
Grammy Sweet hugs

"Madam Lizou, miss Elaine has arrived"

"Very well prepare tea and some of her favorite treats, something is troubling my Little Elaine"

"yes Madam Lizou right away, shall I bring out the photographs too?"

"If you'd be so kind Weini, yes bring the Photographs"

Upon orders Weini left to do her task. Sigh, I have never heard her this upset before. Since Elaine was a little girl she never showed that upset tone to me. She is strong-willed and quite stubborn so this is quite new.

" Grammy?... I'm back, I am very sorry that I didn't go home last night." Oh, my sweet Elaine.

" Sweety, what is the problem? tell me grammy will help you" extending my hand and gesturing for her to seat the opposite chair in front of me.

" Well as I have said on the phone call...*gulp* it is about Gio, I would like to cancel the engagement wedding," she said bowing her head.

" What could have been the reason, my love?! I thought you were in love?"

"I am grammy but not until I found out what he and Gai had done behind my back!" shouting like that, I could hear her heart shattering with her voice. And her tears slowly slid down her cheeks.

"I am sorry Grammy I didn't mean to shout, I am very sorry grammy" this display is breaking my heart.

Thankfully Weini came in with the things I had tasked her to bring. Nodding an approval for her to take her to leave ai faced, my Granddaughter.

" Elaine, what happened? tell Grammy"

"I saw them acting intimately. I thought Gio would retaliate to Gai's touch but his action shocked me he was happy"

" I caught them cheating on me Grammy, it hurts and for the first time I used my flight mode than fight"

this shocked me never had she mastered flight without a fight. She must really be hurt to just walk away.

" come here, Elaine. I shall tell you a story using this old Photographs"

seated now besides me she overlooked to the photo album I held.

" once there a girl named Lizou she was timid and kind she fell in love with her friend Gozua. She always looked forward to seeing him every day even then if she was already 18" seeing the admiration in Elaine's eyes made me go on even this story will break my heart once more 60 years ago.

" But one day her parents sealed her life with a pair, Philip. She cried and cried for days hoping that Gozua will save her"

"He did one day they left that town to another town and they held each other as their lifeline, they were so happy and taught each other new kinds of stuff. He taught her arts, she gave him a gift. But that gift he never knew now."

"Their happiness was cut short when Lizou's parents found them and took her away. She was forced to marry Philip that day. and also that day cane Gozua at her parents' doorstep demanding them to give her back to his arms"

" three days came to the tragedy of her life. After three days of Gozua trying to take her back, he never came back. She was broken and still waiting for him. The news was then delivered that a dead body of a man named Li Gozua was found tied and thrown to the river. She wished that it was just a dream. She screamed and trashed the house. Her parents could not do anything to stop her fit. They knew nothing about it. They just complied to her desire to see his body. and there he was laying on the metal bed covered with a white clothe only letting his face be shown. He was pale and blue. She hugged his frozen body and wailed. " I never got to tell you my gift why did you leave me... you were supposed to be still here to raise our child" her parents were dumbstruck and realized their mistake they had just left their grandchild fatherless

they found out that it was Philip who murdered him. So as repentance they removed his name of their daughter and let her take the last name of Gozua. But Lizou was not the same she stopped talking and never wanted them near her.

she had gone through a tough pregnancy.

After several months there came her and Gozua's child to the world. Her salvation her Angel, her Lilia. She looks so much like her father Giang Gozua. And her parents were shocked that after for so long their daughter sang. she sang a lonesome song while crying his name introducing her child to the world and her to him. And now Lizou has another treasure. She grandchildren that were born of her baby Lilia. Lilia gave her a happy family to care for. And the special one is her granddaughter whom that resembles all the aspects of her deceased lover. His bravery, his looks, artistry, wits, and all she can remember of him"

"Now you see Elaine that is why you never knew your grandfather because he was unfairly taken away from us. I can still feel his touch, feel his love and hear his voice with me. And that is why I will not stop you from your decision, I do not want you to suffer as I did before. I want you to find your path."

suddenly Elaine embraced me sobbing

"Oh Grammy !!! I love you so much and grandfather." smiling down on her I gave her the sweetest and warmest hug I can give her.

" Grammy I love you please don't leave me."

"How can I leave you when you haven't yet finished your tea" (laughing now they talked and bonded all day)

seeing Elaine laugh and smile reminds me so much of you Gozua I hope you are ok wherever you are.

" Grammy... you give the sweetest hugs" that is the smile will forever be with me, my love.

" Dear stop flattering your Grandmother. And eat your treats I know they are your favorites.

And I know soon she will be able to find someone like you Gozua.

I am saying sorry in advance if I cannot update chapters. It is because I have so little amount of time to write. busy with school.

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