
Chapter 201: Away With You, Panic! Part 1

One night, in an otherwise peaceful part of Atlanta.

A red-haired lady walks slowly towards a convenience store.

She feels like she's being possessed by a ghost, and hesitates to even open the door.

The ghost in question is actually the ghost of anxiety, as she exhibits the usual signs of the condition in question.

Her body starts to shake.

She sweats profusely.

Her heart rate spikes.

Her fingers feel numb.

She feels like she will lose control as she awaits certain doom.

The thing called a panic attack is possessing this poor lady.

"Miss, can you please make way for me? I wanna enter the store."

Startled by the somewhat intimidating, but well-meant voice that certainly belongs to a middle-aged man, the woman suddenly collapses to the ground, her body still shaking vigorously from the anxiety she is feeling, unknowingly making way for the man to enter the store.