
Syn for me : Book 1

“My intention of course were not completely pure . I also felt the urge to destroy her entirely.” —————————————————- The malevolent and feared son of Lucifer, Syn Sinclaire , has embraced the fact that he will never feel things as everyone else does . He thrives on destruction and death and he is in line to take over hell after his father. That is until he meets the mysterious sister of his future bride ; and she make him question all the things he ever thought he knew about himself .

Ella5Ndolor · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The Only Way

Everyone in the room snapped their eyes to King Jonathan and dropped their jaws. The idea that Syn would be marrying this girl was almost laughable. Yet, despite what Syn would've thought, everyone was serious. Understanding when people were supposed to laugh was getting harder and harder as the complexities of emotions were revealed to him. Boring and confusing….complexities. Syn thought.

He kept a blank expression on his face and gave the King a death glare for wasting his time. "No." Syn said.

Julius interjected and ran his hand through his long white hair. "It's the only way, Syn. You're the only being we know with all the parts of the Underworld."

Syn jaw clenched as he listened to Julius words. The man hadn't spoken to him in years, yet he had the nerve to involve him in a plan to fix his problems. Syn fingers itched to snap together and watch the life drain from Julius eyes, but Syn resisted. I need him alive. For now. Syn thought.

Syn scoffed at Julius words and rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to do that. I couldn't careless what happens to your Kingdoms, to be quiet honest with you." This place has not been Syn home for over a decade. He couldn't careless if it succumbed to the horrors of war.

He had no intentions of helping a Kingdom that shunned and wished death upon him. If anything, he more also wanted to massacre every resident here than help them.

"Syn," Genesis spoke up, "we need this. This will eventually affect Hell as well if Heaven and the Underworld are against one another."

Turning his head away from his mother, Syn landed his eyes on the blonde girl next to Mia. He found her looking at him, and he studied her. Her straight blonde hair looked as though it had never been under strain. Her manicured nails and soft skin let him know she's never worked for anything. And her silence at her parents request told him he wanted nothing to do with her.

She looked banal, and by no means does Syn want a woman like her in his presence, let alone marry her.

Marriage, Love, or even commitment was never going to be something Syn would be interested in. The only commitment he had in life was to Hell and the people who followed him.

Xyla gave Syn a small smile, and He scowled at her. He was sure her smile had gotten her many things from people, but he would never be the type of man to fall to his knees over anyone. Especially not a woman like Xyla.

Syn watched surprise marinate her features at his expression, stunned that someone would dare look at royalty the was he just did. As she looked down at her hands, he could see her face morph into disappointment, and he sighed. Good. He thought.

"Goodbye," Syn said as he snapped his fingers, disappearing from their watchful gazes. He materialized himself in Hell and sat directly in front of Lucifer, his infuriating father.

Lucifer laid down the paper work he had in his hands and looked up at Syn with a sly smile.

"You knew," Syn said. He was peeved, yet he wasn't surprised. His father was a secretive man, and Lucifer was more inclined to let Syn find things out on his own than tell him. Syn found it annoying, but to Lucifer, it was amusing.

"Of course," Lucifer said as he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"Am not going to marry her," Syn stated.

"I cannot make you do anything, but I have a feeling you may change your mind when you learn my plans," Lucifer voice emitting a sing-song tune on the last few words as he crossed his arms and pushed away his desk. He drummed his fingers along the armrest of the chair in a taunting manner and Syn waited with his mouth shut, expecting Lucifer to tell him his supposed plan, but he reminded silent.

"Speak!" Syn grumbled.

"Oh, right. All these years we have been working to rule both Heaven and Hell. Of course, God has thwarted our plans on each attempt, but this time, he can't." Syn ears perked as he listened to what his father said, growing intrigued by the second. "If you marry the Angel, you will become King of Jeradua. After that, the only thing that stands between us and the throne in Heaven is her parents. Kill them; then you will become King of Heaven as well."

Eden, Syn wanted to correct him. It was the true city in Heaven where Xyla's parents ruled, but when Lucifer got his mind wrapped around a plan, it is best not to interrupt. That was unless you enjoyed listening to the rambling of a mad man.

Lucifer was the only person that could make himself right in any and every argument. You could be looking at a drop of blood and know with every fiber of your being that it was red, but within twenty minutes, he'd have convinced you the concept of blood didn't exist at all. You would ascribe that to his polished manipulation tactics as the devil, or the fact he never shut up, causing everyone to quit arguing with him before they'd even started.

Despite Lucifer missing a few steps, Syn nodded slowly as he thought about his father plan; which was beginning to sound more promising by the second. For years they had been fighting back and forth with Angels and fairies for power, this plan would put them directly above the Angels.

