

  I blinked my heavy eyes as I opened it to find everywhere blur, I rubbed my eyes to clear the smudgy view as I turned my eyes to see a doctor and Edde discussing in whispers, I tried sitting up as my headache hard I winced in pains holding my head as I sat up.

  "Hi Mrs Loxley, You're finally awake, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked in a smile as I nodded my head slowly.

  "I am fine, just feeling slight aches in my head" I said in my very unclear low voice.

  "Don't worry you will be fine, I have discussed with your husband about your antenatal care schedule and don't worry we will make sure you're not stressed out during these times" She said, making me wanna puke on referring to Edde as my husband.

  The monster with long horns…

  "And please be careful when next you're climbing the stairs in order not to fall and pass out again" the doctor said as I turned swiftly to Edde whose eyes were fixed on his phone, what kinda lie was that!

  "Alright, thank you doctor"