
Swordsman's Eyes Across The Multiverse (Hiatus)

Michael dies and wishes to gain a system that allows him to gain points to unlock anime eye abilities. The Origin God granted it without truly thinking how broken some eyes may be. ________ It's my first piece so don't expect too much (Help me with the story. I wanna see how far it goes)

sleepymop · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

12. Fun (Ignore title)

Karma dived into swarm of he swung his sword at the every single ant that stood in his path. He had never felt such a rush of euphoria before.

He changed stance as he started using another technique, [Third Form: Flowing Dance] as he moved like water in between the ants. He didn't kill them, rather he disabled them. He wanted them to attract more ants, and that they did.

Karma had lost himself to all the new sensations he was feeling. He's heart rate increasing, his blood pumping, the way his blade torn through the bodies of the ants, the smell of blood in his nose, the ants writhing on the floor before vanishing. He loved every second of it.

Karma so focused on killing the ants that he didn't notice that his armor was torn, didn't notice the damage his body was gaining damage, he didn't even notice how he wasn't using any technique now. He just wanted to kill, kill until he was satisfied

[Skill Acquired: Carnage]

Karma didn't care about the notification as he continued killing, his swordplay becoming more refined, his body gaining more strength, he's pupils glowing an eerie red as a ruthless and sadistic smile stretched across his. He wanted more, he need more.




"MORE!!" screamed Karma as he began laughing psychotically. Soon he began slowly down as began assessing the situation around.

He noticed something approaching him, it was a war shadow. Karma wasn't it the right state of mind to question why the strongest monster on the 6th floor was here. His right eye spawned a flame that matched now red eyes.

Karma immediately ran after it at a speed that far surpassed his original. He quickly closed the gap and dodged the humanoid monster's claws before cutting off it's right arm before he jumped creating a distance between them. The War Shadow then struck with it's left arm, which Karma swiftly avoided by jumping over the War Shadow and before gripping the sword with both hands. [Eight Form: Waterfall Basin]. Karma proceeded to slice the War Shadow in half and smiled as it faded away.

He finally calmed down when he saw that there was nothing else moving towards him. His eyes regained their original colour and the smile on his face instantly vanished like it was never there in the first place. It was then that he noticed a crowd approaching and only noticed now that his vision was getting blurry.

He wanted to see who or what was approaching and see whether or not it was an enemy, but the exhaustion was catching up with him as his body started getting heavier. He couldn't relax without knowing who was coming.

[x1[FREE Eyes Coupon] used. Eyes gained: Byakugan]

Karma immediately used the eyes despite the pain he felt while they were integrating. He focused his vision on the figures, and it had to be some of the last people he had wanted to see in this world: The Loki Family.

After confirming who it was, Karma immediately passed out on the spot. But not before feeling some catch him before he hit the floor.


Karma woke up feeling a little confused. He slowly recalled what had happened before he passed out and calmed down. 'It seems like I overestimated my capabilities. I forgot to focus on [Total Concentration Breathing]' thought Karma. He could feel his body, but he couldn't move any part of it. He was about to start panicking before he heard above him. "Calm down, you just pushed yourself to hard. I'm sure you'll be back up in a jiffy."

Karma looked up to see the face of Tiona staring down at him. It was then that he felt something soft under his head and he put one and one together.

"Why...am I on your lap?"

"Hmm, does it not feel comfortable?"

"Well....no, but that's not the point."

"Then what is the problem?

"Never mind then, who are you?"

"My name is Tiona Hiryute. You can call me Tiona. You seem very interesting."

"I'm Karma. Why would you think I am?"

"I watched your fight." said Tiona with a grin on her face.

"I see." was all Karma said before he closed his eyes again and enjoying the lap pillow.

"By the way, what's wrong with your eyes?"



(How long would an expedition to the the 50th floor last)

Even I don't know?

sleepymopcreators' thoughts