes seemed to cast a chilling aura, as if his mere presence could envelop the entire area in frosty darkness. His presence commanded attention, and an undeniable aura of both beauty and aloofness surrounded him, making it clear that he was more than just an ordinary.

"I can't be wrong," I murmured, scrutinizing the beauty marked below his plump lips and the dark feather-like birthmark on his neck. "He's my protagonist, Kaiser Heinrich Syntellizyor."

I immediately ducked when our eyes met, as if he had heard me mention his name. "Why am I transmigrated here?" I anxiously thought.

The pub owner's expression reflected her worries as she gazed at me; her lips moved, but I couldn't hear what she said.

My ears strangely rang again as I caught my breath. This felt like déjà vu. The pain in my chest intensified, and I felt as though I were fading away.

Once more, a crimson monitor materialized, flashing a warning. It multiplied rapidly, engulfing my surroundings, until an ominous message filled the screen.

[Warning: You, The Author, are not allowed to meet Kaiser, The Protagonist. If you do, you will die.]

"What absurdity is this?"