
Chapter 261 – Returnal Point

As soon as the five of them reached the entrance, they heard a commotion. 

When they turned the last corner, they saw what the commotion was about.

Trash Birds.

There were three Trash Birds pushing each other away from the hole that Shang had created in the wall, while there were even more looking nervously down from the hole at the top.

Obviously, they had smelled the corpse of the Mid Adept, and they wanted to eat it more than anything.

"Idiots," Soran commented. "They don't have the capabilities to leave the Caves as soon as they enter. Yet, for a corpse, they decided to throw their lives away."

The group looked at the Trash Birds for a bit before entering the cave.

One of the Trash Birds quickly noticed them and squawked. 

The other Trash Birds immediately turned to the humans.