
You Wouldn’t Die, Would you?

Adeline stiffened instantly, the door shutting behind her as Yuri took his leave.

"C-Caesar." Her lips trembled, her eyes shifting to the bandage wrapped around the lower part of his head.

She could see the one peeking out of his neck and instantly knew that the whole of his upper body was bandaged, meaning he sustained more wounds than she'd thought.

"Come," Caesar drew slowly. "Come sit here." He tapped his lap and dropped the documents he held.

Adeline's heart was pounding right out of her chest to the extent that she could hear it.

At first, her body moved, and she took steps towards him. But Caesar was met with utter surprise as she suddenly picked up her pace, jumping into his arms and tightly hugging him. It was as if she hadn't expected to meet him there alive.