

She had kept her dreams as her priority but her love and family had turned their backs on her but someone was there for her to held her hand in the dark but who knew that her dream would be crashed by those hand only. She was all broken because her dreams were also taken away from her. But again those hand held her and this time they even protected her and made her raise in the sky so that she can shine again.

bluerose_garden · Urban
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15 Chs

Opportunity and Longing

"Good morning, sir." After wishing him I went towards my seat. I don't want to face him at all. I am not in the mood to even see his face. I have had the urge to ignore him since yesterday. He had given me that shock which I haven't thought about in my wildest dream as well.

Today I had even planned that I would not come to the office but at home as well I wasn't feeling well just because of yesterday night. I had tried to call Megha but she is also not picking the phone.

'She must be angry with me.' I sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Are you planning to ignore me?" I looked up and found him and then I looked at my computer. "So, I am not wrong." He spoke. I kept on typing my work on the computer.

"Let's meet in our office and this is an order." His voice was firm and somewhat cold. After saying his final words, he went away to his office while I sighed and ran my hand in my hair before making my way towards his office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I entered the office and saw him going through the file.

"May I know why I am being called over here?" He closed his file and put it on the table with a thud sound and that sound was an obvious act which said that he is angry and he is not trying to hide it at all.

"Was I wrong somewhere last night?" I am quite impressed that he didn't go around the topic but went to it directly. He stood up from his seat and came towards me and stood a few inches away.

"You weren't, after all you have just told me how you feel but I am sorry that I can't return those feelings to you." I said while my head was facing the ground.

"Then let it be like that only." I was confused and looked at him. "If you don't like me then let it be like that, you don't have to ignore me, right? It is not like I am forcing my love on you, am I?" I shook my head. This was something that I didn't expect from him. "I like you and I want you to be happy but don't want to get ignored just because of my confession. Allow me to like you even though I know that they might never be returned." I was silent because whatever he had said, I wasn't having words to reply to them with.

"You can leave now." That was the best thing I could do at that time. I started to leave and my hand was on the door knob when I heard him again. "But that doesn't mean that I won't try to pursue you." I looked at him. "Whosoever you are in love with, I will make sure that I can drive out his love from his heart and make a place for myself in there." He was sounding like someone who is drunk in love but at the same time he is giving me a foreign feeling which is hard to describe with words. I came out from there and went towards my desk right away.

His words somehow made me blush which I am not liking at all. I reached towards my desk when I saw Tanvir was waiting at my desk.

"What are you doing over here?"

"I have to tell you something." He said before giving me the flier in my hand. I'll take a look at it.

"Isn't it the famous magazine 'Dive into New Horizon'? Why are you showing it to me?"

"See this." I looked at where he was pointing. It was saying that they are holding a competition for best photo and the first one can get the job in their company and the salary would be five times of what I am earning along with my Syria account.

"Why are you showing it to me? There are many talented people who can take up this job." I said while passing him the flier back.

"But isn't it better to take this job? Your photo shoot is very nice and this opportunity can make you famous."

"I am good with my current life."

"You should try to open up to a new life as well, Arushi." I rolled my eyes before I looked at him.

"This is the last time I am saying this. I am fine with whatever I am having."


"I don't think that you are really free today, or are you?" I asked him and at an instant he knew what was coming his way and he made a run at which I just smiled and started to do my work but my eyes went onto the flier which Tanvir had left behind. I took it and crumbled it into my hand.

No doubt that this is a great chance for me to shine but my parents won't allow me to shine. They are already very irritated with the fact that I am working this job and if I had to follow my dream of becoming a well known photographer then it has already happened with another identity. I don't want to ask for more.

'Dive into New Horizon' is a popular magazine which deals with nature and traveling photographs and a short article on them which is sort of what I am doing. Their magazine is read by so many people not just in India but also across the world that anybody who can make it in this magazine has already made a place in the world.

Offer is appealing but my heart is not ready to endure all those scolding and marriage words. I don't want to get married to anyone. I just want to confess to him so that this longing of mine can come to its end.

' Have you successfully chased your dream and become what you dreamt of? Do you still remember me? When are you coming back? I have been waiting for you for seven years. Can you help me in ending this waiting? ' I asked myself while looking at the ball of the flier and throwing it into the dustbin.