"Think of it as. Father and Son ruling the world," Lucifer said with a mischievous smile.

"And what about mother? She will definitely leave you if she find out your plans," Syn remarked.

Lucifer's confident exterior faltered for a moment before he shook his head. His mother Genesis, was always a soft spot for Lucifer, and she had made him stop his plans multiple times before. She found it endearing, but Syn found that it made Lucifer weak. How could you have the key to all the power in the universe in your hands, then throw it in a garden of chocolates and roses for someone you love?

Both Father and son would've already ruled all the realms by now if Lucifer hadn't stopped for Genesis.

"I will deal with her," Lucifer reckoned.

Syn didn't doubt His father words. No matter what happened or what His father did, his mother always seemed to forgive him. And watching that reconciliation was not only disgusting…it was stupid. It made Syn thankful that His father hadn't created him to be weak like everyone else.

Syn didn't want or need to feel emotions like happiness, love, or sadness. To him, they were just words. Words that had no meaning...or at least no meaning that he could grasp. The concepts were foreign to him, and he had accepted that. He wasn't interested in making himself vulnerable to anybody. The thought of divulging all his secrets and trust into a person nauseated him.

The door burst open, interrupting the father and son conversation, and making their heads snap towards it. When Syn saw who walked in, his head began to throb without warning, and his eyes rolled back to the furthest point in his head.

"Xavier," Lucifer said with a smirk.

Xavier greeted Lucifer and walked over to Syn, laying his hand down on Syn shoulder with unnecessary force, making Syn bury his nails in the wooden armrest, causing the wood to splinter and dig into his palm. He looked up at Xavier from where he was seated and bore witness to a grin on Xavier face directed down at him, making Syn want to shrink away from view.

"What do you want?" Syn muttered. Xavier had been gone for a month on business, and Syn didn't realize how much he had enjoyed the peace and quiet until he saw Xavier step through the door.

"I can't miss my best friend?" Xavier mused as he sat in the chair next to Syn. He knew that it made Syn uncomfortable when he called Syn his best friend, but he persisted. Syn didn't know another title for him, regardless. Not because it was true…but because he didn't want to waste his mind thinking of another word, when his time could be better spent doing anything else.

Xavier was a demon, and Syn met him when he moved to Hell at the age of ten. As they were the only children here, Xavier insisted on being Syn friend, but Syn rejected him countless times. Syn never had friends and he never wanted any since he preferred spending his time with the most reliable and independent person he knew. 'Himself.'

Syn avoided Xavier to the best of his ability, but Xavier annoyed his way into Syn life. And just like that, Xavier has been here ever since, like a parasite, stuck to Syn side regardless of the strain Syn put on Xavier to go away. As horrible and overbearing...not to mention clingy, as Xavier was and still is, he became tolerable to Syn over the years and was the only person Syn allowed to agitate and disrespect him on a daily basis. If Xavier were anyone else he would have been dead by now.

"I am not your best friend," Syn said as he shrugged Xavier hand off his shoulder.

Xavier chuckled at Syn words and sighed.

"I may not be yours, but you are mine."

Syn rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his Father, who was watching Syn and Xavier in amusement. "Syn is moving to Jeradua," Lucifer said calmly. Syn wasn't aware that he was moving, but he didn't resist the idea. They had a plan to follow through with.

Xavier sat up immediately, and his eyes darting between the father and son. "Wait! What? Why?"

Lucifer filled Xavier in on the entire plan, and Xavier leaned back, scoffing. "So you are leaving me." Xavier face had dropped, and he was looking down at his feet as he sulked in his spot.

Syn rolled his eyes at his sudden dramatization of what Xavier have to be doing and shook his head. "Don't be dramatic." Syn scolded Xavier. Xavier shook his head at Syn order and continued looking anywhere else except at Syn.

Lucifer looked between the both of them and leaned forward onto the table. From Syn experience with Lucifer, Syn prepared to hear some crazy or outlandish idea that would drive Syn insane.

"Xavier, you may go with him," Lucifer said as he gave Syn a sly grin. There it is. Syn thought.

"Absolutely not-," Syn began, but was interrupted when Xavier shot up from his chair, knocking it down, and began cheering.

"I'll go with you!" Xavier yelled as he pointed at Syn. Syn shut his lips into a thin line and glared at Lucifer, who appeared to be amused by Syn anger.

Lucifer looked up at an ecstatic Xavier and shook his head. "Make sure to keep him focused on the plan. But make sure he has fun," Lucifer said as he winked.

"He will definitely have fun," Xavier said as he let out a small maniacal laugh.

Syn grimaced as he thought of Xavier's idea of fun, and Syn knew this was going to be a torturous few months.

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