
Swords and Socery

"I swear on my secret porno collection that I WILL kill this shity goddess!" This Novel is about a Boy named Kay Korusugly who get's summoned into another world and get's thrown in a Dungeon because the goddess said he is to weak... He'll get out of the Dungeon and will get stronger, but can he kill the goddess or is he going to die? Well see it for yourself!

madretzl · Fantasie
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3 Chs

I got Isekai'd....wait what?

I was just a normal boy named Kay, well until recently. My Story began as I was going to school like always.

When I was in my classroom suddenly Paul came to my seat. He is a good friend of my.

"hey Kay, what's up?!", he said with a big smile. "You're late today did something happend or did you just overslept?" He asked me with a bored and sleepy face.

As I wanted to answer him suddenly the teacher came in the class so I had to answer him in the next Break. After school on my way home I saw a kid that was going over the street as Out of nowhere a car (no it's not truck-kun, it was a Porsche XD) came so fast that everything happend in just a second I tried to rescue him and the kid survived with a big injury but I.....died.

Everyone who thought now that's the end of this story.... then you're wrong it's Just the begin!

when I opend my eyes I saw a really beautiful Women, she was soo beautiful that you could think she is a goddess and well SHE is a goddess and everything in the room I was summoned to looked expensive It looked like I was summoned in a Castle and there was even a King.

"welcome to my world I am the goddess Lydia and thou are summoned to rescue this world that is in the claw of the evil because thou are the hero.... wait what you're only Level 1.. LEVEL 1?!! ".

Then said someone from the Kings guard that I could see my own Stats when I say Status.


Name: Kay Korusugly

Species: Human

Occupation: None

Occupation Level: None

Level: 01

Health (HP): 10/10

Magic (MP): 5/5











Strength: 4

Defense: 4

Agility: 12


SP: 05 |



"wait what, I am this weak the only thing from my stats that is acceptable is my Agility and what does occupation mean to begin with? I even have some odd titel" was what I thought.

"I guess I have to summon a new hero you little piece of Shit!" said the goddess with a sigh.

before I knew it I was already in a big dark room "it's most likely a Dungeon what should I d..."


"Shit what was that, fuck.... is..is tha..that A FUCKING DRAGON, okay Shit I have to go I have to go Bye Bye Dragon-san..... Run!!"

I ran as fastest as possible "shit, Shit, SHIT!! That fucking annoying shity fake goddess, she wasn't even that hot.. If I ever can.... If I can ever escape this dungeon, I'll swear by my secret porno collection that I'll kill this shity goddess!!!"

"Huch huch huch Shit I can't anymore ah there is a Cliff If I can survive a jump from it then I could get away from the Dragon"





"ouch that hurt as hell!! but the shity Dragon is not there anymore, puh I'm lucky" was what I said with sweat on my forehead.

"It seems like I survived but how do I get out of this hell? First things first how do I even use magic? In my status was written that I could use magic but how do I do that?" was what I thought but at that moment crossed the thought that this whole System is like a game so maybe I could get magic in some sort of menu or something like that, then I said



| [SKILLS] |


| [MAGIC] |


"Oh ho it's really like a game hehe so let's klick on Magic first"


"huch nothing is happening... what If say Magic..."



| [Fireball] | uses 2 MP | Cost: 2SP |


| [Water Cutter] | uses 5MP | Cost: 4SP |


"Okay I can only get one of these I think I'll go with [Fireball]"

______________System Alart____________

| [Fireball] acquired |


"nice then let's try it out"


"huch nothing is happening why the fucking Shit is nothing happening again man I hate my shity life... FUCK!! Ok now I'll try the command Skill"



| [Mana concentration] | Cost: 2SP |


"only one Skill well maybe I could perform [Fireball] with this..."

* [Fireball] *

A big red Fireball appeared in my Hand and after I threw it there was a big Explosion like I threw a hand grenade.

"HOLY SHIT...no not holy I hate this shity goddess and everything holy so DEVIL'S SHIT!! it's magic MAGIC!...fuuuck lol hehehe"

"okay it's time to train I guess.."


but this will be continued in the next Chapter..... sorry for my bad English.