

Leader Brookstar--A brown tom with blue eyes and a shredded ear

Apprentice, troutpaw

Deputy Briarspots--A dark brown she-cat with heather eyes

Medicine cat Silversnow--A white and silver she-cat with blue eyes

Warriors (toms and she-cats without kits)

Snowshade--A white tom with gray and white spots and green eyes

Stormblaze--A gray and ginger she-cat with amber eyes

Icestorm--A white and light gray she-cat with amber eyes

Springclaw--A yellow tom with heather eyes and right eye missing

Foxscar--a dark red tom with amber eyes and a huge scar down his side

Flamespots--a dark ginger she-cat with amber eyes

Tawnyfur--a calico she-cat with heather eyes

Rowanear-- a dark brown tom with blue eyes and a shredded ear

Apprentices (cats 6 moons and older training to be warriors)

Queens (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Moonpelt--A grey she-cat with

elders (former warriors or queens retired)