
Just who is he?

(I need to find an apartment I'm freaking tired, luckily I escape as soon as I defeated that huge rock monster if I cause a commotion there it will a huge problem to get out)

After several hours of finding, buying and preparing.

"Thank you landlord I'll take care of this house" Zeke smiled and wave to the old woman outside.

"And take care of yourself ok? keep in your room in night time cause there's too many bad guys in our town "the old woman smiled and walked away.

The apartment had one room, 1kitchen and one comfort room he bought everthing he needed including phone, refrigerator, flatscreen tv etc.

"Yes mam " smiled and quickly go to his latest computer and start installing the latest games he bought.

After playing some games for five hours.

"Ok I'm back in my old self HAHAHA" Laugh excessively even though this is the first time he win normal game in League Of Legends.

[Handsomeman: You noob we almost lose because of you]

[Kingofshits: Please quit League of Legends]

[TheLegend: Freaking noob report him]

"Hmmph noobs. You win because of me" Zeke said to himself and didn't bother them he just log out and sleep.


The alarm clock in his phone rings" It is morning already? my god why should I have an alarm when I really won't do anything" Zeke turn off the alarm clock and ready to sleep again but suddenly heard some groups from the outside.

"Is this all money you have? I know you're hiding more " A bald sturdy man and his subordinates looked fierce.

"We already give you all the money we have please let us go." The man in the other group replied frightened.

The group with bald sturdy man has four members and all of them had sturdy build and the other group has six members their body had a normal build seems group of friends.

"Give me all your money son of bitches!" The bald sturdy man before shouted and enraged.

"I said we have no more money here!" The man at the other group also shouted.

The bald sturdy man hit his face and then kicked his stomach, the man flied away for atleast five meters.

"If you shout at me again I'll pull out all of your teeth" then looked at the man slumped in the floor coughing out blood and spit out couple of tooth.

"Hey could you please turn it down a little? someone is sleeping here ok!? " Zeke opened his window and shouted outside he seemed piss a little.

The group of normal build guys stared at Zeke ( Is he wishing to die? ) the guys had the same thoughts about Zeke.

"You dare to shout at us? Don't you know who you're shouting with?" the bald sturdy man looked at the guy in the window.

"No I just lived here recently, Do I have to know you guys? " Zeke looked around and saw the man slumped in the ground looking at him pitifully

"Why you're fighting here? why do you have to beat him turning into that state? Don't you have any mercy? " Zeke feel sorry for that guy because of his pitiful state.

"So what? I'm the leader of black scorpion gang and we reigned in this town by the way we robbed them it just happened that they didn't give all of their money so we beat him and since you're here give me all of your money as well HAHAHA" the bald sturdy man laughed as well as his subordinates since he didn't know them it's time to introduce themselves.

"So that's it" Zeke looked at the normal guys group, " Do you want to get your money back?"

The group thought about so many things but the one man said with shakily voice " Ye ye yes"

Zeke walk towards the sturdy group and end up staring at the bald sturdy man, the height of the sturdy man was 6 foot tall while Zeke himself was 5'8 so he's looking up slightly.

"What now? you're trying to beat us? HAHAHA so cocky huh? then try this" The bald sturdy man use all of his strength to this punch and it's speed is the same as a jab. The sturdy man group was astonished as expected of their leader.

Zeke right hand thumb touch his pinky finger forming like he's going to flick the man with his pinky finger

Zeke dodged the attack of the man and flick his pinky finger in his chest. The man stopped and suddenly slumped on to the ground, the subordinates of the bald man walk to their boss and confuse (what did he do?)

"Give all of their money and I'll let you go" Zeke look at the remaining sturdy men and released his killing intent he got after he killed trillions of species around the universe. The surroundings get dark red seems like it is the underworld. It is only 0.1% of his killing intent he didn't intend to kill them just because they robbed someone but because he didn't want this guys to be continuously be bad so he just scared them a bit.

All the eyes of the sturdy men became white as if they we're possessed by unknown but literally they were just terrified that they never experienced in their life, the other group seems confuse to what happened to this men because Zeke only focus his killing intent to the baldy man's group and they didn't saw the dark red surroundings and his killing intent.

"Yes" said the three sturdy men in unison.

After they gave their money they also gave some of their money for medical expenses to the one who got beaten by their leader. They were like puppets moving by itself some of the other group get frightened but didn't refuse to took the money.

"All of you just go and tell the police what happened" Zeke said and entered at his apartment.

"What if they run away?" One of the man's group asked.

"Don't worry they'll not!" Zeke said inside his apartment and added "Also don't tell the police what I did ok? just think of it as a request" Zeke get to his bed and started to sleep.

The group are confuse they're not going to run? how are you sure about that? and suddenly the three sturdy man fall into the ground all together and fell unconcious.

The group became terrified, just what the hell happened? "Just who is he?" the group ran so fast and called the police.

From a tall building 5 kilometers a far there are a two middle aged man saw everything that happened.

"He's still young but he achieved a level like that, just who is he?" The middle aged man with a white long beard said in disbelief.

"Strong, too strong" The other middle aged man with a black hair with a short black beard said with astonishment.

They still locked their sights inside the apartment and saw Zeke sleeping they still thinking why this kid is too strong.

"Such a rude old geezers" Zeke opened his eye and his eye became dark red and it seems became a dark dragon's eye.

The middle aged men sweated instantly and became terrified and run with all of their might.

"Just who is he? He had the Ancient bloodline of the dark dragon? I thought that beast had long been killed? did we perhaps guessed it wrong?" The middle aged man with a black beard said with disbelief and still terrified.

"No the eyes of the dark dragon is one of a kind it's been 5 years since then right?" the old man with a white long beard said and the terrified look of him became lessen and started reminiscing 5 years before.

"Yeah 5 years haha"

"By the way he had it, dont tell me he is that man who fought for us?"

"Of course you only get the bloodline of the monster once you killed it "

"I never thought he's this young haha"

"Haha yes I never thought that our hero would be this young haha"

The dark dragon was the one who wrecked and destroy the balance of the earth 5 years ago, countless powerful person joined and formed an alliance but they all lost miserably, and then a man with a black modern robe suddenly showed up in front when the dark dragon unleashed it's most powerful strike that could destroy the world. The man with a robe opened his right hand and a sword suddenly formed, the sword looks like a katana and the blade had inscribed with an ancient patterns. The patterns glow dark red and unleashed a dark aura leaking from the sword, and all of the expert in the area that time will never forget the name of the skill that save the whole mankind.

"ANNIHILATION" when the man with a robe said that only word the atmosphere within 100 meters around the man suddenly became stiff something is gathering they couldn't explain. Only one person could explain what happened at that time it is the most smartest person in the world and also the strongest.

"Kai what is happening?" the other experts couldn't hold their curiousness and asked Kai what happened.

"He, he created a blackhole within that range" Kai shivering and couldn't believe what he saw and added at the end " And it's 10x stronger than original black hole"

"What!?" The expert couldn't hold their fear and became terrified when they heard from Kai but before they say something Kai just added (It's 10x stronger than original black hole) it is beyond terrifying.

It is 1pm and before they fight the monster they can still the broad daylight but when the slash of that man hitted the dark red beam from the dragon it devoured the beam and eventually devoured the dragon and devoured the sky itself they saw that even the sky couldn't escape to his skill, the sky became dark they saw stars clearly than ever in their lives it stays in this state in 10 seconds but the sky slowly turning into blue again but as they noticed the man with the black robe disappeared.