

Torn between the past and the present, Sybil doesn't know what the future holds for her. She is faced with difficulties as her past comes back to hunt her. Her destiny becomes intertwined with a dark Garnet prince, Azriel who will subject the world to captivity and misery. Unexpected events occur for Sybil who is left to choose between Love and fulfilling her destiny. But is left shattered by the ones she trusted. Azriel on the other hand is a strong and domenering being who will stop at nothing in acquiring what he desires.....even if it means destroying what is dear to him. He is a nightmare dressed like a daydream to Sybil.

Black_Miee · Fantasie
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12 Chs


Sybil got into the elevator. "What floor sir?" she asked him as her hand steadied itself on the button.

"First floor". Anthony replied nonchalantly. She pushed the button. The ride down was deafening as a pin could be dropped and one could tell where it was dropped on the ground.

During the ride Sybil didn't even glance at him or make small talk with him to kill the awkwardness in their midst. Finally the ride came to an end. As the elevator doors opened, murmurs erupted from different sections of offices and lips. He stared at them with arched eyebrows and steady eyes. Although his domenour remained the same it couldn't be said about how he was fuming with rage within. He glanced at her and her never weavering poker face still remained. It's was as if they weren't talking. At least not to her hearing.

Sybil walked passed them as if nothing mattered. They exited the building. He tried making small talks with her but decided against it.

"Where are you headed maybe I could drop you off on my way?" he asked as a matter of fact.

"Thanks but I'm waiting for someone" was her ever blunt reply.

"Hmm. Alright". he walked towards his car in the underground parking lot and waited to see who this 'someone' Is Sybil is waiting for.

He watched her intently as she waited. She got her phone from her pocket and pressed something on it. After what seemed like eternity a car suddenly pulled up in front of her. A Tesla? Who could this car belong to? he asked himself.

The figure got down from the car and he was glad it was her friend and not some rando stranger. He did wonder where they were going to. Not like he was against it or sort.

Her friend didn't dress like they were going anywhere fancy. She was dressed rather casually in a grey sweatpants and a white what do they call that again....a singlet? yeah..one of those. Complimented with a white Nike sneakers. Her friend sure likes to go all designers. Petty.

Sybil was pulled into a hug. But he couldn't see her expression but it seemed like her shoulders relaxed. That's a new expression of hers. Well new to him. They got into the car and

hit the road.

He started his engine and followed suit behind them. He wasn't tailing them or sort. He just wanted to know what she was up to this afternoon. Ok maybe he was tailing her.

Driving at a safe distance of three cars behind them he followed them steadily. Turning when need be. Her friend's car suddenly pulled up at a place called Darr's pastry. He wondered when this bakery was built. Has this neighborhood always been around? he asked himself. Since he came he had toured round the city to know everywhere but seemed like some places are unknown to people...even him.

This was fun. How he enjoyed the game of chase. It was the only activity that made him less burdened. His car was parked at a safe distance from the bakery. He waited in his car as if on standby anticipating when Sybil would exit. "Is everything ready?" he asked Neil over the phone after some minutes of waiting. 'Yes sir.' a faint reply was heard over the phone. 'What exactly do you plan to-' the call was cut of immediately he sighted her coming out. Her domenour had changed. Her friend rushed out calling out to her but she didn't respond or look back.

Did something happen in there? He watched Sybil walk along the sidewalk like a lost sheep. Deep in her own thoughts and world. He started his engine and followed her keeping a safe distance from them. She walked with no sense of direction and was heading for the highway. He sped to her side and honked. Thankfully she was pulled back to reality after the second honk. She was surprised to see him. Another new expression he'd notice of her.

"Get in." he told her and she wanted to retaliate but didn't. She complied almost immediately. He drove off not knowing where to go. Every now and then he would glance at her to see if she was still in a daze. He slid the car glass down and let the fresh air hit her face. She was immediately pulled in by the gushing air hitting her face. Her dark hair moved with the direction of the wind and a smile creeped into her lips. Is she purposely showing him new expressions of hers?

They drove through the highway and came to a stop at an ice cream stall. He decided to grab an ice cream for her to help calm her racing mind. After they bought their pastry that settled at a bench in the park for a rest.

"When it's just us can you call me by my name" he asked.

"Um...sure Mr. Anthony." she replied unsure.

"Mr?" He arched an eyebrow at her. A little smile curved up his lips as her brown face had flushes of red on it. Another new emotion.

"I thought you were the queen of poker faces masking your emotions to the outside world. I guess you are just like every other girl when they are with a handsome girl". he stated as a matter of fact. Sybil's hand halted in the air at his statement. 'What did he just say? I'm like every other girl?' her mind replayed his words over.

"Excuse me?" she asked as a vein popped at the side of her head.

"What I meant was your face flushed as you uttered my name and also when I made my request. What's that too much for a request?" he asked as a his lips curved into a smirk.

"I'll take my leave sir. I have things to do. Excuse me". She retorted as she snatched her bag ready to leave. "You know nothing about me and I would appreciate it if you'd keep your thoughts to yourself rather than saying it out. Especially when you are around me." She walked away leaving him dumfounded.

No one has ever spoken to him like that before or dare to even reply back when he spoke except he asked them to. Sybil on the other had made him astonished with her retort. The way her nose flared in rage and her eyes widened as she glared at him left him bewildered.

She was an interesting creature indeed and he wish to have her. He must have her.

Finally done with my exams and I hope I'll be able to update the chapters as efficient as possible.

Also don't forget to VOTE for me!!

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