
Sword of Fate: The Holy Grail War in Aincrad

Emiya Shirou is a young man who dreams of becoming a hero of justice. He finds himself in the middle of a secret war for the Holy Grail, a powerful artifact that can grant any wish. He is a sword, shaped by a tragic past and a burning desire to save others. He expects to summon a mighty blade as his servant, a partner in the war. But instead, he summons a mysterious swordsman in black, who claims to be a Saber. A sword cannot change its nature, but it can learn from its wielder. Together, they will face their enemies and their own fates…

sKyarcsc · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

Sword of Fate | Chapter 38

It was a mockery. Excaliber, the Holy Sword Cutting All of Steel and Tree. Not the blade of King Arthur, but an imitation based off the portion of its legend entailing the blade's ability to sever swords of lesser make and combining portions of the tale with that of Gram, the sword of Sigurd.

A fake, worse than the blades that Archer wielded.

But the blasphemy didn't end there. Somehow, whether through the whim of the Holy Grail or some other intervention, the fake blade was raised to the same level as the Sword of Promised Victory that his Saber had wielded.

If he stopped to think about it, Archer would have noted that it was strange. The sword that Kirito wielded was not a Noble Phantasm, but the nature of it was similar. A bound illusion, a phantasm created of images that didn't exist in reality, yet shared the accumulated memories that was inherent of a Noble Phantasm. It was similar to the manner in which he created his own blades, but different in its execution.

But the crimson Servant didn't hesitate. The moment that Kirito appeared, he activated the trump card that would end the battle and seal the fake Saber's death.

"Fly, barbed spear that pierces with death! Gae Bolg!"

The lance turned arrow flew an impossible path, appearing before Kirito in an instant to pierce the black swordsman's heart.


It was an attack on destiny itself. A thrust that was only a step away from the Authority of gods, ensuring the death of the target by piercing the heart the moment its name was called. The result of piercing the heart is created earlier than the cause, which is generated later.

It couldn't be dodged. It couldn't be stopped. It couldn't be deflected.

Kirito knew that the moment he heard Archer say its name.


...that was only in the case of the true weapon.

The black swordsman had realized the nature of Archer's blades the moment he shattered the first. An intuitive understanding only from continued exposure to weapons of all shapes and designs, and through clashing against them enough to know in an instant their weak spots.

He had faced that crimson spear before and acknowledged its presence as well as its danger. The one Archer held was a fake, an entire tier below the one he faced. It wasn't on par with a 'divine instrument', the greatest of the great like Lancer's had been.

It was still exceptional, of a quality that no blade crafted by man could reach, and possessed the same ability, form, and design, but it wouldn't reach the original it was modeled after.

Destiny was inverted as the traced Gae Bolg flew to end Kirito's life.

Reflexes and a determination strong enough to defy the Authority of a world's god fired, and the enhanced Excaliber clashed with the traced Gae Bolg.

A contradiction.

The spear was to pierce the heart first, in all cases, and the method the spear did so would follow that result.

But if the method was an impossible outcome in the first case, then the result could not resolve.

Excaliber would shatter the replicated Gae Bolg without fail in every scenario, as Kirito's knowledge of weapon weaknesses allowed him to do so and the reflexes he had would ensure that the outcome would end up as 'Gae Bolg was broken before it could strike'.

Yet, the concept of 'the heart of the opponent has been pierced' was created before the method, so it should resolve in his death even in that scenario if Gae Bolg was used. Against Lancer, that outcome was absolute, even if the weapon was broken as the slightest remnant would still be capable of piercing the heart.

It was fortunate then that the current wielder was a fake.

Kirito felt the world jerk, similar to when Heathcliff had used the System Over assist back in Aincrad to avoid his strike. It was like the world had frozen, and he was unable to move, with the crimson lance rushing towards him the only free element in this timeless reality.

Yet, Excaliber carved through the air, intercepting the lance that would without a doubt pierce his heart.

His vision filled with red as an infinite number of scenarios played out, cycling through the methods that would lead to the result.

It resolved by the crimson spear shattering in a splash of light, similar to the effects of broken weapons Kirito was used to.

For a fraction of a second, Archer was stunned, unable to believe the impossible attack had been thwarted.

Too long.

Kirito closed the remaining ten meters, leaping up to slash at Archer with his blades.


Archer dropped to the ground, narrowly avoiding Kirito's attack.

He didn't understand how the fake Saber had managed to prevent Gae Bolg, but Archer knew his initiative was lost.


He was used to fighting foes stronger and faster than himself, and this was no exception. Tracing Kanshou and Bakuya, he prepared to put an end to the fake hero in front of him.

Analyzing the fake Saber's fighting style, his tendencies, attack patterns, a counter plan for the next dozen moves were set as he opened his stance.


Shirou greeted the twin-tailed magus standing at the fence overlooking the edge of the school roof.

"Oh, Emiya-kun."

A polite response by the perfect idol.

Of course, that attitude was a fake.

He closed the door behind him and approached Rin, though he remained on guard for any deceptions or signs of aggression.

Rin laughed. "My, my. All I want to do is talk, Emiya-kun. You don't need to act so tense around me."

"Of course I do. You're a Master, and swore to be my enemy."

Shirou set down his food, waiting for Rin to make the next move.

Her gaze sharpened, scrutinizing Shirou. "...I see."

But, in the next instant, it was gone, replaced by a smile. "And here I was thinking that you were hopeless. Maybe you might survive the war after all."

Without waiting for Shirou to respond, she walked over to the water tower.

It was an isolated area, and no one could see them there.

For a second, Shirou considered leaving since Rin was the better magus and surely had dozens of ways to incapacitate him without a struggle.

Rin sat down and began setting up her food. "Oh? What are you waiting for, Emiya-kun?"


Shirou followed, his food in his hands.

Even Rin wouldn't consider attacking him in broad daylight. That was a silly thought.

The two Masters sat down across from each other and began eating.

Rin noticed the extra food Shirou brought and tilted her head. "Emiya-kun, are you that hungry? I understand that men eat a lot, but with that much food even someone like you will gain weight."




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