

She had kept her dreams as her priority but her love and family had turned their backs on her but someone was there for her to held her hand in the dark but who knew that her dream would be crashed by those hand only. She was all broken because her dreams were also taken away from her. But again those hand held her and this time they even protected her and made her raise in the sky so that she can shine again.

bluerose_garden · Urban
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15 Chs

Work Load

"Can't you take a day off?" Ma asked and I looked up to her and shook my head.

"I have a meeting coming up for which I have to prepare the presentation and it has to be completed before the meeting and I have some work pending around in the office."

"We have raised you and now when it is your turn to pay us back you are refusing. I wanted you to have a day off so that you can take care of your brother but it seems like work is more important than your brother."

"Why do you sound as if I am someone's else's child and in exchange of raising me you have…"

"Don't talk nonsense." Her voice was so loud that it almost burst my ears. I had never really seen her raising her voice like that.

"Ma let di go away. I am not that injured that I need someone to take care of me." I looked at Arvind who was having trouble walking.

"He doesn't really look fine."

"Would you still not agree to take the holiday?" She gave me a glance which sent shivers into my spine.

I sighed.

"Do this as soon as possible and report it to me." Sonika told me and I nodded. After that day she had also started to concentrate on her work and now no one really complains about dumping her works on others.

"Will do that." I replied and she went away. I went through the file and entered them on the computer before I got their prints then I handed them to Sonika and then I went back to work over to the presentation. I have just started with the slide and it was already giving me headaches.

There were two reasons for that. Firstly I couldn't forget what had happened in the morning, thanks to my brother that I was able to make it to the office or I think my mother would have confined me in the house only and secondly this presentation. There are so many details and I have to put everything correctly.

It is not like that I haven't done any kind of presentation; it must be because this is the first time that I am handed with some important presentation.

'You can do it. Boss will check this at the end anyway.' I told myself and started off with the presentation and I didn't know that it was already lunch time if Tanvir would have knocked up on my desk.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in a slight irritating voice.

"It is lunchtime and you are supposed to have your lunch. Why are you still here?"

"I have work to do, so leave." He stood behind me and I looked at him. He was looking at my desktop as if he could understand every single thing.

"Did you also take your degree in fiancé along with mass media?" I asked him in a mocking tone and he looked at me.

"I don't understand those numbers." He said while rubbing the back of his neck. I just smirked in his way before turning my head to face the computer but I saw a face beside me. "But I know this." I looked at the computer and saw that he had saved my work. "Now you can come with me and your work won't be erased. So come and have something with me." He said while taking my hand and pulling me towards the company's cafeteria.

"One coffee please." I spoke.

"Seriously, after having lunch, you want to have coffee." Tanvir asked me and I gave him a look.

"It is my wish, why do you bother?" I told him.

"One cappuccino please." He spoke.

"Who is copying who?" I mocked him and he didn't say anything. We both bring out our coffee to the outside and stand against the railings. I sipped on my coffee.

"Do you know an international singer is going to do the front cover of our magazine?"

"I didn't know that. It sounds amazing."

"You know that he can speak five languages: Hindi, English, French, Korean and Spanish and he has composed his songs in every language and the fun fact is that he is about the same age as yours."

"Funny, at such an age we have a difference of sky and land." I sipped on my coffee once again.

"If something could have been possible then I would have taken you as the photographer but the company is already looking for the best photographer.

"You are saying as if I am the best photographer."

"Because you are." It gave me a creep feeling.

"Don't go overboard with your thoughts."

"I am not. I treat you as the best friend."

"When did we even agree to be best friends?"

"That hurt me." I gave him a playful punch on his elbow and after that I went towards my desk to progress with my work.

"There are some new rumors going on around. You know about that, Arushi?" I looked up to find my colleague Maya.

"What am I supposed to know?" I asked her.

"I had heard that this presentation on which you are currently working was supposed to be given to Urvashi but the manager decided to give it to you."

"What!?" She nodded.

"Be careful. Since that day it has been a bit cloudy around her desk." I looked over her desk and I could see those invisible clouds surrounding her desk. "Work hard on your presentation." After that I didn't dare to leave my desk but kept on looking at the desktop but wasn't able to write anything further because something inside me was making me feel guilty for Urvashi. I once again looked at her direction but seeing the employee reaction who had come to deliver her the papers, explained that she wasn't doing well.

I stood up and went towards the Manager's cabin. I knocked on the door but this time I didn't get any response. I knocked once again but once again he didn't respond.

"Are you looking for the boss?" I looked at his assistant and nodded in his way.

"Sir, won't be coming for two days. He is on leave."

"Did something happen?"

"I don't know but he was fine so I don't think he is sick. Maybe some personal reason." When he said the last two words, my mouth was automatically sealed. I didn't dare to ask anything further. "Oh yes, the boss also told me to tell you that if possible then wrap your work within two days."

"That is so soon."

"I don't know about that but he told me that only." I went back to my desk and started to do my presentation while my mind was also wondering with a question. 'Did he do this because I didn't accept his confession?'