

Yesterday was a rush, the football team had barely won by 7 points. Everyone cheered with excitement as the team got on their knees and prayed. Jazz and I put on a great routine for homecoming. Kenai was in the stands holding a sign with my name on it. Some of the decorations were falling off but it was the thought that counted. Student council and a couple of other people had to help clean the stands, football field, and concession. I decided to help Kenai with the trash on the stands when Jazz informed us surprising news. Turns out, me and Kenai have been nominated for homecoming king and queen.

We got into the car to drive to the diner for some late night snacking. I was having a blast because the diner played all the old jams. I felt like dancing most of the time but my leg was cramping, it was cold. We sat down when the waiter brought our food to the table. The waiter brought an extra plate and chair but none of us knew who it was for. A girl walked into the diner wearing a skin tight dress. She looked at us and waved at Kenai. I was utterly confused because I didn't know the person, nor did Kenai. She sat with us and was becoming friends with our group except for me.

At this point, she was getting on my last nerve. This girl laughed at all of Kenai's responses, touched his hand and even gave him a wink. I knew what she was doing so I went in. I grabbed Kenai's chin and kissed him for a minute. All she did was glare at me with her blue eyes.

Just as we were about to leave, she wanted Kenai's number but I stepped in front of her to stand my ground. She wouldn't take no for an answer so I told her to beat it.

She left.

Its Saturday! The homecoming dance is tonight which meant I needed a full beauty team to help me glam up. Jazz came over with dresses, shoes, jewelry, and makeup. My sister chose out a rose gold dress that had pearls on it. She also picked out a lingerie set for me because she said it would make me feel special. Jazz braided the front of my hair to the back, she curled it and put pearl pins in my hair to give it a nice touch.

We heard a ring at the door which meant Kenai was here to pick up me and Jazz. Dylan wanted to go with Jazz because we were friends. I was honored but I've never seen Jazz talk to Dylan, they hardly known each other. Before we left the house, my sister took pictures of all of us. She spoke with Kenai and gave me a wink, I should be scared, right?

The gym was crowded with girls and boys dressed in their fancy outfits. There were tables with voting sheets, as we sat down, Kenai grabbed all of them and voted for me and him. He stood up, stuck out his hand, gesturing me to come dance with him. The DJ was playing really cool songs but I needed to use the restroom. I came out of the restroom to see Kenai dancing with the girl from the diner. It looked like Kenai was enjoying it so I sat at our table upset. It got to the slow songs but Kenai was still dancing with her. At this point I was ready to cry. I decided to keep quiet until Jazz came over to comfort me.

Two hours had gone by and Kenai was nowhere to be seen. Jazz went up on stage to announce homecoming queen and king. She started with the queen first.

"Your homecoming queen is… Launa Quinton!"

I fixed my makeup, smoothed out my dress and headed up stage. When they had gotten done putting the crown on me, Jazz continued to announce homecoming king. I waited for Kenai to come up stage but someone had announced that he left.

Homecoming was over and Jazz ended up taking me home. I got out of the dress and laid down crying. I never wanted the thought of Kenai cheating on me to past my head. My eyes were puffy, my nose was red, and my heart was aching.

It was 3am when my phone went off. I sat up in my bed to see a message from an unknown number. I swiped my phone and my heart dropped. They were photos… of Kenai in bed… with the girl from the diner. I cried in pain when my sister barged into my room to see what was wrong. She picked up my phone and threw it before she hugged me. She called up Jazz and Dylan for them to come over.

My whole world… is completely shattered to the core. I cried more because the photos popped in my head like they were reminding me of something.

It was 8 in the morning when I heard the doorbell. My sister answered the door and walked towards the kitchen.

"Launa, there's a Brody here to see you."

Brody and I sat on the bed in my room listening to country music eating pizza. He told me stories about Greek goddesses and avengers. I felt better when Brody drew me a sketch of a cat that had duck feet.

Throughout the whole day my phone was off. Brody wondered why but I didn't want to tell him. Brody left the house because he had family issues to attend to. My sister ran me a bath with candles on the floor. I felt relaxed the entire time.

"I want to see Launa!"

I heard arguing down stairs from my room so I ran down and saw Kenai. I hurried up and ran to my room, I locked the door. My sister knocked on it a couple minutes later.

"He won't leave the porch. I think you should talk to him."

10 minutes later…

"I don't want to talk here Kenai."

"Can I take you somewhere else to talk?"

I didn't want to give in but I did. Kenai took me to his house and we were in his room. It was quiet until I spoke.

"What do you want Kenai?"

"You. I want you."

"Explain these."

I gave Kenai my phone and he looked at the photos.

"Launa, I was drugged. DJ took me to the hospital last night and they found drugs in my system. DJ thought he saw you leaving with me at homecoming but it was that girl. She offered me punch… don't take fruit punch from random girls. Launa I swear; we didn't have sex. I know this because… she messaged me saying, "I really wish we did it last night." I blocked her from my phone and when I had the strength to get up, I came straight here. I'm really sorry that I ruined homecoming."

Kenai looked sad and he began to cry. My heart ached seeing him cry even though I was ready to fight him. I gave Kenai a hug and continued to kiss him. I took off his shirt and kissed his chest. Kenai resisted from me.

"Kenai, I love you."

Kenai's body went on top of mine. We kissed passionately as clothes dropped on the floor, piece by piece. Kenai was at my lower abdomen, his lips pressed against my skin very lightly. He came back up and looked at me.

"Launa, are you sure you're ready?"

I pulled a condom out and handed it to Kenai. He looked shocked but he continued. Kenai was gentle when it came to such an intimate moment. He moved slowly until finally, I felt him inside of me. The pain began to fade away as he started to move in and out. I tried not to moan so loud but I couldn't help it. Kenai began to make faces as he moved, he grabbed my hands and put them above my head. He moved like waves, at a rhythm, everything was in sync. Kenai was getting tired so I rolled him over and started to ride him. I grabbed his hands and put them on my breast. I wanted to satisfy him in every way I could.

After we were done, we laid by each other. Kenai started a shower for us. We both got done, next thing we did was watch a movie. And let me just say, I let loose.