

She had kept her dreams as her priority but her love and family had turned their backs on her but someone was there for her to held her hand in the dark but who knew that her dream would be crashed by those hand only. She was all broken because her dreams were also taken away from her. But again those hand held her and this time they even protected her and made her raise in the sky so that she can shine again.

bluerose_garden · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
15 Chs


"Why are you sitting like a statue? Why don't you order anything?" 'What am I supposed to order when everything on the menu just says that my pocket is going to be emptied even if I order a plate of salad.'

"If you are worried about the price then let me tell you that I am going to treat you."

"That is not necessary sir. It would be better that I go home and eat." I want to come out from there but my sir is so generous today that he is even offering to treat me.

"If you are out of options then let me help you." I wanted to stop him but it was already late when he called for the waiter and started to give the orders away and to my surprise there were even the dishes which I like.

Maybe it is a coincidence that he ordered those dishes.

"Sir, what do you want to discuss?" He looked around before his eyes landed on me.

"This is not a good place to discuss that." I was kind of confused. If this is not a good place then why did he bring me over here? My phone rang and it was from my friend.

"Excuse me." I stood up from there and he nodded in my way. I came out from the restaurant.

"What is wrong?" I asked her as soon as I picked up the phone.

"Where are you? Your parents are calling me and asking me about your whereabouts and when I told them that I didn't know they were ready to burst on me." I sighed.

"I am sorry for that."

"Don't be sorry instead of them. You haven't done anything wrong but they did. They don't even give you freedom. By the way, where are you?"

"I am having dinner with my boss." There was a pause for good minutes.

"What!!" Her voice literally busted my eardrums. "Are you serious?"

"I am." I looked at the restaurant and found sir who was looking at the waitress placing the food and then he looked at me before waving at me with a smile. I turned back as I was unable to digest his action. He is like a carefree person right now.


"He told me that he wants to discuss something with me."

"This is not less than a bomb that will be dropping on you soon."

"No doubt."

"Just finish it and quickly get out of there. Hold on, message me where you are and I will come and pick you up right away."

"It is quite far from your place. It will take about forty minutes before you can reach me."

"No problem. Just text me because I can't allow that boss of yours to drop you off as well." I shared my location with her and went inside and found that every dish was already served on the table.

"You could have started your meal.'

"I am the host today so how can I eat before my guest?" I have to admit that he is not only handsome but also polite. He is like those of Mr. Perfect whom girls dream and want to have in their life. "Go ahead and have your food. Cold food doesn't taste that good as the hot one." I came out from my thoughts and started to have the food and I have to say that it was delicious. I always roam around and eat food but I never really dared to go to an expensive restaurant as I feared that when I would come out from there then I would be penniless.

"How does it taste?"

"It is delicious."

"Glad you like it." It took about half an hour before we were able to finish the food and as if it wasn't enough, he also called out for dessert.

"Sir, that is enough."

"What's the fun if the sweet is not at the end." The dessert came sooner than I had expected and I tasted it. It was also delicious like the food. After having that the bill came which was much more than I had expected but he paid for that anyway. We came out from there and I stood before the gate. I had just received that Megha is only five minutes away.

"What are you doing? Why are you not leaving but standing over there? Come let me drop you off." I went a few steps back.

"About that I am sorry. If my parents came to know about this, they would be disappointed with me. My friend is on her way to pick me up."

"Umm no doubt that you parents won't like me dropping you off but I want to try." I was confused at his words and looked at him and he was so near me without any gap. I looked at him and he was also looking at me only.

"Do you still remember that we still have something to discuss?" That thing totally left my mind and now when he had mentioned it, I remembered it. "Shall we discuss that now?" I looked at him with confused eyes. Why does our conversation need so much closeness?

"What is it sir?" I tried to step back but he once again closed that gap and my back was already hitting the wall of the parking lot, so I had no more steps to step back.

"It is important so listen to me carefully." I nodded and he just smiled. He then stepped back by himself only and then went towards the outside and I followed him. I looked up and found the moon along with the stars.

"Today the moon is accompanied by so many stars."

"Yeah." I said while looking at the sky.

"I am kind of jealous." I looked at him.


"Because there are a lot of people who want to admire it but I want my moon just to shine in my sky."

"Isn't that kind of imprisonment?"

"I knew that you would think that only but if she would be shining in my sky then I would be rest assured that she is just mine. I don't want to imprison her but I want to cherish her."

"That is one weird way to explain things." He chuckled at that.

"Everyone wants their partner to only love them and that is what I mean by my words."

"Why are you telling me this sir?"

"Because I want you to become that moon in my life." I looked at him with a wide eye. "I like you." I was frozen over there only. It had never crossed my mind that he could have liked me. He kept on looking at me with his warm smile.

"I am sorry that I can't return your feelings." I walked away from there.

"Aren't you rejecting me way too fast?" I looked back at him.

"I am already in love with someone."

"That is bad." I walked forward but a car stopped in front of me and Megha was present.

"Hop on." I nodded and sat in her car and she drove away. I looked at my boss through the rear view mirror, he was still smiling and looking at this car.