

She had kept her dreams as her priority but her love and family had turned their backs on her but someone was there for her to held her hand in the dark but who knew that her dream would be crashed by those hand only. She was all broken because her dreams were also taken away from her. But again those hand held her and this time they even protected her and made her raise in the sky so that she can shine again.

bluerose_garden · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
15 Chs

Dinner Invitation

I arranged the paper and put them on the table vertically while supporting it with my other hand and I tapped it on the table.

"Great, now that you are free. Send these papers to the manager." I looked at my senior who was applying lipstick on her lips. I shook my head and stood up. She always puts away her work on other people and never really does anything but takes the credit.

"Will do that." She looked at me and gave me a forced smile. I again shook my head before taking the papers in my hand.

You all must be wondering what I am doing right now? So I am basically a 9 to 5 employee on the weekdays and Syria on the weekend. After all, I still have to work which is the best cover for my parents but they don't even want me to do this. I sighed.

I knocked on the door and I entered after I heard the words come in. I placed the paper on his table.

"Where is Sonika?" He asked and looked at me. He had joined the company two months back and because he is highly skilled, he was able to take the job of the manager right away even when he looks a bit older than me. He is also handsome and has already become the crush of many girls.

"Am I not audible?" He asked and I came out from thoughts which were going far away from its track.

"I'm sorry sir, my mind drifted off." I said. "What were you asking?"

"Where is Sonika?" He asked.

"I don't know but she told me that she is busy and that is why she sent me over here." I told him a lie straight to his face without blinking and he kept looking at me with blank eyes as if he wanted me to continue.

"Ms. Bakshi, I know I have recently joined and you all must be doubting my talent but let me tell you, Sonika must have dumped her work on anyone else once again and even for the final round she didn't come but sent you." My lips were sealed at this point. What was I supposed to say also? He had caught it right. "I didn't seal your lips, did I?" I shook my head while he raised his eyebrow.

"No sir."

"Good, now take this away and ask her to redo this. If she again dumps this on anyone else then report me."

"Yes sir." I said and took the papers.

"And Ms. Bakshi, before you leave, from now on no need to take on others' work." He said.

"Yes sir." I came out of his cabin. I went towards my desk and Sonika's eyes landed on my hands which were holding the papers.

"Did you do something wrong that he returned it to you?" I shook my head and handed her all those papers.

"But he had asked me to tell you to do this paper all over again."

"Did you give me away?"

"She didn't but I will surely give you the way out of the company." I heard his voice before I could have spoken anything. Sonika was all in attention mode and her head low.

"Good morning sir."

"It is a really pleasant morning indeed that is why you are enjoying the day by giving your work to someone else." His voice was calm yet it was enough to send chills in Sonika's body.

"I won't be doing that again, sir. I am ashamed of my deed."

"That is great." After saying that he went away while another person came running towards me and before he could have said anything, he clasped both of my hands in his which made me a bit startled as well as confused.

"Arushi, please help me." I sighed. I kind of guessed what his words were going to be.

"What do you want my help with?"

"Today was the photoshoot and the photographer suddenly got the flu. We don't know who to go for and you have quite…." Before he could complete his sentence I put my palm on his mouth and signed him to keep quiet.

"I got what you want from me. I will help you." I pulled away my hand from his mouth and his face lightened up and it was becoming so bright that it was blinding my eyes.

"You are the best."

"Don't butter me if you really want to help me then call me. No need to come over here."

"Umm…aren't you Tanvir from the photoshoot section?" I heard Sonika's voice which made me roll my eyes.

"I didn't know that I am famous over here as well." He was having a smirk on his face while I playfully slapped on his forearm.

"No need to be proud of your beauty."

"How can she help you? It isn't like she will click the pictures."

"That is what I am taking away from her for." I again rolled my eyes.

"Can she do it?"

"Of course. Else why I would be taking her away from here."

"Let's go before I change my mind."

"That….I can't afford it." He said and started to go away while I started to walk away. It was purely a coincidence when he discovered that I have skills for clicking pictures.

I had a job in the photoshoot section and there I found the camera and whenever I see a camera, I always feel excited. I grabbed it and took some photos of the modal from the side and Tanvir, who is the head of that department noticed it and before I could delete them he saw each one of them. I thought I was going to be fired but instead he praised me and from then on we became good buddies.

"Here is your weapon, Photographer." I shook my head and gave him a small smile when he handed me the camera in my hand. I helped him with the photoshooting which took about two hours and there were about ten dresses with which the modal is photographed.

"They all are fantastic. Your photographs always put me in doubt about which one to choose."

"Choose anyone." I said while drinking the water.

"What can I do? They always put me in a dilemma."

"How about you choose this? This angle and the expression will be fitting for the product very well." I choked on my water when I heard his voice.

"You are so right, man." Tanvir agreed.

"Ms. Bakshi, slow down. No one wants to send your dead body to your house." I looked at him. Is he being sarcastic at this time?

"I will be going now." I said.

"Arushi." I stopped in my way when I heard Tanvir's voice.

"What?" He again held my hand.

"Thank you, Thank you so much." I took my hand from him.

"Alright, alright. Try not to grab my hand again and again." I said and came out from there and settled down on the desk and completed my rest of the work and when I got up from my desk, it was already past the office time and my phone was ringing continuously. My parents were calling me to whom I had answered that I will be working quite late today and I could hear that they weren't really happy with that.

I stood up from my seat and saw that Sonika was still working. I went over to her desk and saw that she was at the edge of crying .

"You haven't left?" I asked her and she looked at me with fierce eyes.

"No and I can't. I still have about thirty pages to complete and sir has asked me to complete them as soon as possible and the deadline is before he comes to office." I think that it will take about four to five more hours before she will be able to complete that. I also took about two to three days to complete these.

"You can do it. Bye" After saying that I came out from there and pressed for the elevator which came soon. I entered and after that I couldn't stop laughing.

She had got what she deserves. She would always go home early while leaving us with the pile of work and now she is working till this late while no one is around just lightens my mood.

"What makes Ms. Bakshi laughing so hard?" I again heard his voice and looked ahead and found my boss.

"Nothing sir."

"We are now out of office time, so you can address me as Raman. I am only twenty four. Being called sir outside as well would make me feel older." I can bet that my jaw was hitting the ground. He is just twenty-four. Are you kidding me? I had thought that he would at least be twenty seven or twenty eight. But he is just one year older than me.

"What's with the silence Ms. Bakshi?"

"There is nothing sir."

"I guess it will take time before you can address me with my name when we are not in the office."

"I guess so." We reached the ground floor and he went in another direction while I went towards the stand and was waiting for the bus when a car stopped in front of me. The window glass was down which revealed my boss.

"Want to go somewhere?"

"I can leave for that." He looked ahead and then looked at me.

"Come inside, let's have dinner. I have something to discuss with you." I am already running late and now my boss is inviting me to dinner to discuss something. I guess today I am going to face hell when I reach home but here I can't decline my boss as well.