
Returning To The Order Of The Apocalypse [Part 3]

Most Jinns who were born in Solterra came from the lineage of the Jinns and Majins who came from Gomorra. 

They were the ones who invaded the world of Solterra hundreds of years ago, and only a handful of people knew about the existence of the Main Planet of the Jinns and Majins.

Not many knew about this, and those who knew decided to keep it to themselves.

The reason?

Even if it was known by others, what could they do about it?

"How do you know that?" Zed inquired. "We're forbidden to talk about our origins, so it's impossible for someone like you to know about it. Even the Jinns and Majins from Solterra won't share such information—they simply can't because the ancient ones had sealed this memory from their heads."

"I know many things," Thirteen replied. "But I don't know everything. With your reaction, it's safe to say that you and the rest of your comrades are indeed from Gomorra."